Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3042 Ten Deaths and No Life

Since the introduction of lighters and explosives into human warfare, how to prevent war horses from being frightened has actually been a profound course. 6̳̳

Although gunpowder blew the knight class to pieces, it did not mean that war horses had completely withdrawn from the stage of war.

It can only be said that war horses have changed from the main combat mission on the frontal battlefield to taking on auxiliary war functions such as reconnaissance, transportation, message delivery, and ordering. It is still far from being completely withdrawn from the battlefield.

You must know that before mechanization, there was mules and horses. The human army did not directly jump from two legs to mechanization in one step.

For the mechanized troops that are not available, we must first convert them into mules and horses. You can't make a fat man in one breath.

It is precisely because war horses were so important in all aspects during World War II that all major military powers in the world, except for the US military, which took the lead in completing the mechanization of the entire army, basically paid considerable attention to how to better train war horses.

It is not acceptable for war horses going to the front line to be frightened by the explosions of artillery. The most common way to train war horses for this ability is to take the horses to various training grounds to listen to the explosions of guns and artillery.

But as Alsim said.

How powerful are the explosives on the training ground? How much noise can be made?

Let’s not talk about the Red Army, just talk about the Japanese devils.

You Japanese devils are so shabby that they still smell it after picking their buttocks, for fear of wasting the taste.

Even basic rifle bullets require precise shooting, and try to eliminate an enemy with one bullet. It is better to expect that the training ground can be willing to use large-caliber artillery shells and high-yield explosives to train war horses. It is better to expect that the little Japanese emperor will commit seppuku tomorrow. realistic.

Even if it means breaking the sky, just use grenades and explosive packs on the training ground.

War horses are not the main combat unit, so why waste so much precious ammunition in the eyes of the Japanese army?

The logic makes sense, and there is no problem when bullying opponents who lack heavy firepower.

But that was before meeting the Red Army. After meeting the Red Army, everything was a different matter.

The Soviet Red Army, which has the most powerful field artillery group in the world, can only use one word - bomb.

The last opponent who was bombed to the point of doubting his life is now physically in the grave, his spirit is annihilated in the dust, and he has gone to hell to report to the Kaiser.

The same treatment has now fallen on the Japanese, and they are fighting against the only one in the Red Army - the leader army.

Malashenko, who did not care about the waste of ammunition and over-saturation of firepower, focused 300 army and division heavy artillery pieces on the head of a regiment in the Japanese military district.

Even the militaristic Japanese lunatics couldn't stand such a battle. They were blown to pieces and their bodies were scattered in all directions.

The war horses there who had experienced this scene were even more intolerable. Even if they survived the devastating bombardment just now, they were still frightened by the bombing and suffered from severe PTSD.

Horses are spiritual and intelligent animals. Their memories can be preserved for a long time, but they cannot be forgotten in less than an hour.

So when this horrifying explosion, which killed countless similar people, sounded again at an extremely close distance.

The surviving war horse instantly recalled the terrifying and terrifying scene and went crazy on the spot. No matter how hard the Japanese cavalry on horseback tried, they could not control it and bumped around in the crowd, causing a considerable number of casualties.

This added chaos to the Japanese army that was already being bombed in a hurry and was caught off guard. On the contrary, it helped the Red Army who came to kill the general and successfully slowed down the speed of the Japanese army's reaction.

Seeing the great opportunity, Alsim was about to give an order when he saw the commander leaning out from the open hatch and directly handed the microphone with an extended cord in his hand to him.

"Comrade Division Commander is looking for you and wants you to answer the radio!"


At this moment, Kulbalov is leading his main force slightly further back, behind the forward T43A medium tank cluster.

It was natural for the medium tanks to be responsible for fire reconnaissance and detection of the enemy's situation in the front, and then to guide the heavy tanks to directly attack the enemy's weak points, but Alsim did not expect that the division commander would find him at this time.

"Hey, it's me! Chief Wolf reports."

There are not so many red tapes in battlefield communications. Alsim took over the microphone and reported his radio call sign, only to hear the rough-speaking Kulbalov on the other side directly give the order.

