Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 292 On the wine table

Without saying a word, I listened quietly to Colonel Petrov telling about the tragic battle that took place under the city of Kiev. This battle was the most disastrous defeat of the Red Army in the entire World War II. It can hardly be compared with such a tragic and dry battle. words to describe.

"The comrades at the field hospital performed an emergency amputation on me. Fortunately, the wound was treated promptly and no ulceration or infection occurred, so I was lucky enough to save my life."

"After just two days of rest, I immediately asked my superiors to send me back to the front line of the battle. However, after completely losing my entire right arm, even the most basic ability to draw a gun and shoot was a problem. On the front line, The combat force would never want a person with a physical disability to join the battle. Now that I think about it, maybe it was the right decision for my superiors to reject my request. "

Wu Zi raised the wine bottle aside and poured himself a full glass again. The dazzling whirlpool of wine reflected in the dim light and swirling in the shaking glass was just like Colonel Petrov's heart at this moment.

"Those few days were probably the most disappointing time in my life. I couldn't accept the fact that I had become a useless person. It was almost the same as giving up on myself. I even refused to take medicine and even thought about committing suicide. ”

"But it was at this time that my old classmate who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow found out about me on the front line by some means, and used a transfer order to recruit me to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. At the same time, I also attached a promotion order in the name of commanding the troops to break out of the encirclement and achieve military exploits. I am probably the first person to go to the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with one arm. "

"Only after I returned to Moscow did I realize that this guy who graduated from the party school in the same period as me was much better than me in the frontline troops in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In terms of official rank alone, he was already a senior official. Major General, if I remember correctly, this guy should be the best among our graduates."

After listening to Colonel Petrov's emotional words, Malashenko was thoughtful, but the slightly questioning look in his eyes was noticed by Colonel Petrov.

"It was no accident that we were able to take down the bastard Kamalov."

"Since the outbreak of the war, the situation in and around Moscow has become extremely serious. Finns, Germans, and even Americans and British spies of all kinds always want to get what they want most from Moscow. First-hand information.”

"The German and Finnish spies who refused to settle down even planned several assassinations and sabotage operations. Some party members who were corrupted by the conditions they offered did not hesitate to betray their motherland to work for these Nazi and Fascist lackeys. So like this The situation must be contained!”

"The mission of the Special Operations Department is to detect and eliminate those spy networks in Moscow, and at the same time to uncover those dirty traitors hiding among our comrades!"

"Although a guy like Kamalov is completely bad, judging from the investigation materials currently available, he has at least not had contact with any spy organization, so it will not implicate his family. At best, it will be a trial. He’s just one person.”

After finishing his words, he gently raised the wine glass in his hand to signal to Malashenko. After understanding Colonel Petrov's intention, Malashenko immediately raised the wine glass on the table in front of him and drank. The exhausting liquor has an indescribable flavor in this special atmosphere.

"So you have now found the meaning of fighting again, right?"

The so-called battle not only takes place on the front line where artillery fire is flying, but also on the rear counter-intelligence front where open guns and hidden arrows intersect with each other. It is also a life-and-death struggle without gunpowder. If Uncle Petrov can really adapt to such a new environment and... In Malashenko's opinion, it would be best if he regained his mood.

Malashenko, who was holding a glass of wine and was silent, did not wait too long. Colonel Petrov, who thought for a moment with calm eyes and then spoke again, sounded as determined as before.

"I have thought a lot since I came to the current environment. Since I have lost an arm and will no longer be able to participate in frontline battles, it is destined that no matter how much I don't want to admit it, there will be no change at all."

"Instead of sinking like this, it is better to bravely face the cruel reality and make changes like Comrade Paul Korchagin. I have helped countless comrades who have sunken their wills to get out of their psychological shadows. The road to self-salvation should also be left to us. To do it. It’s like a political mission, it’s the only choice I have to do.”

Being able to see that Colonel Petrov was still able to rekindle his original fighting spirit after suffering so many blows in succession, such a result was for Malashenko, who wanted to see his Uncle Peter develop in a good direction. Naturally, it is the best thing.

As the atmosphere gradually became more tense, the two of them began to toast and drink together. Even Natalia, whose drinking capacity was much inferior to these two grown men, drank a lot and her cheeks turned red.

The outspoken Malashenko and Colonel Petrov talked a lot that night, starting from reminiscing about Commander Chernyev and ending with hating Red Army scum like Kamalov. Malashenko, who has left too many shared memories, has never been able to pour out all the words he was holding in his heart like tonight.

"I heard that you were urgently transported back to Moscow from the Leningrad front by plane for treatment. This is at least the treatment of a commander, Malashenko. You are really beyond my imagination now."

Colonel Petrov, who drank more and more and had a bigger tongue, gradually began to lose control of his mouth. Colonel Petrov, who was always cautious in his words and deeds, never took the initiative to talk about other people's treatment.

Besides the fact that Colonel Petrov was indeed a little drunk, he was able to say such words to Malashenko. Malashenko's rapid promotion based on his own strength was what really surprised and curious him.

"Treatment of the commander? Uncle, don't laugh at me. Have you seen a commander driving a tank to fight the German fascists with bayonets? In Leningrad, I almost turned the tank into a tractor, which was specially used to hit the Germans. If the tanks of those Germans were not so bad, it would be unknown whether I could sit here and drink now."

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