Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3037 Heavy artillery is ruthless

Major General Morishima Kuronei never expected that his first meeting with the Russians would be conducted in this way.

Even before the Russians could be seen, the Russian artillery shells were overwhelming.


The powerful 203mm high-explosive grenade exploded, and tons of dust and ash were launched directly into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

Along with them, there were a huge number of ghosts, or ghost fragments that couldn't even be seen in human form.

All kinds of missing arms and legs and stumps with no original appearance were scattered in all directions, and tons of soil were thrown up to a height of 20 to 30 meters, and then they were smashed down and fell heavily due to the gravity of the earth. Back above ground.

The Japanese soldiers who were either on the truck or on horseback met a miserable end. Major General Morishima Kuronai, who was also riding a tall horse, had the same fate.

The frightened war horse suddenly jumped up with its front hooves and flew high into the air. Morishima Kuronei, who was riding on the horse and holding the reins, did not react. His center of gravity was unstable and he fell to the ground on the spot.

What's even more terrible is that the shrapnel that hit at high speed directly hit the huge war horse with blood holes all over its body. Who knows how many bullets were hit in an instant.

Morishima Kuronei, who fell on his back and lost his face in shock, only saw that the war horse that screamed in mourning had not had time to lower its front hooves before it fell backwards with a high attitude and hit it hard.

What a coincidence, the direction in which the war horse fell happened to be facing Morishima Kuronei, who fell to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Morishima Kuronei wanted to escape quickly, and immediately rolled and crawled on the ground struggling desperately, but in the end it was still a step too late.


A heart-rending scream echoed in the sky.

Morishima Kuronei, who felt as if half of his body had been smashed, was in unbearable pain. His throat felt sweet and he couldn't hold it back. On the spot, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The war horse fell heavily to the ground and hit the ground with a huge impact. Morishima Kuronei was stunned and suffered "internal and external troubles". He even suffered fractures and internal injuries, and his lower body was almost completely destroyed.

"Come on - come on! Come and help me, pull me out!"

Half of his body was pinned down by the corpse of the war horse. Morishima Kuronei, who was seriously injured and unable to move, struggled desperately, but to no avail.

No matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to move even half a step away from the weight of the heavy horse corpse.

I had no choice but to call for help, but the "come on call and go away" that usually worked so well, now had completely changed its appearance, and it was like another scene of despair that sent chills down my spine. .

The Russian heavy artillery barrage was not only overwhelming, but large-caliber shells falling like raindrops exploded in various places visible and invisible to the naked eye.

Unable to escape on his own, Morishima Kuronei could do nothing. He could only watch helplessly as his soldiers were swept away by the crazy waves of Russian shells, like small boats in the sea, being blown up into the sky and fleeing in all directions.

A considerable number of people did not even have a chance to escape, and were crushed on the spot by the huge explosion, with their bones and ashes scattered.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander! Your Excellency, Brigade Commander!!"

Fortunately, not everyone is only focused on escaping and completely forgetting about themselves.

Morishima Kuronei, who looked surprised, saw a major rushing towards him quickly. He was about to open his mouth to say something, so he quickly called for him to be pulled out before speaking.

But he didn't expect that the shrapnel coming at high speed was far faster than the speed of his mouth opening when speaking.

The large shrapnel, which is about the size of a fist, is very powerful and heavy, and its equivalent power converted into impact kinetic energy is already higher than conventional full-power rifle bullets and is even more terrifying.


As soon as the shrapnel hit him, half of his head was chopped off on the spot.

Morishima Kuronei's eyes were as wide as a cow's egg, and his face was full of shock and astonishment. He didn't even notice that because the distance was so close, there was only less than two steps left, and even he was covered by half of his head. The sticky substance sprayed out of it splashed all over his face.


The body with only half of its head still hanging around its neck fell heavily, but by coincidence, it fell head-on due to the movement of running forward. The distance to Morishima Kurouchi was still very close, only two steps away.

The lower body was hit by a horse corpse, and the upper body was hit by a human corpse.

Morishima Kuronei, whose body was covered in the stench of blood and corpses, felt extremely aggrieved. No one could help him, but he still ended up in this situation. Why would he end up like this if he just stayed in the county town?

Do you regret it?

I do regret it, but it's too late now.

The roar of heavy artillery in his ears was still continuous and scattered. Morishima Kuronei, whose body was close to the ground, could feel the trembling of the earth, as if he was at the scene of an earthquake that was shaking wildly.

