Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3039 Corpses everywhere

Corpses of Japanese soldiers in various forms of death lay scattered all over the ground, and missing arms and legs blown up by shells were scattered all over the ground.

There is an unlimited supply of blood and minced meat here. Alsim, who has seen this scene many times before, does not even frown. He just raises his gun and leads his soldiers to spread out in a search formation. The infantry fighting vehicles advancing at a constant speed continued to advance together with the tanks.

"There are dead people everywhere for almost a kilometer, and no one is alive yet."

Not far away from Alsim, Sulovechenko, who was also leading the search with another platoon, frowned.

It's not because of the extremely strong-smelling Japanese scene in front of me, but because from the moment I saw the first Japanese corpse after getting off the bus, even if I haven't advanced one kilometer, I should be almost there.

After approaching the enemy for one kilometer, I still haven't seen a living person. As far as I can see, there are only corpses and corpses. There are all kinds of weapon fragments and burning wreckage everywhere.

Seeing a hand sticking out of the floating soil in front of him, Sulovchenko, who wanted to try his luck, immediately raised his gun and stepped forward. When he came to the floating soil, he held up the AK with the bayonet and stabbed it on the spot.

The feeling of piercing into the soil is as soft as piercing into cotton, and there is no firm feeling like the tip of the knife touching flesh and bones.


Sulovechenko, who shook his head helplessly, could already guess the result. While still holding the gun in his right hand, he freed his left hand, grabbed the hand protruding from the floating soil, and pulled it out.

The results of the facts before us can only be said to be true, consistent with the results Sulovechenko judged based on experience.

The hand buried in the floating soil is just a hand.

The arm that was supposed to be connected to the hand had long since disappeared, and as for the body behind the arm, it was unknown where it was blown away.

From the moment the ethereal touch came from the front of the bayonet, Sulovechenko knew that there was a 99% chance that this would be the result.

Looking at the severed hand that had no trace of blood left, it was cold and without any warmth, and it had been removed from the body for who knows how long.

The useless Sulovechenko threw the Japanese's severed hand aside like trash, and then continued to raise the rifle in his hand and walk forward.

"A lot of horses died here. Are those Japanese cavalry?"

"No, that's right. Look, this dead guy still has a saber on him."

As these two warriors communicated in low voices said.

Among the various corpses visible to the naked eye at the shelling site, horse corpses may not be the most numerous, but they are certainly the most eye-catching.

A large number of corpses of war horses that had been shocked to death by shelling, blasted to death, or even died on the spot were almost everywhere.

The powerful 203 cannon and the even more terrifying 310mm rockets blew these specially trained war horses to pieces and even shattered them on the spot.

We have seen many dead people on the battlefield, but there are indeed relatively few dead horses on the battlefield.

Seeing the corpse of a war horse in front of him being blown into two pieces at the waist, all kinds of stinky internal organs in the abdominal cavity of the huge severed limbs were scattered all over the ground along with the broken bones. The smell was far stronger than that of the corpses of the Japanese soldiers.

Even veteran soldiers like Alsim Company who have experienced hundreds of battles will try to stay as far away as possible if they can't get close, because the smell that floats in the wind is too strong and pungent.

"The meat is still fresh. It's such a large amount. It would be a pity to leave it here to rot."

Although the Alsim Company's casualty ratio is not low, the ratio of veterans is also high. The veterans who can survive are basically top elites with full battlefield survival skills and tactical tactics. Although they are not as good as their company commanders, they are still far superior to ordinary people.

Among them, there are many veterans who participated in the Battle of Stalingrad and even the more distant Battle of Leningrad.

Thinking back to those difficult years, in fact, the most difficult thing to deal with was not the German Nazis.

At least they were flesh and blood with two heads on their shoulders. They would still die if they were shot, bayoneted or blown away by artillery. As long as you have the courage, the nuggets will turn into corpses.

But invisible hunger is a more terrifying enemy than Nazism.

Destroying the bodies of soldiers and obliterating the will of the Red Army will cause even greater trouble than those Nazis who are armed to the teeth.

At least the Nazis can be eliminated, but hunger, as long as the battle does not end for a day, you can only bear it with your life, no matter how powerful the weapon in your hand is, it cannot be eliminated.

I recall those days when even mice were caught and boiled, and it was a sumptuous meal with whatever was edible.

As for the war horses, they had all been killed long ago.

