Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2957 Blood under the Red Flag (Part 2)

The thing Sulovechenko handed over was none other than the deputy division commander Lavrinenko, who had given it to Alsim earlier. He hoped that Alsim could carry it to the top of the Parliament Building together with the victory flag. , to witness the glory of that ancestral sword.

Before the attack on the Capitol, Sulovechenko advised Alsim to consider carrying the knife with him.

Alsim refused, perhaps because the size was too small to be a hindrance, but this did not become a reason for Sulovechenko to give it up.

After all, it may be the only time in a life for a big-headed soldier to ask for help from Comrade Deputy Division Commander; Sulovechenko thought that even with the most basic sense of humanity, he had to take this matter seriously. Handle it carefully.

Immediately, he ordered his flag guard soldiers to bring the knife up together with the victory flag. Even if it didn't work, it would be convenient for taking pictures when the time comes.

But what even Sulovchenko himself did not expect was that this knife would actually be used on the battlefield of the Capitol when it was needed.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the kind of performance that is used for taking photos and posing, but to truly display combat effectiveness with the design functions that a cold weapon should have.

"Let that bastard say goodbye to his weapons superiority. Now it's time for the Red Army to show its strength."


The scabbard and handle I took over from my partner were full of age, but they were still solid, reliable, and well-tested.

Feeling the heavy weight in his hand, Alsim also understood the meaning in Sulovechenko's eyes.

"Come on then, now is the time to show off your sword."

The helmet covering his head was untied, taken off, and thrown away;

The cloak tied around the neck was also untied and fell with the wind;


When the plate armor body armor that had been manually unlocked fell to the ground, Alsim, who had made almost all preparations, had only one last thing left to do.


Looking at the scabbard of Alsim's left hand and the handle of the sword in his right hand, he grasped the saber tightly, pulled it out horizontally, and unsheathed the sword.

He could feel the silver light and cold air of the unknown saber from ten meters away. Heisenberg, who had a lot of research on cold weapons, could tell at a glance that the sword was definitely not a decoration in a noble's home. Just a product.

The Russians, who were once known as the "European gendarmes", drove their war horses and brandished their sabers more than once, slashing the continent of Europe until rivers of blood flowed and heads rolled. Who knows how many bloody souls of the Prussian ancestors reside on that saber that is full of ominous aura at first glance.

Now, this ancestral saber of the Lavrinenko family has been in the hands of Alsim and has once again returned to the battlefield as a weapon.

No matter what Heisenberg, his opponent, thinks and whether he is willing to accept it or not, this Noble Phantasm Chasik Saber, which has a blade length of 80 centimeters alone and a total length of more than 1 meter including the hilt, is what he is fighting for. An existence that must be faced in the next battle.

On the other hand, as Sulovchenko said when handing the knife to Alsim.

From now on, Heisenberg's good days of relying on the asymmetric advantage of cold weapons to suppress Alsim in many past battles have come to an end and can be said goodbye.

There is a simple truth in fighting with cold weapons of the same type: an inch longer is an inch stronger; when two people are fighting with knives, there is no need to think too much, the side with a longer effective attack distance and a longer blade must have the upper hand.

How did Heisenberg previously suppress Alsim with this long, wide-blade heavy knife that weighed more than 10 kilograms and was tailor-made for him? Now Alsim has to "fight with him" "Tao, give back to him" came to give Heisenberg a taste of it.


Heisenberg, who didn't know whether he couldn't laugh or didn't want to laugh anymore, had already put away his smile, and took advantage of the remaining "toxicity" in his body to get into a fighting posture; he no longer took the initiative to attack as aggressively as before. , but rather cautiously held the knife behind his back and stared at Alsim.


Alsim, who was also silent, ignored the enemy in front of him, threw away the empty scabbard in his left hand, and fell to the ground.

The Chasik saber, which was originally designed for one-handed slashing and stabbing, does not require both hands to hold. For Alsim, it is easy to control a weapon of this weight with one hand without any difficulty.