His ears were almost completely deafened by the continuous explosions of artillery shells, and he could no longer hear anything. Even his internal organs, which were deeply injured, seemed to be aggravated by the violent shaking of the earth at this moment.

Morishima Kuronei, who had a strong desire to survive, did not want to die here in frustration, let alone give up in despair.

"Drink - ah -"

Gritting his teeth and using his last strength, he tried to push away the dead body of Major Tohru that was pressing on his upper body.

But Morishima Kuronei still overestimated his current physical condition, no matter how hard he exerted his arms and gritted his teeth, he tried his best.

The dead body pressing on his chest and head was still as heavy as a mountain and motionless.

"Is this the end? Is this the end for me, Morishima Kuronei?? Died under two corpses of one man and one horse???"

Even breathing became more and more difficult, and he couldn't help but ask himself, and even Morishima Kurouchi himself was about to give up completely.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment when he was resigned to his fate and waiting for death, two Japanese-like soldiers who braved the flying shrapnel and risked being blown into a pulp would once again let the desperate Morishima Kuronei saw hope of life.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander! Can you still move? Can you still stand up!?"

After removing the major's body that was pressing on his upper body, the two anxious Japanese soldiers immediately asked Morishima Kuronei, who was obviously in a bad condition.

I didn't wait for the brigade commander's reply, but I did wait for the brigade commander's gesture of pointing at his ear and waving his hands repeatedly.

There was no protection from being exposed to such huge continuous explosions, not even basic shell-proof holes and trenches.

Not to mention that Morishima Kuronai was basically deaf. Even the two Japanese soldiers who were the captains of the first aid brigade were in no better condition and could only communicate through gestures.

It was only after seeing Morishima Kuronei's gesture that the two Japanese soldiers, who only thought about the leader of the emergency brigade, realized it.

It turns out that my ears are no different than being unable to hear.

There were clearly huge explosions all around, and all kinds of high-speed shrapnel shrieking and flying in all directions, but it was as if my ears were on mute mode, and I could barely hear anything.

Subconsciously, he reached out and wiped his ears, only to find that his hands were covered in blood.

I didn't care whether my ears could be saved or not, so I had to quickly rescue the brigade commander and then take him to a safe place.

The two Japanese soldiers, who didn't care about themselves at all, used all their strength to lift the heavy horse corpse into a gap. Only then was Morishima Kuronei, who was like a dead dog, able to crawl forward on his own hands and along the ground, and finally get out.

But to pull away is to pull away, but it is impossible to stand up again, at least it is impossible at the moment.

After several attempts to stand up, Morishima Kuronei couldn't even care that his command knife was pinned under the horse's corpse. In the end, two Japanese soldiers, one on each side, dragged him by the arms and hurriedly set him up. It is necessary to move to a safe location of the expected target.

Only when I stood up and took a look did I realize that there was no "safe position" at all under this heavy artillery barrage.

As far as the eye could see, Russian artillery shells were exploding all over the place. The huge flames and high-speed impacting shrapnel were the only main theme rhythm under this wave-breaking barrage.

Corpses, wreckage, countless broken limbs, and fragmented parts of various weapons and equipment.

It was everywhere, but there was no place that could be called safe.

With no other option, I could only quickly choose a "relatively safest place among unsafe places" to hide first. Whether I would live or die would all depend on whether I was strong enough.

Two Japanese soldiers plus a major general, the three of them combined can't make up a pair of good ears.

Being bombed, there was really no place to hide, so I could only pick a bigger crater on the spot and jump into it with a dog-eating attitude of trying my best.

He felt that the ground beneath him was still shaking violently, and he was tortured by the severe pain of the shattered fractures of his legs.

I have never suffered such a crime since I joined the army. Even before I joined the army and since I came out of my mother's womb, I have never experienced such a crime.

"Baga! These idiots from the Kwantung Army Headquarters! They knew that the Russians were invincible and they sent me to die. As long as I can come back alive, I will definitely fight with these idiots! No, I have to go back alive no matter what! I have to. Live!"

Morishima Kuronei, who was secretly cruel, threw all the blame on the Kwantung Army headquarters.

He decided that someone above him was not dealing with him and was deliberately trying to kill him in a different way, so he borrowed the help of the Russians to kill him with a borrowed knife.

Regardless of secretly gritting his teeth and vowing revenge, Morishima Kuronei, who had no idea whether he could survive this disaster, was thinking about what he planned to do in the future.

