Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2971 I just want to eat shit, and I am full of criticism.

“In accordance with the agreement, we have come to negotiate and conclude a peace treaty with your Soviet Red Army.

"Please allow me to introduce myself first. I am Hans Krebs, Chief of Staff of the German Army. This is"

Malashenko was not interested in knowing who the people were except Krebs, who could still arouse some interest in him. He didn't even bother to remember the names of these people.

On the contrary, Malashenko, Krebs' predecessor in the position, Guderian, known as the "Lightning God", was quite interested.

It's a pity that this old boy was driven home by the hair-washer to eat himself because he was "unfavorable in combat, old and incompetent, and had lost power and humiliated the country."

Fortunately, I was able to escape because of this incident. At least I no longer had to be trapped in the city of Berlin, which was bombarded by artillery fire all day long. I had to eat and wait for death with the hair-washer who was about to have a mental breakdown and was hysterical all day long. It's also a kind of luck.

Malashenko, thinking that Guderian, an old boy with a good life, had just come to his senses and saw that Krebs, who had finished talking nonsense, had already started to change the topic and was ready to get to the point.

Because of the well-known reason of having watched a certain famous movie, Malashenko was actually thinking a little bit wickedly at this moment, what if Krebs took out a map from his bag next, and then pointed at the map and said something. "Shit egg" and so on, then will I laugh out loud on the spot?

But what Malashenko, who was having a bad taste in his mind, did not expect was that the first sentence Krebs uttered directly caused everyone present at the Soviet negotiation table, including Zhukov and himself, to The scene was shocked on the spot.

"Marshal Zhukov, before everything starts, I want to explain something very important first -"

"The head of the Greater Germany committed suicide later today in the bunker of the Chancellery."


Malashenko didn't know what the people around him thought after hearing the news. Anyway, he went straight into the state of "What the hell is this plane doing!?"

It’s not surprising that the hair-washer committed suicide, after all, this is the ending in history.

But the idiot actually committed suicide so early, and the time when the victory flag was planted on the roof of the Capitol Building was different from who was in front of him and who was behind him.

You must know that the battle against Area Z and the Capitol Building that the leadership division is responsible for is already much faster than in the existing history.

In addition, the start of the Battle of Berlin was earlier than in existing history. Over time, the flag was planted in the Reichstag Building much earlier than in existing history.

But what people really didn’t expect is that the flag-planting time in the Capitol Building was earlier, and the time when you, the hair-washer, committed suicide was also in sync and ahead of time. Co-author: Whether or not the flag is planted in the Capitol Building is the key factor in your life as a hair-washer, right? Do you want it to be so magical?

Malashenko, who originally had some ideas about the Prime Minister's Office bunker, heard this and immediately realized that his plan had been ruined before he had time to complete it.

The unhappiness and slight disappointment in his heart were unavoidable, but they were just not tangible. Zhukov, who was sitting in the chair of the negotiation chair and had also come back to his senses, had already asked.

"Can you guarantee that what you said is true? Have you confirmed it completely? I think I should emphasize that deception and lies will directly lead to the end of negotiations and are inexcusable."

Zhukov said the ugly words first, but Krebs' words that followed were as calm and sure as before, without any fluctuations.

"Then I repeat again, I am sure and certain that the head of state himself raised his gun and committed suicide when night fell. With this gunshot, the crazy and bloody war killings should also come to an end. We are all for the common purpose of peace. , can we sit here face to face and talk at the same table, right?”


Because the incident happened too suddenly, and the shampooer's surroundings were originally a forbidden area for strangers.

The Austrian corporal, who suffered from "persecution paranoia", didn't even trust the acquaintances he spent time with. A disagreement could result in him being dismissed from office, or at worst, being dragged out by a mad dog from the SS and destroyed. It would be impossible for a stranger to get close to him.

This resulted in the Soviet Union being able to understand its personal status only through indirect intelligence for a long time. Sending an agent or informant close to the hair-washer to obtain real-time details was an unthinkable pipe dream in the late war.

The delay in intelligence coupled with the suddenness of the incident led to the fact that the Soviet side and everyone in the congregation, including Zhukov, were so surprised that "the hair-washer had committed suicide" and even confirmed it repeatedly.

He lowered his head and whispered briefly. After a short half-minute, Zhukov raised his head again with the same stern look on his face just now.

"So your heinous head of state has committed suicide out of fear of crime, and what next? You came here specifically just to tell us this, right?"


Krebs felt that what he just said was very obvious, but the Russians just "pretended to be confused" and had to say those words themselves.

Knowing that he was outnumbered, Krebs gritted his teeth. After just a few seconds of psychological struggle and organizational language, Zhukov, who was directly opposite the negotiating table, quickly got his wish.

"We propose that both sides cease fire at the same time from now on, maintain the current situation and the boundary line of the actual control area, and no longer conduct any active offensive. The city of Berlin will immediately transition to a state of peace."



Krebs's words fell quietly, echoing in the venue and in the ears of everyone present, lingering for a long time.

The Germans who thought their demands had been made and their words had been finished did not speak, while the Soviets across the negotiating table also fell into silence, staring at these people with big eyes and small eyes, as if they could see flowers. Kraut.

After a long time, at least a minute or so, when the needle dropped audibly, Zhukov, as if he had come back online from thinking and staring, intentionally or unintentionally, without turning his head, quietly spoke to the person beside him.

"Malashenko, did you hear that? Our opponents are now asking us to cease fire immediately and not continue to attack, so that the city under our feet can immediately enter a state of peace. In return, they are also willing to "generously" enter A ceasefire and creating peace with us "war madmen".

"Ha—of course I heard it, Comrade Marshal."

The curve of the corner of his mouth was extremely sarcastic. When he opened his mouth, he had no intention of saving face for these "German fetal gods" who "only want to eat shit and are full of criticism." Malashenko's words were full of attack power. Then he blurted it out without thinking.

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