Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3028 Russians do not respect martial ethics

"Then I dare to ask Yoshimura-kun, how do you plan to take revenge on those cruel and cruel Russians? Do you have a specific plan? You should have some, right?"

Your Excellency, the Chief of Staff opened his mouth with "one click, three questions" and blurted out three questions in a row, which immediately stunned the division commander of the 107th Division.

"This this"

Seeing that the truth of "shooting the first bird" has come true, the other division commanders who secretly rejoiced that they did not take the initiative to speak, all entered Cao's camp as Xu Shu and continued to remain silent.

In line with the "truth in life" that "a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist friend", protect yourself first before helping others.

As for the specific time to speak to the commander of the 107th Division and help his brothers, it is definitely not at this time anyway, and it is not appropriate right now.

At the very least, we have to wait until brother, you can handle the first round of firepower from the Chief of Staff, and then we can tell you more about it. Otherwise, it won’t be easy to talk to you, right?

Seeing that all the colleagues around him were alive and well, no one spoke up. The commander of the 107th Division, who was facing the Chief of Staff's "one-click three-company" alone, had no other choice. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and continue speaking forcefully. .

"Of course it's retaliation, at least reciprocal retaliation! The Russians kill our patrols, and we kill theirs too! Select the elite warriors of the empire to carry out the mission, and let the Russians pay the price for their stupid actions!"

After thinking about it, I felt that it was inappropriate to say "double revenge". If you brag too much in such a public place, you will be slapped in the face.

The commander of the 107th Division, whose face had been slapped away, still hoped to get his face back and continue to ask for it, so that he could say such words of "at least reciprocal revenge" that he thought was reasonable.

Unexpectedly, the answer from the chief of staff that followed was a direct piercing to the heart, which made people even more heartbroken.

"Okay, Yoshimura-kun, since you said so, let me ask you another question."

"If the Russians use the killing of soldiers as an excuse to suddenly attack and come south, then will your army be unprepared for combat and suffer heavy losses that are irresistible? Are you willing to bear it? Can you afford it? Do you know that when this happens? What will be the final result? Can you afford the final result indirectly caused by the revenge?"

"Ask yourself carefully and think about it before you answer!"


The speechless commander of the 107th Division stopped talking and could not say anything more.

Your Excellency, the Chief of Staff, kept his words vague enough and did not make it clear due to the situation, but what does the "final result" mean? I can only say that everyone present could not understand.

To this day, the Kwantung Army's military preparation plan is still in progress.

According to the schedule being implemented by the Kwantung Army, the entire military preparation plan will not be basically completed until at least the second half of the year, realizing the strategic concept of being "basically sufficient to deal with the Russians moving south."

Before that, measures must be taken to delay and buy time against the Russians. This is also the established strategy of the Kwantung Army.

Because of this, the leaders of the Kwantung Army who were not the main militant faction even boldly proposed the method of "exchanging space for time".

Pointing out that what the Russians want is nothing more than territory. If necessary, they can cede some territorial interests to the Russians and hold them back at all costs. As long as they can buy time, it will be cost-effective no matter what.

After all, the lost territory can be regained in the future as long as one has the ability.

But if there is insufficient time and insufficient preparation, and they are defeated by the Russians and eventually the entire army is annihilated, then everything will be over and there will be no chance of regaining the territory.

All said and done, what the Kwantung Army cares about most right now is nothing more than one thing - they must not let the Russians attack in advance, and they must do everything possible, even at any cost, to prevent the attack from coming in advance.

So the commander of the 107th Division is very embarrassed now.

We are here trying to figure out how to delay the Russians. You are better off, but you think the problem is not big enough and insist on giving the Russians an excuse to send them south to fight. Are you fucking sent here by the Russians? Spy? Or did you take money from the Russians?

In the eyes of all the Kwantung Army generals present at the meeting, once the so-called revenge plan is implemented, it will really be like "you send pillows to the Russians when the Russians are sleeping."

The Russians have just defeated the Nazis and have millions of troops, tens of thousands of tanks, and tens of thousands of cannons with nowhere to vent. How do you expect the Russians to kill dozens of soldiers and not beat you up? Are you taking it too much for granted and haven’t woken up yet?

As for the so-called "tragic death of dozens of imperial warriors"

It’s so funny that you grab as many young men as you want from the streets, do you really take them seriously?

It’s okay to shout about “Imperial Warriors” and use it to deceive outsiders, but all of us here are high-level, well-established members of our own family. How can we still not know what the real situation is? So just stop lying to yourself, okay?

As for what explanation to use to calm the morale of the military and appease morale, that is another matter for the time being.

But no matter what, the established strategy of delaying the Russians as long as possible and doing their best to delay them cannot be changed. How can you talk about defeating the Russians and holding on to the empire's territory if you don't have this strategic determination?