The left hand that had lost the scabbard did not remain idle. Instead, under the enemy's close gaze, he once again pulled out the hunting knife that had just been withdrawn from his waist.

One long and one short, one forward and one reverse, dual-wielding and dual-grip.

The eyes of "similar people" who are rivals are in anxious contact, and when the wind blows, it is the moment when the blades of the swords intersect.



The reason why Alsim chose one forward and one reverse, and dual-wielding dual swords, was not simply to look good, but a choice based on his own judgment and actual combat situations.

The hunting knife in his left hand rushed forward, firmly resisting the heavy knife in Heisenberg's hand, and pushed hard into the opponent's arms. The strong suppression from top to bottom almost made it impossible to move, let alone risk. Dangerously stabbed in the chest, he escaped with a knife.

Heisenberg, who mistakenly thought that Alsim would use the long sword as the main attack and the short sword as defense, completely miscalculated. The deft and powerful short sword had more close-quarter suppression power than the powerful long sword; in terms of strength, he was at a serious disadvantage due to a large amount of blood loss. Heisenberg, because of such a careless error in judgment, was almost unable to escape safely.

An unexpected blow succeeded, and Alsim seized the opportunity without leaving any chance for his opponent to breathe. He raised the knife in his hand and struck a vertical blow, followed by a rush of blood.



Along the left shoulder, the entire left arm and his left hand were cut off completely by Alsim, who wielded a long knife with just one cut.

Intense pain that could not contain even the poison suddenly swept through his mind. Alsim followed up with a fierce kick and hit the chest. Heisenberg, who had become a cripple, was beaten on the spot and fell to the ground. land.


With one arm broken and wounds all over his body, a large ball of blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably, making his body, which was already on the verge of being broken, even more overwhelmed.

But it doesn't end there, the fight to the death must continue.

Heisenberg shakily struggled to stand up from the ground again. From his head to his ankles, there was almost no inch of skin that was not bleeding. Heisenberg had reached the point where his vision began to blur, and Alsim's face was almost unclear.


With an unprecedented heavy breathing, he once again, and for the last time in his life, used up all the remaining strength he could mobilize, pressed his feet and arched his back, and suddenly exerted force to pounce on the enemy like a dying cheetah.

He had already expected that this would be the case, so he took off the saber in his hand and held it with the blade facing upwards.

There is no pity or hesitation in the eyes that look at the enemy like a dead thing. The blood-stained "Blade of Heaven" raises its hand upward and dances with the knife, but it is the last knell before sending the enemy to hell.



The scene of blood gushing out once again appeared in front of me. The right hand holding the heavy knife tightly and the entire right arm were once again cut off from bottom to top along the shoulder like the left arm, with the sound of the blade falling to the ground. fell to the ground.


One stab was immediately followed by another, and the hunting knife stabbed into the knee joint with a backhand got stuck in the bone and severed the hamstring.

Heisenberg, who could no longer support his broken body, finally knelt down in front of Alsim with his arms missing and blood flowing profusely.


Leaving the hunting knife in the enemy's knees, he used his free left hand to grab Heisenberg's throat and raise his head, leaving the final winner with nothing but a smile of relief with blood on his face. meaning.

"Welcome to be promoted to the top hunter, the same kind - uh -"

Smiling and talking, blood flowed freely from his mouth.

Not caring at all that his hands were soaked in the blood of the enemy, with every comrade fighting side by side watching and witnessing, Alsim, who personally sent the evil demon on his way, had only one last word left.

"You are just dregs buried in the garbage dump of history. Even in hell, you can't find the meaning and true meaning of fighting."


The long, sharp knife soaked in blood slashed across the entire neck, and the blood-stained skull neatly pointed along the Adam's apple rolled down to his feet.



Alsim, with his eyes slightly closed, was lying on his back, shouting softly. The blood on his cheeks was slowly dripping along his chin. The armless and headless body fell to the ground, and the sound of the long knife falling to the ground was almost astonishing. It sounded at the same time, and the pool of blood and the reflection in the sunset were almost integrated.

"It's over, everything."

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