"Your first task is to entangle the enemy, not to annihilate it immediately! The enemy must not be allowed to escape back to the county under any circumstances. This is the latest order issued by the superiors! I will lead the team to cut off the enemy's retreat in a roundabout way. Don't let the enemy escape until then. The enemy has escaped!"


Hearing this, Alsim was stunned while holding the microphone.

There was only one unit that Kulbalov could call his superior, so there was no need to say who this order came from.

Alsim immediately answered after realizing what he should do.

"Understood, promise to complete the mission! The alpha wolf is finished."

At this moment, Alsim had a tank company, a mechanized infantry company, and a combat engineer company under his command hanging outside the tank. It barely had the strength of a battalion, but it lacked direct artillery support.

The group of Japanese troops in front of them was ostensibly a regiment, but after being bombarded by more than 300 heavy artillery fire for more than an hour, it can only be a question of how many defeated soldiers were left.

It's difficult to annihilate the enemy immediately and quickly, but it is still possible to entangle the enemy and prevent them from running away.

The enemy's location has been confirmed through forward reconnaissance contact. Kulbalov, who was adapting to the situation, immediately began to command the IS7 guard company at hand and the remaining T43A troops to divide into two groups, and began to outflank the accompanying mechanized infantry.

This process does not take long. The highly mechanized and fully tracked main force can quickly complete the outflanking of the Japanese army and cut off the retreat.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to prevent the enemy from outflanking and cutting your way out.

Either run away, faster than the enemy can outflank, and jump out of the enemy's encirclement before the retreat is cut off.

Either concentrate your forces to attack all the way, intercept and outflank the enemy at least one way, and annihilate or repel them halfway. In this way, the encirclement will naturally break without any attack.

But these two methods are equivalent to fantasy for the current Japanese army.


Not to mention whether it can be outrun, how can we run away immediately when these crazy horses have not been tidied up yet? By the time you finish cleaning up, you're afraid that the Russians' tracks will run over your face.


Fight der! The Russians who came at high speed didn't even have a car, they were all fucking bastards carrying guns.

The Japanese army is now on the road to retreat, with no defensive positions and no friendly reinforcements. The defense is not necessarily, or even likely to be defeated. If you rush towards the Russians like this, you will only seek death, and die faster.

So this also led to a very embarrassing situation.

Whether it's a Japanese soldier, a sergeant, an assistant officer, or even the paraplegic Morishima Kurouchi.

All the Japs could clearly see the vast plain in front of them, except for the mighty group of Russian iron bastards who were attacking at high speed and charging and firing. There are two more groups of Russians, who are circuitous and advancing in both directions. They have now taken the left and right paths and headed straight for their own army's retreat.

This is not a conspiracy by the Russians, this is a naked conspiracy.

I just outflanked you in front of you, what the hell? If you are not convinced, try to intercept me and see if you die faster if you just sit and wait or if an egg hits a rock.

Seeing this, Morishima Kuronei was frightened and frightened. He was even more angry because the Russians did not take him seriously and carried out roundabouts in front of him.

But so what? What else can be done besides being incompetent and furious? Doing something quickly is a hundred times better than just yelling and cursing.

"Fight! Fight immediately! Order the 1st and 3rd Infantry Brigades to defend on the spot, and the tank brigades to cover the infantry and provide artillery support!"

"Take down all the 92 infantry guns that are still usable, deploy them, and fire flatly on the spot! We must block the Russians' frontal impact!"

Upon hearing the order from Morishima Kuronei, who was paralyzed in the car, the captain and adjutant of the 101st Wing standing beside the car were dumbfounded, and they immediately blurted out a flurry of persuasion.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander! You must not do this! The Russians are powerful, so you should let your subordinates protect you and break out quickly. There is still a chance before the Russian encirclement is formed! We have tanks and we can definitely do it!"

"Yes, Your Excellency, we still have the 102nd Regiment on its way back to the front line. As long as we return to the county seat and hold on, we can still do a lot! It's too dangerous to stay here, so please rush out first!"

The captain and the adjutant of the 101st Wing sang in harmony and spoke in unison to remonstrate, but they did not expect that what they got in exchange was a smile on Morishima Kuronei's face that was uglier than crying.

