Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3031 Civil strife raging

In accordance with Malashenko's action requirement of "the sooner the better", Chen Weiguo, who contacted the organization and finalized the action plan, quickly took action.

This kind of file bag containing three pieces of materials was quickly produced at Malashenko's request. Hundreds of pieces were quickly produced, and all were handed over to Chen Weiguo for distribution and processing by his subordinates, preparing to "complete the work" for the Japanese. ".

At the same time, on the other side, the Kwantung Army headquarters, which was still ignorant of the matter, never expected that the Russians across the river were not only unreasonable and unruly, but also planned to intensify their efforts and continue to add fuel to the fire.

Regarding the massacre of the patrol, the Kwantung Army Headquarters, as always, deceived the top soldier Ma Lu as a fool, just like the lie and peeling off the skin after the Nomenhan fiasco.

Except for the person involved, which is the 107th Division, and several other divisions stationed relatively close to the river.

The Kwantung Army Headquarters adopted the "three no's attitude" of "no recognition, no denial, and no propaganda" towards most of the remaining divisions without exception.

To put it simply, the Kwantung Army Headquarters adopts the "If you don't ask, I won't tell" routine for those divisions that don't know about this yet.

If a junior officer knows about the incident and inquires about it, he will not deny the incident itself, but will not admit that the facts are indeed as rumored. The core essence is to pursue a "no response" attitude.

In addition to the Kwantung Army headquarters' highest attitude of "no response", junior officers who asked about this matter would also be called to talk by their superiors. Use every imaginable excuse to deceive, and give "sticks and carrots" warnings and good words.

There is only one purpose - to never talk about this matter again, to make this matter rotten in your stomach, and not to continue to talk about it to anyone.

In addition, the Kwantung Army's command hierarchy from top to bottom, from the headquarters to the division level to the regiment level and the brigade level, did not hold any meetings to urge vigilance and reflection. This fully reflects the fundamental goal of the leaders of the Kwantung Army to minimize the impact of this incident at all costs.

The core idea is just one - as long as I don't tell or publicize it, the young and hot-headed soldiers on the sake team will have no information channels to learn about it, which will naturally save me a lot of trouble afterwards. Dealing with the hassle.

This logic makes sense, but from the Kwantung Army's own perspective, the main focus of the current stage is on military preparations and military expansion training, and the strategic direction of delaying the Russians for as long as possible remains unchanged.

And if the young warriors at the lower level, Ma Lu, and the big-headed soldiers, Ma Lu, knew about this and how the Kwantung Army headquarters could not do anything to the Russians, and were killed by them and refused to admit it or made threats, they would have no choice but to swallow it. Such words of cowardice and pretending that nothing happened.

It is conceivable what kind of shock it will cause at the grassroots level, and it is also foreseeable how many troubles the Kwantung Army headquarters will face, and it will inevitably have an impact that cannot be ignored on the Kwantung Army's military preparations.

Although this does not mean that the Kwantung Army Command is incapable of solving this trouble.

As a hierarchical and violent organization that pays the most attention to obedience, any army that can get on the stage is capable of solving the problem of instability at the lower levels.

Even for an army like the Japanese, which has a long and classic tradition of "lower overcoming superior", no matter how big or serious the problem is, it can still be solved by forceful suppression. It is nothing more than a matter of how many people will bleed to death.

But the management costs and costs involved have to be calculated separately.

Especially when such a war is imminent and seizing the time to prepare for war at all costs will make the already high cost even more unacceptable.

The Kwantung Army Headquarters did everything possible to suppress this matter, hoping to minimize the impact and harm caused by minimizing major issues from within. At the same time, what makes the Kwantung Army headquarters feel even more fortunate is that there are external factors that it cannot subjectively control, namely the Russians on the other side of the river.

After that telegram, which refused to acknowledge and made wild threats, everything ceased and there was no further news. No follow-up was sent, showing that the matter was over and done with.

This somewhat made the Kwantung Army headquarters breathe a sigh of relief.

If the Russians still cling to this matter and continue to talk loudly and publicize it, the Kwantung Army headquarters will really fall into unprecedented passivity and be tired of dealing with it.

After all, things are true, and cowards are really cowards.

But who wants to be a coward? So what if I'm not a coward? Are you going to fight across the river to fight the Russians?

If your fists are not big enough and the Russians are unreasonable, what can you do if you are not a coward?

But what the Kwantung Army Headquarters, who was fortunate to have only been in two days, never expected was that the "hard food" served by the Russians had just come out of the oven and was on the table, and the madness of the young gang of red deer had only just begun. .


There was a violent kicking sound, accompanied by the sound of various pots, pans and rice bowls being thrown to the ground, followed closely by a burst of extremely bad curses.

