Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 300 The Beginning of the Legend

The tank crews in front of the stage fell into silence once again because of what he said. They tried their best to bring this rebellious and urgently put together Guards tank regiment on the right track. They realized that they had basically already Malashenko, who had achieved his expected goal, finally spoke again and gave concluding words.

"Comrades, the reason why I am here to talk to you today is to tell you a truth! Why can those Germans continue to defeat us with the inferior tanks in their hands that are far inferior to ours? Because they rely on this kind of mutual understanding. Excellent coordination skills with unparalleled tacit understanding! ”

"A wooden stick can be broken very easily. It will take a lot of effort to break ten wooden sticks tied together. When a hundred wooden sticks are firmly tied together, it is almost impossible to break them. It's possible! But on the contrary, if you pull out hundreds of wooden sticks and break them one by one, it will be as easy as the first time. This is actually the reason for the battle of our tank troops!"

"The comrades present must have experienced how well our opponents cooperate with each other. At the same time, due to the lack of wireless communication stations, we only rely on bicycles to fight even if we have the quality advantage in hand. Very difficult!”

"Nowadays, although our newly established First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment can obtain the best tanks and equipment in the Red Army, how to use the new radio communication combat method to plan higher-level battlefield tactics is up to us. It’s never been touched upon before.”

"My understanding of all equipment's radio contact tactics alone cannot lead us to the final victory. It is not shameful to learn from the strengths of our opponents to make up for our own shortcomings and completely defeat them."

"Through this series of training, what I hope everyone can really master is a complete and clear plan for new advanced tactics, and how to achieve an unprecedented new comrade-in-arms with these unfamiliar but powerful new comrades around them. "Tacit cooperation."

"The reckless heroic fighting style of bicycles cannot defeat the Germans who cooperate with each other tacitly. It is even more stupid to cling to the same old tactics instead of learning new tactics based on radio contact! We are now at the training ground Every drop of sweat we shed will help us shed less blood in the near future battles and even save our lives!"

The silent Red Army tank soldiers in the audience had already been firmly attracted by Malashenko's sincere speech that moved people with emotion and reason. The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and his expression of determination increased. A voice that was originally as quiet as still water.

"The upcoming battle to defend Moscow will be more unprecedented than any of the cruelest battles we have ever encountered before! Any seemingly insignificant mistake on the battlefield may cause a chain reaction that will be infinitely magnified, eventually causing our entire army to suffer To destroy or even lose the whole of Moscow! This is obviously not the outcome that we, the most loyal Red Army soldiers of our motherland, expect!”

"For the upcoming battle, comrades! I hope that everyone can encourage each other to endure and survive this most difficult time. Every drop of our sweat on the training ground will not be wasted. We will be on the battlefield in the near future. Every life sacrificed will not be in vain!"

"Those stupid and ignorant Fascist invaders have no idea whose land they are standing in front of whose capital! There is only one reason why our First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment was established! That is to let those German Fascist invaders Let them feel the deepest fear they have ever experienced in their lives! Let them cry! Because this is what we were born for!”

The passionate and almost loud roar echoed over the huge venue like the angry roar of a ferocious beast for a long time.

The Red Army elite tank soldiers, who were igniting anger and raging flames like a prairie fire in the Shuanghui, no longer had any unnecessary thoughts in their hearts. They could only treat those fascists who dared to set foot on the sacred territory of their motherland. The invader must be completely crushed under the steel tracks to satisfy the bloodthirsty beast in his heart that is howling manically.

The sacred faith solemnly sworn under the red flag has been perfectly integrated with the personal obsession for revenge. From this moment on, the soul of a heroic and resolute epic troop has been given to this glorious collective, a period of tearing and trampling. From this moment on, the legend began that killed countless fascist invaders and shrouded the entire NATO like a dark cloud for decades.



"No one can defeat the great Soviet Red Army, no one! Only death awaits those fascist lackeys!"

"Crush them, kill them all! Let these fascist fools bleed into a river of blood in front of our capital. Only in this way can their sins be washed away!"

Looking at Malashenko who was also shouting with his real arms on the podium, and the large group of roaring Red Army tank soldiers under the podium that almost shook the sky, they were quietly in a corner not far away. The one-armed figure who witnessed all this immediately showed a faint smile in relief.

"Perhaps I may not be able to see the great ideals proposed by Comrade Lenin become reality in my lifetime, but maybe I can really see the day when you lead this army to plant the red flag in Berlin, Malashenko."

Although Malashenko, who commanded the troops for another full day of high-intensity training, was exhausted and out of breath, Malashenko, who was alone without his own tank crew, had to run back and forth on the training ground to conduct command on foot.

But even so, Malashenko, who was so exhausted that he was almost unsteady on his feet, was still not idle after nightfall. There were more important things waiting for him to complete in the Red Army General Staff.

"Is this the logo of your regiment that you designed? Does it look a bit unique? That's probably how it should be described. But don't worry, Comrade Malashenko, I guess there won't be much problem with the adoption of this logo."

Through the slightly dim light of the desk lamp, I could clearly see the hand-drawn Guards logo on the paper Malashenko handed over. To be honest, Marshal Shaposhnikov, who is already considered a veteran in the entire Red Army, still I have never seen such a "violent" military logo.

A roaring bear head held an Iron Cross medal with one corner missing in its mouth, and its ferociously exposed long and narrow fangs could crush the entire medal into pieces with just a little force.

For Malashenko, who only took one year of art courses in his previous life, this hand-drawn sketch, which looks a bit crooked, is the best he can do.

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