Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3000 When the giant beast attacks again

Neither bragging nor lying, Zhukov was indeed right.

If the Red Army is the most powerful land armed force in the world today, then the Leading Army is the strongest ceiling among the corps-level units in the Red Army.

It is unique in terms of organization, equipment, and performance. Just looking at the vast sea of ​​black giants and the large number of steel behemoths slowly approaching with the momentum of an army pressing down on the border, you will know that this so-called "world-wide" The most powerful heavy armored assault group" is really true.

"God, are those the Russian tanks? Those steel monsters mentioned in the report sent back from Moscow?"

"It's unbelievable! Look at them, they are like boxing champions in tanks and there are a large group of them. This thing is bigger than our M29!"

The U.S. military was not unaware of the arrival of IS7, but had already known about it, just after the recent military parade on Red Square in Moscow.

The on-site report of the military parade sent back from Moscow cannot be said to be shocking, but at least it is full of shock.

The US military has indeed heard about the fact that the Red Army has a new type of heavy tank that is newer and more powerful than the IS6, but is temporarily scarce in number.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about your German guy’s intelligence system, which is as leaky as a sieve. There are no secrets that can be kept, both in the East and the West.

Through the study of German battle reports and battlefield feedback, the US military realized that the Germans were beaten to pieces and miserable by an "indescribable huge terrifying armor" on the battlefield.

The battle reports of the German troops who encountered this kind of Soviet tanks were all full of panic. The result was that they were beaten to the ground, defeated, or even the entire army was annihilated and never heard from again.

Moreover, in all battle reports about this tank, which the Germans called "Stalin's Death Combine", there is no exception. As long as the enemy's number is mentioned, this word will inevitably appear.

Stalin's Guard, Iron Butcher's Hounds, or plain and simple "One Division of Close Tanks".

The U.S. Army is eager to obtain all detailed information about this new Soviet secret weapon. However, not even one of this thing has been captured by the Germans on the battlefield from beginning to end.

As long as these "unsatisfactory" gangs encounter this kind of vehicle, they will be defeated without exception. They will not be able to control the battlefield at all, let alone recover the tank after the war. There is not even a single photo of this thing in the Nasty intelligence, which makes the Americans very angry and cursed.

The US military's speculation is that only the card-named unit known as the "Stalin Guards" is eligible to equip this top-notch Soviet secret weapon, at least for the time being.

This can at least confirm from the side that the number of this thing in the hands of the Russians is not large yet, and it may still be in the battlefield testing or initial trial mass production batch stage.

And this thing may involve high costs and complicated processes, causing the Russians to encounter certain difficulties that cannot be solved immediately during the process of ramping up the production capacity of this thing.

Americans did guess some things right, but to confirm these guesses, you have to see them come true.

The U.S. Army has been waiting and proactively looking for such an opportunity until the day of the parade in Moscow's Red Square.

When a total of 25 IS7 heavy tanks led by Malashenko personally drove onto the Red Square and slowly passed by with the terrifyingly thick 130mm cannon, the US Army, which was shocked and surprised, finally figured it out. one thing.

Why in the German battle reports collected previously, the description of the encounter with this "indescribable huge terrifying armor" is only panic and confusion.

That's really not because the Germans didn't work hard, or because the Nazis were ineffective.

His grandma said, just these 25 cars driving through the Red Square without doing anything, the momentum is already obvious, it's scary enough here.

Put yourself in the perspective of a German and think about these "downtrodden unfortunates".

When a group of monsters that are more than twice as numerous as this, roaring with 130mm cannons and machine guns ringing all over their bodies, rush in with the support of a huge number of coordinated combat units, what will happen? What kind of scene is it? What kind of despair? What kind of panic and confusion?

The U.S. troops on the scene in Moscow felt this feeling, and then sent this feeling in writing back to Washington, hoping that the laid-back bosses in the Pentagon who drank coffee, listened to the radio and read newspapers would take it seriously.

I don’t know if the big guys paid much attention to it, but Patton, who was far away in Western Europe, did get a copied version of these reports.

"General, please read this report"

The adjutant under his command asked the question cautiously, for fear of offending the arrogant and arrogant man with a beard and a glare.

Barton, who had never thought that the more he looked down, became more and more unhappy. In the end, he couldn't hold it back. He slammed the table suddenly, crumpled the report into paper towels, and threw it into the trash can next to his desk. .

"Bullshit! It's all bullshit!"

"What do you mean that the Russian tanks are "so powerful that they have overwhelming deterrence"? These idiots who sit in the office of the embassy in Moscow and only drink coffee and read newspapers all day long to flatter the Russians, are they putting their own My head is going crazy!"

"I will never accept this report, no way! I will never admit that the crap produced by the Russian tractor factory will be better than the top war machine of our United States of America! Call Washington back and tell me that I will be on the parade ground , Let the Russians see what it means to be a true land combat elite! My best boys can definitely do it!"

"Yes, General, I'll do it right away.

The adjutant, who was afraid that he would be implicated in anger if he stayed here for a long time, just wanted to leave this place as quickly as possible. After accepting the order, he immediately planned to leave the office.

But just at the last second when he reached the door of the office and his hand touched the door handle, the adjutant, who remembered that he had something important to say, was stumbled again and had to turn around again and bravely return to the door. Continue talking at the desk.

"General, there is one more thing I think it is necessary to tell you."

"I have received information that General Morrison also received a copied version of this report and gave it a favorable evaluation and suggested that Washington pay attention to it. This is almost completely opposite to your feedback. Should we "

"What should it be? Shut your mouth!"