"Baga! This is unreasonable! This is really unreasonable!! Bagaya Road!!!"

Looking at the mess on the ground in front of him that he had kicked over, Ishida was so angry that he could not forgive his hatred even though he was yelling curses. He was so angry that he pulled out the command knife from his waist and pointed it at another dining table in the cafeteria next to him. Just chopped it down.


The dining table made of solid wood was cut off a large piece by the fierce blow of the standard saguan knife, and it was almost broken into two pieces on the spot.

Major Ishida, who was out of breath after having a seizure with the command knife in his hand, was still unwilling to give in. His fierce and terrifying eyes then moved to the other people present. The soldiers who were dining in the cafeteria just now were so frightened by the violent squadron leader that they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"How dare the Russians humiliate our imperial army like this! But those people in the headquarters only know how to drink and have fun, and they hope to keep quiet after being so humiliated!"


The big-headed soldiers stood in a row with their heads lowered, not even daring to take a breath. Major Ishida, whose brain was overloaded, continued to rant.

"Now I give the order! The entire squadron will follow my night attack for revenge! Avenge your Excellency, the captain!! Avenge the imperial warriors who died in the battle!!! We must let those stupid Russian pigs drown in the river!"

“The hell is on the black card!!!”

Major Ishida, who was performing a lunatic performance art by himself, raised his command sword high and spoke before finishing his sentence.

The group of big-headed soldiers below who didn't dare to take a breath were all silent, not waiting to speak out or not thinking about whether to agree or not.

At the door of the squadron cafeteria, which was kicked open with a "bang", there was a familiar figure who was even more afraid to provoke, and he was already leading the team angrily.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, why are you here at this time?"

The angry Major General Masao Yoshimura, commander of the 107th Division, ignored Major Ishida's questions and strode forward with his command knife in hand.

As soon as he came up, without saying a word, he raised his hand and was rewarded with two super-large pot stickers with round arms.




Left and right, Major Ishida received a critical hit on each face, and activated the gyro mode on the spot.

Unexpectedly and unsteady on his feet, the division commander was slapped down on the spot by two huge blows from the division commander.

He was holding on to the dining table that had just been cut in half by his own knife, and was able to stabilize his body without being knocked to the ground on the spot.

A good man's head quickly swelled into a pig's head at a speed visible to the naked eye. After receiving two full-force critical hits, he woke up a lot on the spot, and he didn't dare to beep blindly.

Major Ishida, who still screamed after being beaten, immediately stood up straight in military posture, raised his pig head and faced the division commander and responded.

"Hi! Your Excellency, the Division Commander, taught you a lesson! Welcome to visit, Your Excellency, the Division Commander!"

"Baga! Did I teach you anything!?"


Before Major General Ishida, who had nothing to say at the time, could react and say what to say, Major General Masao Yoshimura, who had been thrown out by two big blows, still didn't understand his hatred, and was rewarded with two additional critical hits on the spot.



His head was already as swollen as a pig's head, and he received two more critical blows before he could recover.

Major Ishida felt like his head was buzzing, but he still didn't dare to show any disobedience. He just lowered his head and kept saying "Hi, Hi, Hi".

"You idiot! Malu Yelang!! You are hopelessly stupid!!!"

"If I don't come, are you going to lead the troops across the river to fight the Russians!? Do you know what crime you deserve for mobilizing troops to fight without orders!? Even your family will be shamed by you Humiliated!”

The division commander, his Excellency, hit his head and scolded him with spittle all over his face. After being beaten and scolded to death, Major Ishida was still unwilling to give up. He mustered up some words and blurted out without thinking.

"But I dare to ask your Excellency, the division commander, is it possible that the millions of mighty Kwantung Army soldiers were so helplessly humiliated, bullied, and threatened by the Russians? Doesn't this bring shame and humiliation to us?!"

"Baga! You are so brave, you still dare to talk back!? You still don't know your fault!? Do you really believe that the things the enemy deliberately sent to you to lure you into being deceived are real?"

"Then, your Excellency, Division Commander, is the photo of all members of the patrol team tragically dead on the river bank fake!? Captain Nakamura, who led the patrol, has not seen anyone alive or dead and has been missing for many days. Could it be that this is also fake? ?!"


Malashenko is right. The real things in this world can be known at a glance, and the fake things are not difficult to guess, but the real things are the most difficult to distinguish.

The Kwantung Army headquarters kept the funeral secret and did not announce the incident to the public, but it still could not hide it from the 107th Division itself as the person involved, let alone the young men of the Nakamura Kogi Regiment, who had lost their comrades and lost their commanders.

The angry Major General Masao Yoshimura raised his arms and was about to hit him again, but when he saw the arrogant Major General Ishida in front of him, he didn't say a word. He was definitely prepared to be beaten, and even if he received this beating, he would not take back his arrogant words.

