Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3025 Pack up and cross the river

"What to do with him?"

"Pack it up and take it away. The bundle is strong. Comrade Commander will like this trophy."

Looking at the two men in front of them, one tall and one short, one white and one yellow, speaking Russian and holding knives, they looked at themselves up and down with eyes as if they were looking at garbage.

Although I didn’t understand what he was talking about, I clearly felt that it was definitely not a good thing.

Nakamura Koki, who knew that a disaster was imminent, could no longer care about the general's ostentation, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Please! Let me go! I will explain this matter clearly to my superiors today. It was our patrol who took the initiative to stir up trouble and angered your army in the first place. The responsibility lies entirely with us! You can take away all the prisoners and seizures. , I will report them all as missing! If you can let me go, I will explain it clearly to my superiors, please!”


Seeing the old devil kneeling on the ground in front of him, kowtowing loudly, he glanced around and saw Chen Weiguo's puzzled and disdainful expression. Alsim, who still didn't quite understand what was going on, immediately Ask questions.

"What did this old devil say?"

"He said that we should let him go and take away the prisoners and captured weapons, but he just wanted to let him go back. He would report all the things we took away as missing, and they were the ones who provoked us first and were willing to bear all the consequences. Responsibility. In short, as long as we can let him go, everything will be easy."


Alsim originally expected that he might encounter a tough opponent, but now it seems that instead of talking about a tough confrontation, he is actually a coward who only wants to survive. ɱ

That's fine, at least it can save yourself a lot of trouble, but it is still necessary to let this old devil understand one thing first.

"Tell him we don't need more prisoners, just take one."


Although he didn't know what Alsim was going to do, Chen Weiguo still translated and followed the instructions truthfully.

However, Nakamura Kouki, who was kneeling on the ground, looked horrified, as if he had a premonition of something.

"He asked if the remaining prisoners were to be released on the spot?"

"The remaining prisoners? Where are the prisoners? He was the only one from the beginning to the end."

Before Alsim could finish his words with a smile, the right hand he raised high to give orders had already been waved down.

On the grass not far away, there was a row of 8 disarmed and captured Japanese soldiers kneeling on the ground. After receiving the order from the company commander's gesture, the soldiers immediately raised their swords and chopped them off without saying a word.

Eight Japanese soldiers who didn't even have time to react were beheaded and executed on the spot. Their blood was spilled on the spot and their heads rolled to the ground immediately.

Alsim, who had heard some "interesting stories" from Comrade Commander, walked up to Nakamura Koki, who was still kneeling on the ground, with a smile on his face, and looked at his stupid and astonished face. Then he smiled and spoke.

"I heard that you Japanese are very superstitious. If you leave your homeland and get beheaded in another land, you will become a lonely ghost who will never be able to find his way home, let alone reincarnate. Reincarnated, he will always be a lonely ghost wandering in a foreign land. "

"This is happening, right? Huh? Hehehehe."

As he spoke, he did not forget to stretch out his right hand, which was stained with the blood of the Japanese, and kept slapping the old Japanese in front of him on his dirty face.

Colonel Koki Nakamura, who had long heard that the Russians were extremely vicious, was completely dumbfounded at this moment. He had no idea that the Russians' brutality was even more terrifying and merciless than the rumors he had heard.

He was even more aware of the series of lies he had just made that he thought were self-righteous and thought he was wise in his haste. He probably didn't expect to fool the group of blood-killing evil spirits in front of him. It was obvious that there was no way to save him.

"You guys, what on earth are you going to do with me? Killing me will not bring good results. I am the colonel and the captain of the regiment! If you kill me, the Kwantung Army will definitely not let it go!"

If you can't be soft, use hard words. If you can't stop being fooled, use harsh words.

Chen Weiguo, who had long been tired of the Japs' old tricks, translated and recounted it truthfully. He also believed that the hope of getting past Alsim was just a daydream of the old Japs Nakamura.

Alsim followed with a smile and answered as expected.

"Knock him out, tie him with a rope, pack him up and take him away."


The two soldiers who were standing behind and escorting Koki Nakamura were about to take action after hearing the order. The AKs in their hands were already clasped behind each other and the butts of the guns were raised. However, at this time, several figures suddenly arrived quietly.

"Caught back, Alsim. These Japanese deserters wanted to run away, but I happened to see them and intercepted them. How should I deal with them?"

Seeing that the Russians were fierce and powerful, the Japanese soldiers who were killed indiscriminately were naturally many vicious ones who were brave enough to fight and fight to the death.

But there were a few Japs who were so frightened that they immediately came up with the idea of ​​running away and becoming deserters, and they kept rubbing oil on their soles.

Unexpectedly, Sulovechenko was followed all the way back and was directly intercepted by his leader. He fiercely attacked with a knife and chopped down two Japanese soldiers who were still trying to resist.

The remaining Japs were deserters just to survive. Seeing that they couldn't escape and couldn't be beaten, they simply threw away their guns and knelt down on the ground to surrender.

Seeing this situation, Sulovechenko was relieved and immediately ordered the people to be escorted back. It all depends on how the company commander plans to deal with it.

And Alsim's unthinking answer can only be said to be both expected and reasonable at the same time.

"There's nothing to say, kill! Leave no one alive! Cut them now, do it."


Knowing why Alsim issued this order, he never thought of interceding for these heartless Japanese beasts.

The blood-stained saber was pulled out by Sulovechenko again, and the sharp blade was aimed at the necks of several Japanese soldiers who were pressed to the ground and who did not know that their end was coming because they could not understand Russian.

He rounded his arm and cut it off with a knife, and saw a few more good heads flying out with blood. He didn't even have time to let out a scream when the knife fell.

"You, you are torturing and killing prisoners of war! You are violating international law and will never end well!"

Chen Weiguo, who was not angry but smiling when he heard this, cast a final cold look at Nakamura Kouki, who was still kneeling in a state of madness, but the words that came out of his mouth made the old devil speechless.

"When you bullied us Chinese, you talked about big fists, but now when you're facing the Russians, you start talking about international law. Are you Japanese pirates cheap? Huh?"



Colonel Koki Nakamura, who was choked and speechless, had no chance to finish his words, at least not tonight.

The gun butt that had been hanging above his head fell quickly like a decapitating sword, and a blow hit the back of the head with a muffled sound.

Colonel Koki Nakamura, who rolled his eyes and kicked his feet, tilted his body, fainted on the spot and fell to the ground.

The two warriors with quick movements immediately began to pack the "goods", ready to be tied up and taken away.

On the other side, Alsim, who had dealt with all the problems, also quietly spoke to Sulovechenko who had just arrived.

"Have you checked everything? There are no traces that could be exposed, right?"

"Everything was checked. Not a single shot was fired and not a single bullet casing was left. The soldiers' belongings were not lost either. No one was left alive except for the colonel. Everything was done."

The dead are the best at keeping secrets. Alsim does not want his whereabouts to be exposed, and the same is true for the fundamental reason for eliminating all hostile witnesses.

The remaining finishing work only needs to be left to the comrade commander himself. After finishing everything, Alsim immediately issued the final order.

"The operation is over, close the team! Everyone is ready to evacuate across the river!"

Before I know it, I have reached 3000 chapters. Thanks to my brothers for their long-term support along the way. Corgi would like to thank you here. There will be an update later.

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