When famine swept through the Red Army in the early to middle period, the war horses that had been partners and comrades-in-arms were already killed and shared, to the point of eating rat meat. Where could there be any war horses to kill?

Now that I see the horse meat everywhere in front of me, I can't help but feel emotional.

The soldiers who once fought hungry and could only eat one piece of bread a day felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts when they saw edible things, especially the horse meat of war horses, being thrown away and wasted in this way.

"I was reminded of the time in the suburbs of Berlin when German civilians fought with horse-meat knives in order to snatch the carcass of a horse, and several people died?"

"The horse's corpse obviously couldn't be eaten, but a living person still died from it. Human nature has long since rotted and stinked just like the horse's corpse."

“Shhh—there seems to be movement ahead.

Before the two warriors who were conversing finished speaking, another warrior on the side suddenly raised his hand to signal.

There seemed to be something moving in the pile of corpses on the ground. The vigilant soldiers could clearly see that the floating soil buried on the pile of corpses loosened and slid away. It did not look like it was caused by the wind at all.

"cover me."

Making a gesture of needing cover and keeping silent, the three soldiers immediately dispersed their formation, and the left, middle and right simultaneously moved towards the pile of corpses buried in the floating soil.

When I took a closer look, I realized that the mound of floating soil was actually a huge crater.

It seemed that another heavy artillery shell that hit the target very close to the explosion exploded nearby, stirring up tons of floating soil and falling from the sky, directly burying the Japanese soldiers who were hiding in the pit, who did not know whether they were alive or dead, but maybe still alive, on the spot. .

There is more than one Japs hiding in this bomb crater, which can be seen by just looking at the more than one pair of hands and feet exposed outside the mound of floating soil.

A huge amount of soil, even just floating soil, is so heavy that the person being buried cannot escape by himself, even if his hands or feet are still exposed.

If no one helps, the results are predictable.

Temporary burial alive will turn into permanent burial alive. Hypoxia and suffocation can completely kill a person in just a few minutes.

Judging by the time, there is a high probability that none of the Japanese buried in the pit will be alive.

But it was true to see the mounds of floating soil moving. Maybe the Japanese who were lucky enough to get stuck in the gap between some corpses could take a breath, and maybe they were lucky enough to survive to this day.

The soldier who walked to the pile of floating soil decided to give it a try. Under the cover of his comrades, he immediately took out his engineering shovel and quickly opened up the upper layer of floating soil in a few strokes.

Soon, a moving steel helmet appeared first in the field of vision.

"Help—help me—someone help—"

"Is there really anyone alive?"

The soldier looked happy when he realized that the digging was not in vain. Without saying anything, he immediately raised his hand and continued to dig up the remaining loose soil with the engineer shovel.

The Japanese steel helmet that was still moving, the real owner of the Japanese cry for help under the floating soil, was finally dug out and brought to light again.

But the situation was not very good. The long-term lack of oxygen had made the unfortunate guy very angry, and his eyes were a little turned up. It was estimated that he would burp and ascend to heaven after being buried for another ten minutes.

"Hey! Take a breath! Can you still speak? If you can, just nod. I have something to ask you."

After a long period of battle preparation, the leadership army, whose soldiers are already of high quality, has now basically deployed soldiers who understand Japanese to the squad level, and every platoon has soldiers or commanders who are proficient in Japanese.

Top elites like the Alsim Company, warriors who are proficient in Japanese can even be found in every squad.

Of course, it's not a Siberian roughneck like the company commander, but other soldiers or grassroots commanders with sufficient education, such as the squad leader who stepped forward to ask questions.



Seeing that the Japanese man was only panting for air after seeing the light of day, his eyes were as wide as cow eggs. He was struggling to stay alive but could still talk and answer.

"Why don't we go somewhere else? It's just a waste of time with this guy."

The squad deputy suggested on the side, but the squad leader still planned to give it one last try.

After all, after walking only one kilometer and encountering such a seemingly available person, the chance of trying one's luck is really too low.

"Hey! Talk, I want you to talk! Nod your head if you can hear me, right now!"

The gasping Japanese soldier did indeed hear it, but he did not respond with a nod or a spoken word.

"Sokka! Monitor, be careful!"

As soon as the Japanese took out his right hand that was hidden under his body, the warrior with quick eyes and quick hands and a loud shout immediately stepped forward, raised the AK with the bayonet in his hand, aimed at the arm, and struck with all his strength.