Seeing the crestfallen and blue-faced commander of the 107th Division unable to utter a word, he knew that it was not good for the chief of staff to refute someone's face in public, so he thought that his goal had been achieved.

The comforting words of "hitting a stick and enjoying a sweet date" blurted out immediately after.

"Gentlemen, after an all-night discussion between Your Excellency the Commander and I, we have unanimously concluded that this is a trick used by the Russians to go south to start a war. Its purpose is to lure us into taking the bait and execute the revenge plan, so that the Russians have an immediate It is an excuse to start a war and disrupt all our plans and deployments, which is extremely detrimental to our army."

"Therefore, we must not be blinded by the Russians' tricks, let alone be deceived!"

"The Russians want to deliberately create an excuse to start war in advance, but we refuse to give them. The confrontation between us and the Russians has actually begun, but now it is not on the battlefield, but in a battle of wits. I also believe that you will not Will lose to the Russians in this aspect, only those who are wise and brave can be called a true imperial warrior!"

At this point, Lieutenant General Yotsui Tsunamasa, who was excited about the words, stood up directly. With a wave of his hand and a shout, he bowed directly to the generals before he finished speaking. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

"So, please work harder for the imperial hegemony! Please! Temporary forbearance can eventually lead to victory! The black card is on the board!! Bring the Japanese Empire on the board!!!"

Seeing that the Chief of Staff actually stood up and bowed, he said all the words.

Knowing that they could no longer remain silent at this time, the Kwantung Army generals could only stand up with a "swish, swish, swish" following them.

Imitating the posture of His Excellency the Chief of Staff, a large group of everyone bowed and shouted.

"Hey! Work harder for the empire's hegemony! Damn it! Bring the Japanese Empire onboard!!!"

This old devil, Tsunamasa Yotsui, is indeed very skilled. In just a few words, he directly "redefined" the scandal that caused his face to be slapped away into something that must not be led by the Russians. , were deceived, let alone give the Russians any reason to go to war in advance.

Incidentally, it also boosted morale in a high mood, and rounding it off can indeed be regarded as "killing two birds with one stone."

Seeing that everyone in the congregation was going to give him face like this, they all followed him and no one raised any objection.

Tsunamasa Yotsui, who knew that things would be much easier to handle at this point, then smiled with relief and winked at the person next to him.

The number one person who understood, that is, the current commander of the Kwantung Army, General Yamada Otsuzo, finally took over the right to speak and began to speak.

"Yoshimura-kun, you have heard what the Chief of Staff just said. This also represents my views and opinions."


The generals and the generals sat back down in their original positions, but the commander of the 107th Division, who felt too ashamed to sit down, continued to stand there, even more shameless to say anything, and could only listen intently to the next speech of His Excellency the Commander.

"In addition, the attack on the patrol this time has been discussed and analyzed by the Chief of Staff and I. We unanimously concluded that the fault was not with your 107th Division, but with the Russians' lack of martial ethics and conspiracy, and carried out a premeditated sneak attack. "

"So although there have been losses, the fault is not that your leadership is incompetent, but that the Russians are too cunning and cunning. You don't have to blame yourself too much. But at the same time, you must also remember that "every time you learn a lesson, you gain wisdom." I was attacked by the Russians once, and I definitely won’t fall in the same place again next time. Can I guarantee that?”

Tsunamasa Yotsui and Otsuzo Yamada's "Black Face, Red Face", you just finished singing the bad scene where I appeared, and it was so vivid and vivid.

As for the specific effect, just look at the reaction of the commander of the 107th Division who was so grateful that he almost knelt down and kowtowed.

I thought I had made a big mistake. I had humiliated the imperial army and even had my face slapped away. The entire patrol was annihilated and a captain of the Grand Zodiac Alliance was picked up.

For such a shocking scandal, His Excellency the Commander ordered him to perform a caesarean section on the spot to apologize, but he admitted it without saying a word, just hoping that his family would not be harmed so that he could retain the last bit of dignity.

As a result, I never expected that His Excellency the Commander would talk about the matter in such an understatement.

The commander of the 107th Division, who was bursting with runny nose and tears on the spot, did not care about his face. He immediately stood beside the conference table and started the live performance with a nearly 90-degree bow.

"Thank you, Commander! Thank you, Chief of Staff! Masao Yoshimura will lead the 107th Division to avenge its disgrace. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!"

Thinking that this kid didn't kneel down and kowtow on the spot, otherwise it wouldn't have ended well. This was just a formality for everyone to see, Yamada Otsuzo, then he said to stop bowing at 90 degrees, what do you think? I've received it, so I'd better go back to my seat and rest.

After singing the "red face" drama, he appeased the commander of the 107th Division and asked him to make up for his past mistakes and fight again to avenge his previous humiliation.

