Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2962 Even if my body turns into withered bones

The battle has ended, but the cleaning and finishing work of the battlefield has just begun.

The die-hard Nazis hid in the remaining bomb-proof holes and small tunnels and refused to come out. Even though they were blocked inside and had no way out, they still could only yell and curse when the Red Army outside tried to persuade them to surrender. and gunfire in response.

"Persuasion to surrender should only be used once and should not exceed 30 seconds."

"Inform all troops, those who persist for more than half a minute do not need to waste any more time. The brain is in the head, and the path is chosen by oneself. If you want to die, there is nothing to say."

After taking the last puff, Malashenko threw the cigarette butt into the dirt, raised his leg and stamped it out. In the end, he blurted out only one extremely simple command.

"Kill! Leave no one behind. Send these black pigs to be buried with their bastard master."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

The major who came to report the situation immediately took the order and went to carry out the bloody order of the division commander to the end.

Soon, the sound of unilateral suppressed fire could be heard from all over the battlefield again, often accompanied by shrill screams.

Aim the flamethrower at the entrance of the tunnel and pour the entire barrel of gasoline into the anti-blast hole along the exhaust hole.

The flames that burned away the last vestiges of sin on the flesh became the "closing performance" of the Battle of the Capitol.

Struggling, wailing, and screaming, the die-hard SS soldiers without an inch of skin on their bodies without fire rushed out of the bunker and ran around like flaming skeleton soldiers who had just climbed out of purgatory.

The Red Army soldiers standing guard outside said nothing, raised their weapons, suddenly pulled the trigger, and fired a shot.

The "Flaming SS" who had yet to extinguish the flames and suffered new injuries were knocked to the ground while struggling, shouting with all their strength to find water to extinguish the fire. The water they finally found was just something that was already in their bodies, just this It no longer matters whether the fire can be put out at any time.

"Bah! They're a bunch of filthy scum, even if they're burned to charcoal, they won't be able to understand their hatred!"

After dealing with the last group of fanatics who refused to surrender and dared to resist, the only chore left was literally "cleaning the battlefield." Even if most of the trophies obtained by cleaning are not appreciated, the stalls that need to be cleaned up still have to be cleaned up.

Walking around with his crew, Malashenko had already walked a long distance. Near the entrance of the Capitol, he met the first batch of wounded commandos who were carried out of the building.

Most of the injured comrades are not in good condition.

Because the intensity of automatic firepower in the battle inside the building is almost unprecedented, once the soldiers are shot during the battle, they are often shot several times at the same time, ranging from three or two to four, five, six, or even seven or eight, and fall in a pool of blood. .

Many people did not survive. Too many comrades fell on the road to the final charge on the eve of victory, giving up their precious lives and leaving the opportunity to witness the victory flag flying high to their comrades behind them. , continue to move forward.

"Have a good rest! Take good care of yourself! This battle was fought beautifully. Everyone, every comrade among you is a hero. The motherland will definitely remember your heroic dedication and sacrifice! Thank you!"

Soldiers do not fight for the praise of their comrade, or for some awards or appreciation, but there are some things that should be said, Malashenko still has to say.

Even if it is a little bit of insignificant effect and relief, Malashenko hopes that his somewhat feeble affirmation and praise can make the soldiers who have just experienced this life-and-death battle feel better and understand themselves better. What a great sacrifice and risk.

Soldiers fight for their faith, and their faith will never let down every soldier who defends it with their lives.

One stretcher after another was carried downstairs along the dilapidated stairs of the Capitol. Before the ambulance was prepared and sent to the frontline ambulance with better medical conditions, Malashenko saw with his own eyes that almost all of them were carried up the stairs. The injured soldiers in the car will all raise their heads without exception, and raise their hands in salute in the direction of the top of the Capitol. Even if their right hand is broken, they still have to raise the abrupt stump, resolute and firm.

The red color flying high on the dome of the Capitol is worthy of everyone's heroic fight and sacrifice.

As long as the red color is still there, the faith is still there.

Needless to say, being able to witness the victory flag waving in the wind over Berlin is the best compliment to these soldiers who were sent to the ambulance with tears in their eyes.

"I suddenly became curious about something."

"Speaking of it, we have done so much and gone through many hardships to get to where we are today. In time, how will future generations evaluate everything we have done today?"

After walking down the long broken stairs and leaving the entrance to the lobby of the Capitol, Iushkin walked with Malashenko at the foot of the Capitol. He raised his head and looked up at the bright red on the roof of the building with emotion. He suddenly couldn't help but ask his comrade, the commander.

Malashenko still remembers that Iushkin once said before that he wanted to do something, not for the present and now, but for what he could leave behind when he died in a hundred years. Things prove that they have been here, worked hard, and will be remembered and sung by future generations.

It is a lofty and meaningful ideal, but it is not so easy to realize it in practice. It’s just that Malashenko’s answer today is destined to be different from the past.

"Future generations will remember us. You must remember one thing at any time, Iushkin. There will always be truth, and we must be able to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. Even if our bodies turn into dry bones, Consciousness is annihilated in the world, but what we do today will never be forgotten by future generations with righteous hearts.”

"I always believe that one day mankind will be able to reach the infinite ideal. It may not necessarily be accomplished by us. The important thing is to give people hope and let the world know that there is a group of people like us "on the road."

"As long as hope continues and faith remains, the fire will be passed on forever, regardless of consciousness or national borders, until the end."

Malashenko, who accompanied Iushkin and his comrades all the way, walked farther and farther, and was about to reach the edge of the ruins of the battlefield in King's Square, and was about to go up to see how the soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of rapid yelling and fighting sounds suddenly reached my ears. When I looked closer, I realized that they were several unarmed SS soldiers who were being held down by soldiers escorting prisoners. He was beaten, kicked and cursed on the ground.

"Damn you bitch! Are you a dog!? What a fucking mad dog! Did your untied mother-in-law teach you to bite people everywhere!? Just like a dog!? Ah!?"

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