It would be better if I didn't say this. The adjutant who came over to say "this is too much" out of a sense of responsibility said something and exploded the dangerous explosive on the spot. The powerful blasting power penetrated at high decibels. The window glass can almost flip the ceiling of the office upside down.

"How could that incompetent "Congress Customized God of War" be so stupid! Believe the nonsense coming from those people who read newspapers and drink coffee and have never seen anything on the battlefield! Ah, I almost forgot, because they are basically the same person. Humanoids! A bunch of cowards and cowards!”

"Ha, this is a good thing! I believe it should be so, because at least it allows people to see the nature of this incompetent coward who relied on his wife's family's influence to reach his current position."

"The U.S. Army needs to get rid of this guy who is entangled with the Russians, do you understand? He will be driven away because of his stupidity, incompetence and hypocrisy. This is just the beginning."

"My order remains unchanged now, and I will not regret it in the future. Just execute it quickly!"

"Understood, let's do it, General."

He "bombed" away the soft-spoken adjutant with full firepower. He felt that although his anger had subsided a little, it was still very strong.

I couldn't help but unbutton the top button of my clothes to cool down my neck and get rid of the sweat. I turned my head inadvertently and caught a glimpse of the photo that had fallen on the table. I picked it up again and took a closer look.

Barton, who didn't feel that the "children's carriage" in the black and white photo was scary, curled his lips. The final destination of the photo that fell out of the report was the same as the report that was crumpled into waste paper, flying into the garbage. Basket follows.

"You actually say that the Russian tractors are scary. You should bring the Russians over to see our M29 and see who is scaring whom. These incompetent idiots."

The above is Patton's true reaction after receiving a copy of the report from the Pentagon on observing the military parade from the U.S. military attaché in the Soviet Union before the start of the four-nation joint military parade and shortly after the Moscow Red Square military parade.

Maybe it's because he's old and has a bad memory and is forgetful. In short, General Patton, who is currently on the viewing platform of the military parade, can no longer remember the scene that just happened a few days ago, at least not for the time being.

Now, no matter how much instinctive resistance, reluctance, and extreme reluctance he has in his heart.

But after understanding the shocking facts in front of them, and all the US military colleagues and subordinates around them, they were all "awe-struck".

Button, who was blushing and unable to speak a word, had to admit at this moment that the Russian's "extra large tractor" did have some extraordinary momentum.

"General Morrison, congratulations. It seems that the feedback you sent to Washington was correct."

"After what happened in Moscow, the Pentagon really wanted to know how the generals leading the front line viewed the matter and collected feedback. I was specially sent here today to witness it with my own eyes again, and Now I definitely agree with your report, it is obviously accurate.”


Patton, who was already in an extremely unhappy mood, heard this unexpectedly. When he turned around, he found that it was a brigadier general representative sent by the Pentagon to participate in today's military parade. He was talking to Jack Murray, who he didn't like no matter how he looked at him. Mori was chatting and laughing.

This representative does not seem to care that Jack Morrison has been close to the Russians, but seems to care more about the unique insights and analytical views he can have on the Russians because he is close to the Russians. Between words, All he showed was an expression of great interest.

You may not care about a small brigadier general, but you cannot care about the group of people who sent this brigadier general to Berlin, let alone the higher-ranking people who listen to the reports of that group of people.

"I just did some trivial work, and until now, my evaluation of Russian tanks and armored vehicles remains unchanged."

"The Russians do have tank design and practical experience that is superior to ours. It is true that our American craftsmanship and technology are ahead of them, and in some areas we are even far ahead, but this is still not a source of complacency for us."

"Just like we have the best kitchenware, and the Russians know better how to cook, only by learning and summarizing ourselves can we continue to grow and surpass our opponents. This was true for Nazu in the past, and it is also true for the Russians now. Still the same."

After hearing Jack's words, the brigadier nodded slightly, his face and expression showed a sense of recognition, and the reply came quietly immediately after smiling.

"What a refreshing and unique insight. I will pass it on truthfully and take it back to Washington. Don't worry, General Morrison."

"The Russians openly displayed such a powerful offensive energy, which is indeed worthy of attention. We also received some protests and anxiety from the military attaches stationed in the Soviet Union. Some of them believed that the Russians' move was highly targeted. Sexual, it may indicate something bad, as you and I both know.”

"In any case, the Pentagon is considering military speakers for the next congressional hearing, and I will recommend you to the superiors. These actual situations should not only be known to us and understood by us, but also should be listened to by Congress. "

"If it is convenient, I think you can start preparing the speech now. You are already on the list of candidates drafted by the Pentagon, and you are the first one. I would like to add this recommendation It shouldn’t be a big problem.”

When politics loudly shout "We need Russia", the military, as a powerful practitioner of politics, will naturally respond positively, and the name "Jack Morrison" is the ultimate answer. His past resume is the answer to the question. The best proof that he has this ability.

"Thank you. It is also an honor for me to represent the military at the congressional hearing. I will prepare the speech as soon as possible. I hope it will have a positive effect."


Patton had no time or mood to listen to the two men's harmonious remarks anymore, because the "Russian steel monsters" under the auditorium were already roaring slowly, roaring their diesel engines all the way to the auditorium. at the nearest location.

Patton, who narrowed his eyes, suddenly felt that the face of the person in the front of the steel monster tank formation, the first lead car, seemed somewhat familiar.

He didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing that after he put on the tank hat, Malashenko was still a little unrecognizable to Patton. At this moment, he just continued to do what he should do.

He raised his hand and gave a diagonal military salute, then cast his solemn gaze towards the viewing platform. At the same time, accompanied by a shouting order, he floated directly towards Zhukov's position.

"Salute to him!"

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