Yamada Otsuzo, who is familiar with ancient Chinese military books and is well versed in the principle that "it is inconvenient to kill generals when a battle is imminent", did not forget to urge and remind other generals present. This kind of sneak attack must never happen again. We must step up our vigilance and guard against the Russians. If it happens again, military law will be dealt with.

But he never thought that he had just finished speaking and the words had not yet fallen.

Masao Yoshimura, the commander of the 107th Division, who had just sat down for a while, asked to speak again, as if he had forgotten something just now and suddenly remembered it now.

"Yoshimura-kun, do you have anything else to add?"

After hearing His Excellency the Commander's permission to speak, Major General Yoshimura Masao, who was quite trembling and frightened, then tentatively asked questions carefully.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is something unclear about my subordinates."

"Our unit and the commander of the regiment, Colonel Koki Nakamura, are missing. Not only were his bodies not found at the scene, but there was no trace of him after searching for more than ten kilometers around him overnight. I have sent people along the river to search downstream, but so far there is still no news. If you don’t see people alive, you won’t see corpses.”

"Your Excellency, Commander, is it possible to report Colonel Koki Nakamura as missing on the battlefield?"


Anyone who can get the position of division commander must not be a fool who is so stupid that he smokes, let alone the elite division of the Kwantung Army that currently has relatively high combat effectiveness.

Knowing that he should not ask questions to the leader, but that he had to propose solutions and ask the leader if it was feasible, the Yoshimura division commander, whose IQ was partially back online, was not hopelessly stupid.

Faced with such a solution proposed by the commander of the 107th Division, Yamada Otsuzo, who pondered for a moment, then shook his head and directly proposed a more enhanced solution based on this.

"No, we must pretend that everything is business as usual, especially in terms of external performance, so that the Russians cannot detect anything unusual."

"As for the family of Colonel Koki Nakamura, you draft a message in the name of the division commander to inform them. Colonel Koki Nakamura will perform a highly confidential mission and will no longer be able to contact his family for a foreseeable period of time. Regardless of whether he survives or not in the end. If he dies, at least his family will have an explanation.”

Hearing this, the commander of the Yoshimura Division was stunned, thinking that he really deserves to be the commander. I was still thinking of lying to get through, but it would be better for you to just resort to "secret without mourning", knowing that there is no better way. He could only nod his head and accept the order.

But there was one thing that neither Yamada Otsuzo nor Yotsui Tsumasa, nor a large number of participating Kwantung Army generals including the commander of the Yoshimura Masao Division, were aware of or selectively forgot.

It was these Japanese pirates who used the missing soldiers as an excuse to launch a full-scale invasion at Marco Polo Bridge.

Now a similar thing has happened to them. The difference is that this time it is not a fake disappearance of Japanese soldiers, but a large number of Japanese soldiers whose heads were really displayed in public.

However, their performance was so cowardly that they could stuff their faces into their crotches. They didn't even dare to challenge, and they passively avoided the battle, let alone took the initiative to attack.

He even helped the Russians to make amends on their own, turning major issues into trivial matters. He tried every means to suppress the matter and pretended that nothing had happened, which fully demonstrated the bad nature of "fearing strength but not virtue".

But Malashenko's trouble-making work for this group of Japanese pirates obviously doesn't end here, and the real exciting show is just about to begin.

"In addition, this matter cannot be completely revealed. I have reported the matter to the military department in the name of the commander. I believe that the Russians will soon face handling through diplomatic channels and will inevitably restrain themselves."

"In addition, the Kwantung Army Headquarters also sent a protest telegram to the Russian Far East Military District. Reminding them to strictly restrain the actions of their soldiers and not to make any unfriendly actions that are not conducive to the development of relations between the two militaries, otherwise this will lead to All the disastrous consequences will be borne by the Russians themselves.”

Yamada Otsuzo, who was appointed as the commander of the Kwantung Army, did not realize or feel at all how unbelievable his words were in the past, but now he just thinks it is natural and reasonable.

On the other hand, the relationship between the Kwantung Army Group, which is self-respecting and self-reliant, and the Army Headquarters is actually just like that.

Engaging in this kind of "double-sided operation" of reporting protests to the Russians on their own and reporting to the military at the same time, they all thought that it was enough to give face to the group of people in the military who drank and had fun all day long, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

That is to say, when Yamada Otsuzo was about to say something more and summarize the meeting, the communications staff officer suddenly burst into the conference room with a hurried look, but directly handed over an unexpected telegram.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Russian Far East Military District is calling back."

"Huh? So fast?!"

Yamada Otsuzo was quite surprised when he took the telegram and raised his hand to read it. He didn't realize that in this telegram, Malashenko personally went to Vasilevsky to discuss the drafting content, which would make him very angry. My vision went dark, and I almost lost my breath.

"Bagyalu! These Russian pigs bullied me too much!!!"

This chapter is complicated and takes a lot of time, but it should be exciting enough. Brothers, you have been waiting for a long time.

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