Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2964 You think too simply

Malashenko does not have the legendary ability to have a photographic memory of anything and anyone.

Coupled with the various trivial and complicated matters brought about by shouldering the heavy responsibility of being a teacher, Malashenko, who is very busy on weekdays, has to admit that he has indeed forgotten some people and things, and the dual memories of the past and present are intertwined in his mind sometimes. Can't tell which is which.

But there are always some things that you will never forget because they leave such a deep impression on your mind.

For example, someone sitting on the barrel of a Tiger tank, or the leader of the SS leading his crew and lining up beside the barrel covered with kill rings to be awarded a medal.

The familiar faces in these old black-and-white photos all point to the same person without exception. That was a number one figure who was considered "famous" even in the world where Malashenko lived before his time travel.

Although he ended badly in the end and died miserably, it could be said that he capsized in the gutter, but this did not prevent this person from becoming world-famous for his exaggerated kill record. Single-handedly killing those John Bulls with their nostrils pointed in the air until they were crawling all over the ground was one of the most impressive achievements in his life.

Michelle Wittmann, Malashenko felt that he would never forget this name.

At this moment, Malashenko looked at the scene in front of him with a deep sigh.

Sighing what kind of miraculous destiny arrangement it is that a "legendary figure" who should have died last year and now has grass on his grave that is at least two feet high can live in such a living form without his own subjective intervention. Appearing in front of him like this is like an "impossible miracle".

"It seems that after the battle in Pokaki Village, you must have gone through a lot of things before you were blown to this place by some unknown wind."


Facing Malashenko's seemingly nonsensical words, Wittmann, who was quite "uninformed", didn't know how to answer for a while. But at least there was something he could understand in the Russian major general's sudden words, and the meaning was not entirely unclear.

"You know about the battle in Pokaki Village? Oh, it's really strange that those British guys with their noses in the air would share this with you Russians. I thought they would keep it secret and don't want to mess with us Russians anyway. Embarrassing in front of me.”


From Wittmann's answer, it is confirmed that the "Battle of Pokaki Village" in this change timeline still exists. There may be "deviations" in the details, but thinking about it now that Wittmann can appear in front of him alive, the final result of this battle must be very different.

Under the killing spree of the "enhanced version of Master Wei", those British people will only be dealt with more miserably, and there will be no chance of survival. After all, "tiger style massacre of villages" and "tiger king massacre of villages" are really two completely different concepts. Even if you use your imagination, you can imagine how those toy cars of the British guys were beaten up.

"Then Mr. Wittmann, please tell me one thing. Why did a top ace SS armored soldier like you, instead of "killing his life" for the Nazis, instead surrendered obediently and appeared as a prisoner in this situation? What?"


As the saying goes, "Whatever pot is left untouched," Wittmann's heart was hurt by Malashenko's words. The expression on his face immediately became uncomfortable at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

It was obvious from his expression that he wanted to argue something, but he didn't seem to know how to speak, and he couldn't say a word while opening and closing his mouth. No matter how much he thought about it, he could not find an answer that he felt was appropriate. Although he felt a strong sense of helplessness and reluctance in his heart, in the end he could not explain the reason, so Wittmann could only give up.

"I don't want to regret the decision I made, it doesn't make sense."

"Now I am your prisoner, and it is up to you to decide whether to kill or cut into pieces. Of course, among you Russians, SS soldiers like us may not even be qualified as serious prisoners."

"So if you want to drag a few of us out and shoot us, please inform us in advance. It doesn't take long, just ten minutes. Even if it's a small response to us putting down our weapons to avoid unnecessary casualties, how about it?"

Oh, this is quite self-aware.

There are many unwritten rules on the battlefield, especially on the Eastern Front battlefield where blood and flesh are flying and heads are rolling.

When the German army captured the political commissars of the Red Army, they would be shot directly. On the contrary, if the Red Army captured the SS executioners who barely had "scum" written on their foreheads, their treatment would be almost exactly the same.

At least in quite a few cases, this was basically the case between the Soviet and German armies, not all of them, but at least most of the time.

Think about what happened when the leadership division first liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. A round of mass shooting dumped the more than 300 surviving SS guards in the concentration camp into the corpse pits.

When the two opposing sides in the most tragic ground conflict in human history have beaten each other's brains out, saying that everything must be about benevolence, morality, and human conscience is really nothing like fart. Strange things.

Malashenko is not the embodiment of the chosen god of Khorne, but if the opportunity for revenge is right in front of him, then Malashenko will take revenge without hesitation.

Obviously, Wittmann probably felt that based on his record on the battlefield, and now that the notorious "Iron Butcher" had discovered his true identity, there would probably be no way for him to survive.

His number of kills and his status as an SS officer were enough to be shot on the spot, which was more than enough reason. Wittmann, who had experienced many battles, knew very well that the blood feud between the Soviet and German armies had accumulated to an indescribable extent in the protracted and fierce fighting.

Now that these "two crimes" were combined, Wittmann, who became more relieved the more he thought about it, no longer had any hope of living.

The constant battle scars and physical and mental exhaustion have finally come to an end here.

Although the result was not good, it was ultimately a relief for him personally. Death under the revenge of the Russians had actually been expected by Wittmann.

After all, a war that is impossible to win no matter what, if you think about it, it can only end in this way.

But what Wittmann didn't expect was that his indifference and preparation to accept the judgment of fate would ultimately result in the "Iron Butcher" slowly speaking with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Death? You think too simply. The story has just begun here."

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