Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2942 I think maybe this is the answer

"Malashenko, tell me that you have a winning chance, and that the motherland and countless comrades are waiting for your good news.

There is no need to guess too much. At this time, there is only one person who can call Malashenko's forward command post with a dedicated phone call and start asking Malashenko how far he is from victory. After much thinking, there is only one person.

"Reporting to Comrade Marshal, I have ordered to organize multiple commando teams to launch the final charge. The sharp knife troops have now broken through the enemy's defense on the second floor of the Capitol Building and are advancing to the third floor."

"It is expected that in about an hour, at most more than an hour! We will be able to take complete control of the Capitol, and the victory flag you personally awarded to our department will be able to fly above the Nazis' evil heart that has stopped beating! I express my gratitude to You guarantee it!”

Malashenko is not a person who likes to talk too much. Talking too much easily will only cut off his own retreat. This is contrary to the life wisdom of "leave yourself room for maneuver at all times" and is not a good person. What a smart person should do.

However, there are exceptions to everything, including what happens to people like Malashenko.

Before being a "smart man", Malashenko also had another identity that existed at the same time and had a higher priority: that of a soldier.

Ever since something called "military order" was invented by human wisdom, as a soldier, sometimes you have to speak your mind and make an oath. Soldiers always have tasks that soldiers must complete. This is true at any time. will change.

"That's not fast enough, Malashenko."


Malashenko, who thought he had told the time quite quickly, really didn't expect Comrade Lao Zhu's demands to be even higher when he heard this. He didn't know what to say for a while, but he heard the voice on the other end of the phone. Zhukov was still talking to himself.

"If you can put the victory flag on top of the Capitol within an hour, within an hour."

"Then I will personally draft an honor application for you. You will be eligible to receive the third Hero of the Soviet Union award, and you will also have one more honor in the title of Leader Division. You deserve all of this. But the premise is that you Lead your troops to create miracles."

That’s not to say that if Malashenko didn’t storm down the Capitol within an hour, he wouldn’t be eligible for the third Hero of the Soviet Union award. Everything is neither extreme left nor right. It is just that "Zhukov personally drafted the application for awards for Malashenko" is a substantial additional reward. It is as simple as that.

It is true that Zhukov was not bragging when he said this. After he drafted the application for the Hero of the Soviet Union award, there was really almost no possibility of it not being passed. Another main reason is that Zhukov does not personally apply for this top honor in his own name.

But there is only one exception, and that is Malashenko, who he single-handedly promoted and supported to his current position.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time Zhukov has personally applied for the Hero of the Soviet Union award to Malashenko. Malashenko’s first Hero of the Soviet Union award was written by Zhukov.

Comrade Lao Ma estimates that he may never have the chance to win the fourth time in his life. If he breaks the sky three times, he has already won the first prize.

You must know that the "Fourth Hero of the Soviet Union" award is the treatment of a lord. Comrade Lao Ma also knows how much he weighs, knows his last name, and knows that his name is "Malashenko" and not "Blej". "Japanese horseman", we can't afford the treatment at the level of Xunzong, so let's just skip it.

So if you really think about it, the first Hero of the Soviet Union award came from Zhukov, and the last Hero of the Soviet Union award also came from Zhukov.

In a sense, this can be considered a beginning and an end, right? Um?

Malashenko is quite satisfied with the result, and of course is happy to accept this third heroic honor.

But the premise is that Malashenko really has to let his troops plant the flag on the top of the Capitol within one hour.

Faced with such a huge temptation of honor, probably the vast majority, at least 98%, of the senior commanders of the Red Army would slap their chests and swear on the spot that they would guarantee to complete the mission. Even if they chipped their front teeth, they would have to defeat the Congress within an hour. The roof of the building was chewed off and the flag was put up.

But Malashenko is different. He just doesn't take the usual path.

"Compared with the honor of the Third Hero of the Soviet Union, Comrade Marshal, I care more about the lives of my comrades and comrades, the most ordinary soldiers."

"Life is precious only once for everyone. Whenever possible, I hope that my soldiers will carry out their combat missions step by step and in an orderly manner according to the established plan. Rather than being beaten because of the third Hero of the Soviet Union honor of the division commander. Disrupting the rhythm and attacking forcefully will result in even greater casualties.”

"Personally, I can see one more war-torn soldier returning home with honor, one more mother, wife, child, brother and sister, or even one more family embracing their heroic son in laughter. , husband, father, brothers and sisters, this is a more supreme honor than the third Hero of the Soviet Union award.”

"It is certainly my supreme duty to lead all the comrades of the leadership division to victory, but at the same time, I also shoulder the mission of bringing our comrades and comrades home. They entrusted their lives to me and repaid me with The highest trust; then I have the obligation to be responsible for their lives and to be able to live up to this trust with a clear conscience from beginning to end.”

"I'm sorry, Marshal, I may disappoint you by saying this. But this is indeed what I have always been strict with myself and asked myself to do my best."


There was no response from the other end of the phone for the time being. Malashenko seemed to be thinking about something. He just held the microphone in his hand and waited quietly for the moment when the result came.

"For a long time, I have been thinking about why your leadership division has such a strong cohesion and what is your secret of victory. I think maybe this is the answer, Malashenko."

"The soldiers unconditionally entrust their lives to the general, and the general responds with the determination to give up his supreme personal reputation to shoulder this trust and never abandon it."

"If every division of our Red Army can do this, why worry about strong enemies that are invincible? The road ahead is arduous and long, but at least someone has set an example for us."

"Go ahead, Malashenko. You and your comrades will get all the honors you deserve, and I can assure you about this. Just like your current state, this is also the task I must complete."

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