"The target is at 1 o'clock, 800 meters away! Load armor-piercing rounds, gunner prepares!"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"




The 130mm destroyer gun fire from the Red Navy flashed, and the violent muzzle shock wave stirred up the lawn dust under the muzzle, forcing a deep pit visible to the naked eye out of the originally green lawn.

The Japanese tank, which was still charging, had no time to stop. The huge armor-piercing warhead with a muzzle velocity exceeding one kilometer per second had already hit the target, hitting the target.

The expected possible over-penetration scenario did not occur, which at least shows that the main armor belt directly in front of the Japanese tank is indeed thick to a certain extent, and it is worth using armor-piercing bullets to deal with it.

But the lack of penetration does not mean that the Japanese tank can withstand this powerful and heavy blow. The screaming armor-piercing warhead still penetrated the main armor belt on the front of the vehicle without any suspense, and violently blasted into the battle. The interior of a Japanese tank weighing only 15 tons.

The armor-piercing delay fuse was successfully activated, and the charge contained in the warhead's warhead exploded in the vehicle.


The Type 97 medium tank, which the Kwantung Army relied on as its absolute main force, was blown to pieces with just one blow, including the vehicle and its crew.

The vehicle's fuel and ammunition exploded simultaneously. The fire assisted the oil, and the oil borrowed the power of the fire. The entire tank was wrapped in a large number of metal fragments and exploded into a blazing fireball.

In the next instant, the rocket's turret, which was sitting on the same spot, shot directly into the air more than ten meters high.


The turret, which was pulled back to the ground by gravity from high altitude, fell heavily to the ground. The twisted and deformed turret was burning fiercely, spraying out a large amount of hot black smoke and spitting flames.

Scenes like this are not isolated cases, but occur throughout the entire echelon of Japanese tank charges.

A small number of IS7s commanded a large number of IS6 heavy tanks, and they hit the front of the Japanese offensive echelon head-on.

The heavy tank troops of the Leader's Army opened fire without mercy. Even if the tanks on the opposite side were four times heavier than them, they still used all their strength and firepower to give the Japanese and Nazis equal treatment.

The Japanese army, accustomed to bullying the weak, had never seen such a formation before.

Thinking back to every battle in the past, when the imperial tanks arrived, the embarrassed enemy immediately fled.

Even if it encounters resistance, the rifle bullets hitting the armor plate of the tank will just make sparks and crackle, and have no effect other than hearing a sound and scratching the paint.

But now, the Russians' huge artillery fire has directly restored their most precious main tank to the state of parts on the spot.

"Baga! A chariot worth 31,700 yen!! Russian pig, you have to compensate me!!!"

The Japanese tank squadron leader, who came from a poor fishermen's family in Hokkaido, was furious. He was accustomed to living a hard life and could not bear to see such precious tanks being wasted like this. They were killed in piles by the Russians without even firing a single shell. The squadron leader, unable to accept the cruel reality in front of him, shouted loudly.

"Stop! Stop the tanks immediately and shoot at the Russian pigs! Shoot!! Shoot!!!"

If he were the commander of the tank unit of the Red Army on the opposite side at this time, he only needed to pick up the radio at hand and issue an order.

But the Japanese army was different.

For the Japanese army whose vehicle-mounted radios were only distributed to the command vehicle level during the 1997 War, it would be extremely cumbersome and troublesome to update battlefield instructions.

The squadron leader gave the order, and the electromechanical personnel immediately transmitted the order to the next level team via radio.

At the squad level, there is no on-board radio configuration any further down, which means that the squad leader must personally hold the flag and stick his upper body out of the tank turret to wave the flag to issue instructions.

Or if you are afraid of death, you can let other Japanese soldiers in the vehicle climb out and wave the flag. Anyway, when the squad leader is commanding the vehicle, a Japanese soldier must climb out and give orders in flag language.

In the past, it was easy to say that the Japanese tank troops, who were used to fighting smooth battles, had almost never encountered the inconvenience of using semaphores in actual combat.

This resulted in this group of people not only not feeling that there was anything wrong with this operation, but on the contrary, they also "argued with reason" and believed that it was absolutely reliable based on actual combat feedback.

However, today's battle is not a smooth battle for the Japanese army. All the good feedback from actual combat in the past has no effect today.

"Gunner cover! I'll wave the flag!"


A certain chariot squad leader who thought he was very brave decided to take a risk, because he didn't believe that the Russians on the opposite side could kill him.

He opened his mouth and ordered the gunner to operate the main gun to cover himself. Without saying a word, he pushed open the turret roof and leaned out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the upper part of the body was ejected from the front foot, the Russian 130mm cannon directly hit the back foot.


The sound sounded like a watermelon falling from a height of twenty stories.

The entire upper body was directly hit in the chest by a 130mm armor-piercing projectile. The squad leader, who was instantly beaten to pieces, performed the art of disappearance of the upper body on the spot. Various scarlet objects fell directly along the turret roof into the car.