"Fujita-kun, let me ask you, how many tanks do you have?"


The captain of the 101st Wing blushed in embarrassment when he heard what the brigade commander was refusing to do. He could only endure the strong feeling of shame and replied.

"Your Excellency, Commander of the Return Brigade, there are 9 vehicles left."

"Are there only 9 of the 9 tanks left? That was a full tank brigade, but the Russians shelled it, and now there are only 9 tanks left."

Morishima Kuronei said it very lightly, euphemistically calling it "just a shelling", but he never mentioned the things that fell from the sky. There was nothing with a caliber lower than 132 mm.

"So the answer is obvious, Fujita-kun and Yamashita-kun. We have no choice but to fight to the death here. The number of Russian tanks is ten times that of ours. We cannot get out with just 9 tanks." of."

Having said that, the regretful Morishima Kuronei looked towards the distant horizon, which was the direction of Tokyo in his memory, and quietly spoke words with melancholy and sadness.

"It's just that I can't see the cherry blossoms in my hometown blooming again, gentlemen! Let's hold on to the ambition of serving the country for seven lives and work hard together!"

"Hey! Serve the country for seven lives, fight hard!"

Alsim's leading troops, charging at full speed, were about to engage in a firefight with the Japanese army. Seeing that there was no chance of survival, these remaining Japanese soldiers were determined to fight to the end.

At the same time, on the north bank of the Ussuri River, which is not too far away, there is the military-level frontline headquarters of the leading army.

Malashenko, who was standing in front of the map of the war zone, stopped and stared, his thoughts following his gaze as he flew to the battlefield, looking directly at the coordinates of the battlefield marked by a red circle on the map.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, Division Commander Kurbalov sent a relay call message, saying that his unit is encircling the enemy's retreating troops and must annihilate them in the suburbs outside the county to complete the mission."


After listening to the report from the correspondent, Malashenko drew the last red line on the map with a pen, and personally placed the mark representing the retreating Japanese army into the red circle.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who quietly came forward to the side, saw this scene, and his quiet words immediately reached Malashenko's ears.

"It seems that you are determined to intercept this group of enemies and are determined not to let them escape into the city."

After hearing the words of Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, who did not hide his true thoughts, immediately spoke.

"I know very well the urinal nature of these Japanese devils. Once they escape into the county, not to mention the difficulty of the siege itself, these crazy humanoid scum will definitely use innocent civilians as human shields."

"The people living on this land have already suffered enough. The Red Army is here to help them, not to cause more innocent casualties. Whenever possible, I will try my best to avoid collateral damage and never let these scum escape into the county. !”

Even for civilians in Berlin, Malashenko did not kill them all indiscriminately.

The political commissar comrades who have been with Malashenko for a long time have been witnessing it with their own eyes, watching all this as bystanders and mentors, and are even more pleased with Malashenko's persistence.

"You have never forgotten the essence of the Red Army, Malashenko. It is the common ideal of breaking the shackles of oppression and exploitation for countless suffering people that allows us to gather under the same red flag and fight side by side."

"As a military commander, you can always implement it into battle. This allows our soldiers to persist in their beliefs and ideals after battle after battle, and become stronger because of it."

Malashenko, who walked out of the headquarters with his political commissar comrades, held a telescope and looked at the distant horizon and couldn't help but smile.

"It's time to prepare. The forward command post will be moved to the county town. This will be the first city we liberate from the Japanese invaders on the first day of the war, and this is just the beginning."

call out--


Before moving the forward command post forward to the county seat, the last pile of garbage blocking the road between the Red Army and the city must be thoroughly cleared.

A 100mm grenade was bombarded in front of the Japanese soldiers who were lying on the spot. On the spot, seven or eight Japanese soldiers were sent into the sky with their guns, causing the literal bones to fly.

Alsim, who had already jumped off the tank and was marching behind the tank, kept raising his gun and shooting sideways, suppressing any Japanese soldiers who dared to show their faces.

But he didn't expect that at the next moment, he saw a big thing pointing towards him.

"Artillery! Japanese artillery, they want to fire flatly! Concentrate the fire and kill it!"

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