The Japanese who was still angry and gasping for air just now screamed in agony. His arm was pierced by a bayonet and his disguise was broken.

What rolled out from the uncontrollable right hand was a grenade with the pin pulled out.

"This bitch actually wants to die together!? We shouldn't have saved him!"

The soldiers of the leading army who fought against the Japanese army for the first time had not yet experienced the madness of these lunatics.

Although there have been various courses and study manuals issued before, if it is popularized in the Japanese army, there will be quite a few fanatics who are unwilling to be captured. Even if they are seriously injured, they will fire grenades and die together.

But seeing it on paper and encountering it in reality are two different things after all. It was the first time that the soldiers saw these madmen so desperate for their lives. They were still a little surprised.

I really didn't expect that even if it came to being buried alive, instead of surrendering, the Japanese would actually want to drag people on their backs and die together. This kind of invader's fanaticism and madness is rare even for Nazis.

For the time being, he ignored the Japanese soldier who was stabbed in the arm by a bayonet and was half-dead but still being stared at. He walked to the grenade that was stabbed by a soldier with a bayonet and then kicked away. He then bent down and reached out to pick it up.

"Well, it's safe. This thing still has one more step to go before it can be blown up."

Because he had previously widely understood the general performance and characteristics of Japanese military equipment, the squad leader, who noticed something wrong, stepped forward to pick up the kicked grenade and took a look. Only then did he realize that the situation was as expected.

The Japanese soldiers who wanted to kill others had only time to pull out the safety pin, but had no chance to knock the firing pin to trigger the primer. The soldier with quick eyes and quick hands picked up the grenade with a bayonet and kicked it away.

The strange design of the Japanese grenade, which requires a knock to activate the primer, is indeed rare. This indirectly leads to the fact that the Japanese soldiers often fail even if they want to kill people together.

In this kind of capture scene where the gun is held up to the nose, any opponent with sharp eyes and quick hands will not give you a chance like the Japanese to knock the grenade against something hard.

Thanks to this weird and stupid design created by the Japanese themselves, the grenade that was kicked on the projectile and flew out on the spot did not explode. Instead, it was picked up by the squad leader and shared with the comrades.

"This thing won't explode suddenly, right?"

The soldiers who saw this strange object for the first time were still a little worried, but the squad leader, who had studied the Japanese equipment manual thoroughly, was confident. He pointed to the safety part on the front of the grenade and explained it to the soldiers.

"This thing cannot explode before the firing pin hits and moves down. It can be clearly seen from the appearance. You have to knock the front part in before it explodes."

After studying the Japs' strange grenade, he threw it away from a safe distance. Knowing that there was no need to talk nonsense, the squad leader raised his finger forward, signaling to continue moving forward.

Another understanding soldier then stepped forward, raised the AK with a bayonet in his hand, and gave the Japanese who was seeking death a happy blow on the spot.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out, directly stabbing him to the core. With a tilt of his head, this dog's life was ended.

"Are all Japanese devils like this? This is too crazy."

After handling the matter, the squad leader came to Sulovchenko. While continuing to advance with vigilance, raising his gun, he asked questions in a low voice. All he received was Sulovchenko's calm-faced answer.

"There are fanatics and strong men, just like the Nazis have lunatic SS soldiers, but there are also strong men who are afraid of death. You must still remember what happened in Berlin."

"So if you keep looking, you will definitely find something else."

Before Sulovechenko could finish his words, the roar of the tracks of the infantry tank advancing beside him continued. Alsim, not far away, has already achieved what Sulovechenko said.

"Open your eyes, keep your tongue straight, and tell me carefully, where did your army go? Where are all the people who are still alive?"

Unlike Sulovechenko, Alsim dragged out the driver and soldier who was stuck and half-dead from the wreckage of a destroyed Japanese truck.

I only found out after a cursory inquiry.

It turns out that this guy was originally a truck driver who delivered grain to the flour mill run by the Japanese in Northeast China. Until the Kwantung Army recruited soldiers, they went everywhere to catch strong men, especially those with skills who could drive cars. With just one summons, he was forced to enlist in the army and became a troop truck driver. So far, it has only been 3 months.

So this guy was not only afraid of death and begging for mercy, but he was also very willing to answer Alsim's questions, and blurted out words of begging for mercy right after.

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