His arm, which was red and painful from being slapped, stopped in mid-air. Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Major General Yoshimura glanced around again with the corner of his eye.

It was shocking to find that although the group of leading soldiers did not stand up to plead for Major Ishida, they broke the rules of superiority and inferiority.

But the expressions on one or two of their faces showed disapproval of what the division commander had done. The secretly peeping eyes clearly showed anger, frustration, and even more incomprehension.


Seeing this scene, Major General Yoshimura, who knew that it would be inappropriate to continue fighting, finally lowered his hand that was hanging in the air.

Although he was still very angry, he also knew that now that he had passed the time of corporal punishment and shock, if he didn't talk some sense, it would be counterproductive.

"Then have you ever thought about what would happen if you hit the Russians without authorization? You openly disobey military orders and treat your superiors as nothing!?"

The words he said out loud were like water being thrown away. After being slapped four times, I couldn't think clearly and my blood was rising, so I spoke out these words.

I knew that even if I regretted taking it back, it would be too late, not to mention that I was really dissatisfied and resentful, and I couldn't understand why things would end up like this.

Major Ishida, who kept doing nothing and simply said it cleanly, was heartbroken on the spot, and returned to the division commander's questioning.

"But your Excellency, Division Commander, our Kwantung Army has millions of soldiers and is the most elite army flower of the empire! Those Russians have long been defeated by us. In the battle of Nomenhan, they lost many troops and suffered a miserable defeat. But now they are still Dare to do it again!”

"Those Russians are no match for us at all. If we don't teach them a lesson now, then where is the military might and dignity of our imperial army!? Why not seize this opportunity to march north in one fell swoop and drive the Russians out of the Far East! Open up borders for the empire. Expand your territory and make new achievements! Didn’t my men join the Imperial Army just to make contributions to His Majesty the Emperor?”


Before he heard what was said, Major General Yoshimura's brows furrowed and he spoke, while Major General Ishida, who spoke as fast as a machine gun, continued.

"Moreover, if my "righteous act" will be regarded as disobedience to military orders, but in the end it can expand the territory of the empire and make new contributions to His Majesty the Emperor. Then I will be considered worthy of death, and I am willing to die happily for it! "

"Isn't it possible that the Kwantung Army was able to achieve its past achievements and reach this stage just by not being associated with those people who were just eating their corpses, not collaborating with the timid younger generations, and by daring to attack boldly?"

"How we obtained this fertile ground back then was because of the bold attacks of grassroots officers! Why are we still the strongest legion of the Imperial Army? It's because we don't bother to sink with those in the military who drink and have fun all day long!"

"Although we are not talented, we are not as brave, skilled, witty and loyal as our predecessors, but we are still willing to imitate them! Eliminate all those Russian rats who don't know the heights of the sky! Let's avenge our shame and expand the territory of the empire!"

Major General Yoshimura, who had been listening to Major Ishida's talk for a long time without saying a word, felt his blood pressure rising, but now felt quite unable to speak.

The Kwantung Army is invincible in the world, and it is easy to defeat the Russian barbarians.

This is true, at least it is true openly and openly. It is the "Kwantung Army style correctness" vigorously announced by the Kwantung Army Headquarters itself.

Major Ishida also said that only by taking bold actions at the grassroots level can we achieve today's glory. This is damn true, and it's even more correct.

How did the Kwantung Army advance into Northeast China, and what opportunity did it take to dispatch troops in one fell swoop?

Major General Yoshimura did not forget, and Major General Ishida did not forget.

Even the top soldiers present knew how the Huanggutun train was blown up by the young men who "attacked without orders".

At that time, this bizarre operation of "defeating the superior" and daring to attack without orders was wildly publicized, which made the city full of trouble and became known to the world.

The Japanese army, which also smugly believed that this was a contribution to the expansion of territory and the icing on the cake, did not expect it at the time. This kind of anti-intellectual operation that lays the groundwork for oneself will shoot oneself in the foot at times like this.

It cannot be denied that the Kwantung Army will defeat the Russians, nor can the bold and heroic attack of the grassroots officers be denied.

Major General Ishida's bizarre but reasonable statement about "Kwantung Army correctness" directly shocked Major General Yoshimura to the point where he was speechless and his blood pressure surged.

I wanted to yell and refute, but seeing so many people present, if I punctured the window paper, there would be chaos.

Lies must continue to be maintained with lies. You can't do it by slapping yourself in the face, at least not in front of so many big soldiers.

After trying to calm down his numb scalp, Major General Yoshimura, who had already thought of what to say, continued to speak with nonsense that he didn't even believe.

The first update is in place, the second update is later

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