Not far away from the piles of Japanese who were bombed by heavy artillery and unable to take care of themselves, a one-stop service was provided to kill and bury them, saving them from even digging their own graves.

The Red Army scouts, who were closely observing the Japanese in distress, had already sent the updated strike coordinates back to the artillery positions in the rear.

Not only that, but they could even contact the command post at the rear through the car radio of the jeep that drove across the river in an emergency, giving a complete description of how happy Japan is now.

"Understood, you continue to observe and calibrate the strike coordinates for the artillery, so that the more and more precise firepower projection can maximize the damage to the enemy! Yes! We don't care about the consumption of artillery shells now. Just blow up as much damage as possible to the enemy. Just open your mouth beat!"

"Okay, that's it. If there are any new situations, we will report them in a timely manner."

Because of the importance of the battle, Malashenko directly contacted the forward scouts by leapfrogging. After listening to the complete report transmitted by radio and issuing orders, he put down the microphone and turned to the political commissar comrades.

"The effect of the strike is very good. The forward scouts reported that the enemy's movements have completely stopped. They are now stuck in the artillery bombardment area and cannot move forward or retreat. It is a luxury to even move a little bit."

It's okay to be bombed and eat artillery shells on a preset position, but it's even worse to be bombed without a bunker on the march.

What was even worse was that they were bombed in an open plain, with no village in front of them, no shop behind them, and no place to hide. Even finding a ravine and boulder to hide became a dream.

Therefore, the enemy's state at this moment happens to be the moment when the results of the bombardment can be maximized.

In line with the battlefield truth of "Kill you while you are sick", Malashenko, who beat the drowned dog without any mercy, not only had no intention of giving up when the situation was good.

Instead, they plan to continue to output the cluster-level firepower of these more than 300 heavy artillery pieces, and continue to blow up the Japanese until they disappear.

As for how long it will take to explode, Malashenko has not thought about it so much for the time being.

In short, let's start the explosion first, and don't stop the sound of the cannon! While bombing, make decisions based on feedback from the front line.

Anyway, I have enough artillery shells, so many that each of your regiment's Japs can receive 100 rounds of heavy artillery shells, which is more than enough.

It is also a waste to let the surplus military supplies that have not been used by the Nazis sit idle. The ammunition has expired and has to be destroyed. It is better to take this opportunity to reward the enemy. At least it can make the best use of it, which is better than destroying it after it has expired. Be strong.

One thing to say is that even when he was in Berlin, Malashenko had never given such an order, requiring such a crazy pouring of artillery shells regardless of consumption.

At that time in Berlin, at least one had to consider that the road conditions in the city were complicated and difficult to navigate. The supplies that the siege detachment could get after entering the city were very limited due to the poor road conditions. In particular, the heavy equipment and ammunition of the siege detachment needed a little more Save your time.

But it's different now.

Now the entire artillery force has its back to the Far East Military Region and has not yet crossed the river.

Preparations for the war against Japan have been ongoing since before the Nazis were completely dead. They have already accumulated a huge amount of ammunition reserves. Even Malashenko himself cannot give an accurate estimate.

The shell tubes are sufficient and easy to supply, so it would be a waste to keep them without firing.

What else is there to say? Calculated based on the number of Japanese soldiers, each person should be fired with at least 10 heavy artillery shells at least. If there are not enough, I will still have it, just use a large amount to fill it up.

Also because he was shocked by Malashenko's "relentless heavy artillery" over-the-horizon annihilation battle, the political commissar who responded with a dumb smile just shook his head slightly helplessly and spoke.

"It's just a regiment, with no more than 4,000 people at most. But you mobilized more than half of the army, and you still led the army's artillery bombardment. I'm afraid this cannot be explained by simply "paying attention to the opponent."

Malashenko, who had walked slowly to the map, was still smiling. Hearing the words of Comrade Political Commissar with a smile, he raised his hand to mark the map himself while speaking.

"If these Japanese devils hide in the county and kidnap civilians as a shield, I will really be tied up and there will be no good way to deal with them."

"Who dared these blind bastards to go out of the city for a decisive battle? Since I'm looking for death, of course I have to help them."

"Since the era of the leader's division, no enemy has ever been able to defeat the name of the leader on a frontal field battlefield. It was the same in the past and it is still the same now. I want these Japanese devils to know what the consequences will be if they dare to go out of the city for a decisive battle with the leader's army. I’m sure I’ll eat this bunch of Japanese offal today!”

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