Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2966 The Third Hero

Who shaped Malashenko?

This seems like a simple question and seems very easy to answer.

Frankly speaking, without Zhukov's guidance and support, Malashenko might have come forward, but he would never have been where he is today, and he would not have been able to sit on the throne of "the world's number one field group military commander."

Of course, you can also say that Malashenko shaped Malashenko. After all, everyone’s first responsibility is themselves.

If Malashenko can't support himself, let alone Zhukov's guidance and support, even whether he can be favored by Comrade Zhu is a big question.

But if Malashenko is asked to evaluate it himself, then Malashenko will probably say without hesitation that it was Political Commissar Petrov who shaped Malashenko, and it was Comrade Comrade Political Commissar who guided him as a guide. the way forward.

The soul loaded in this container named Malashenko does not belong to this world. Malashenko, who came through time with a strong sense of abruptness and tearing, once had a simple purpose for a long time. It’s just a matter of simply “surviving”.

But gradually, after witnessing with my own eyes what many comrades around me, including Comrade Political Commissar, did, and Comrade Political Commissar taking the lead and practicing his mission as a Communist Party member and a proletarian fighter. when.

Even Malashenko was not aware that he was changing quietly and subtly. He accepted the inspiration of this great and glorious era and couldn't help but want to follow Comrade Political Commissar and this heroic proletarian. Soldiers fight together.

Later, Malashenko gradually walked in front of all the comrades around him. He showed the power of example by charging in front and retreating behind, leading all the soldiers around him who were fighting under the red flag to continue to move forward. Move forward courageously.

Until this time, Comrade Political Commissar still did not leave, but continued to accompany Malashenko as a witness and experiencer, holding the line for Malashenko whenever he needed it, and never lost it.

From captain to major general, from company commander to division commander, from tank commander to military commander of the world's strongest field group.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar completely witnessed Malashenko's growth bit by bit, and never left his side from beginning to end, and devoted all his efforts to provide Malashenko with any help he could.

Without asking for anything in return or complaining, just like a selfless mentor, he will train his students into a towering tree step by step.

Malashenko felt that he would never be able to repay this kindness in his life. When he looked at Comrade Political Commissar, his eyes contained not only complex emotions, but also a trace of real tears.

As if he could see what Malashenko was thinking, Comrade Comrade Malashenko, who had only one arm since 1941, stepped forward, took the initiative to extend his hand and gave a firm return gesture, and then immediately talked to Malashenko. Rashenko's strong, calloused hands were tightly clasped together.

"Well done! Comrade Division Commander! The leadership division has completed its supreme political and military dual tasks. All division comrades, including me, have always believed that Comrade Division Commander will be able to lead everyone to this moment."

"Now, we have got what we wanted. Thousands of days and nights of hard work and sacrifice have finally paid off! The name of the leader will also be recorded in the annals of history and will go down in history as a contribution to the world's anti-Fascist war. Remembered for their heroic sacrifice and outstanding contribution.”

"And all of this is inseparable from your leadership. Comrade division commander has given the comrades courage, tenacity, and the strength to keep moving forward."

"This moment is the honor you have won, Comrade Division Commander, please accept the thanks and congratulations from all the comrades of the leading division division organization!"

Bang bang bang bang——

Comrade Political Commissar's words slowly trailed off, followed by applause from the surrounding comrades.

Faced with all this, he did not show too much surprise. He was often surrounded by sincere applause from comrades on too many occasions. This time, Malashenko behaved as always, giving glory to the collective.

"Today's achievements are inseparable from the united efforts and struggle of each of us. This great honor belongs to the great collective of leaders. The singing will bring the news of our victory back to the motherland and spread throughout the mountains and mountains of the motherland. Water, every corner!”

The excitement and joy brought by the capture of the Reichstag is still there, but at the same time, not all problems have been solved. In front of Malashenko, there are still fierce battles that are still going on in Berlin among the ruins.

To end all this, applause and inspiring speeches alone are obviously not enough.

The combat mission assigned by the leader division only ends with the capture of the Capitol. Further military operations require updated combat orders from superiors.

Malashenko, who was sticking to the existing contact line and actual control area, was waiting for this moment, waiting for the follow-up combat order from the group army headquarters, but he never expected that what was waiting for him was a sudden phone call from Comrade Lao Zhu.

"Congratulations to you, and congratulations to the leading division for achieving such brilliant results, Comrade Malashenko."

"Now, the news of the capture of the Reichstag and the flying of the victory flag over Berlin has spread back to Moscow and throughout the motherland. There is a sea of ​​boiling cheers everywhere. Even the leader, Comrade Stalin, personally drafted a message and sent it to you Congratulations to the leader on this great victory."

"In addition, you are now the recipient of the third Hero of the Soviet Union award, Malashenko. This time there is no need for me to nominate you. Comrade Stalin personally awarded you this honor. I will give you the award soon. I’ll take it with you along with the medal.”

"Ah, thank you, thank you, Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin, thank you, Comrade Marshal, then"

Just halfway through his response to Zhukov on the other end of the phone, Malashenko suddenly realized the crux of the problem and almost missed it.

Wait, does Comrade Lao Zhu mean that he wants to come here in person? Is that what you mean?

Malashenko, who was not sure, asked tentative questions for confirmation, and naturally received another affirmative answer from Zhukov on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, after taking over the Capitol Building and the most important Zone Z, it is expected that the enemy will not be able to hold on for long."

"The front army headquarters judged that the enemy should soon begin to surrender. Judging from the consistent behavior of the Germans in the past, they will definitely try to negotiate terms with us. Someone is needed to crush their unrealistic illusions and make them sober. Recognize the reality before you.”

"I will take on this task, and the location will be within the jurisdiction of your leader's division."

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