! ! !

"Team, Your Excellency Captain! Your Excellency Captain!!!"

There is no Captain. All that is left is his upper body completely disappeared, leaving only his butt and two legs with his lower body still hanging beside him.

There are various ways to die on the battlefield, but death caused by a direct chest blast from a 130mm armor-piercing projectile is extremely rare.

No matter how heart-rending he screamed, it was impossible to make that half of his body grow back.

All that was left in front of him was his two legs that were twitching violently as if he had stepped on a switch, and the scarlet flesh scattered on the floor of the car.

"Sasha! You fucking Suka hit it wrong! Did you know you hit it wrong!"

"I know! I know! One more shot! It will definitely not be crooked!"

It was clear that one shot had beaten the Japanese commander on the opposite side to half of his body, but the IS7 commander, who still had smoke from the muzzle, was still yelling at his gunner, completely ignoring the collapse of the Japanese army on the opposite side.

Without the squad leader who received the semaphore command, the remaining three tanks belonging to the squad that did not receive the updated command were turned into headless flies and continued to rush forward.

When will you realize that you should stop the car and fire? It all depends on whether the captain is still alive in the car. When will you be able to pick up the bloody flag from the pile of minced meat and continue to climb bravely? Get out of the car and give the order on behalf of the squad leader.

However, there are still a small number of Japanese tanks that have not received semaphore instructions. The vast majority of Japanese tank crews with sufficient training time received updated battlefield instructions immediately to stop and prepare to fire.

"Load armor-piercing shells! Aim at the Russian tanks! Fire at will!"

"Hey! The armor-piercing shells are loaded!"



The 97 Zhongzhan, which had just parked its car and managed to regain its balance, opened fire. The armor-piercing warheads fired from the 47mm cannon rushed straight towards the IS7s that looked like terrifying behemoths.



call out--

The miracle did not happen after all. The size difference was as big as that of an adult versus the baby-like IS7. It completely ignored the armor-piercing bullets fired by the Japanese army and continued to aim and fire.

"What did the Japanese just do? Hit our car with rocks?"

"I don't know, maybe machine gun bullets? Or anti-tank guns?"

"It doesn't matter what it is! Keep firing! Reload the armor-piercing bullets! Let the Japanese devils pay the price for daring to attack us!"


From a distance of 800 meters, they completely stopped and stopped advancing. There was no need to continue charging. The Red Army's heavy tank clusters lined up on the spot, entered the shooting position, loaded the huge 130 shells, and directly greeted the Japanese on the head.

The IS7, which was equipped with a semi-automatic loader, had a full rate of fire. The Red Navy naval guns fired every 10 seconds, beating the Japanese tanks on the opposite side that could do nothing but do nothing but exploding one after another.

Not only were a large number of Japanese tanks torn to pieces in the violent explosions, but a large number of Japanese tanks were not exploded because they were too small and were penetrated by armor-piercing shells into the rear power compartment before detonating.

The only result was that the thin-skinned and heavily stuffed Japanese tank exploded in the middle and broke into two pieces when the warhead charge detonated the oil in the power compartment.

The front half of the car with the remaining turret remained in place, and the rear half of the car had been blown away to an unknown place.

As for the Japanese in the car, don't ask, they're just a pile of mushy flesh.

It's good luck to be able to retain a complete corpse with a basic human shape. In any case, it is much better than those Japanese who were crushed to ashes and blown to pieces in a car. If you really have a chance, you should wait for the next life and hope for more. More.

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader! Our attack is completely ineffective! The target is still alive!!!"

"Baga Bagaya Road!"

The literal meaning was translated into Chinese and various lame Japanese language was trembling. He was completely frightened by the Slavic steel monster that was hit by the armor-piercing bullet and made a sound like a billiard ball. There was only movement but no penetration.

The furious tank squadron leader yelled and cursed, but he couldn't blow up the Russian tanks on the opposite side, so retreating was the best way at the moment.

Under the red army's parking formation and full firepower, it was crazy output. This Japanese tank force, which rushed straight from the left wing of the battlefield, had been literally "taken away by the ton" by the IS7s that kept bombarding them before they had any actual close contact.

Everywhere along the way there was flaming steel debris.

Just during the 200-meter driving distance from 700 meters to 500 meters, more than 30 Japanese tanks were destroyed on the road to death.

30 vehicles will be killed within 200 meters. As long as it can hit a gun without even a ricochet, there is absolutely no ambiguity in the average number of vehicles being killed by more than one vehicle every 10 meters.

What is a battlefield loss that scares people to the point of peeing?

Without a doubt, that's what it's called.

The IS7's semi-automatic loader that reloads stably every 10 seconds and the horrific armor-piercing damage is coupled with the IS6 that is still continuously moving into the shooting position to assist in the bombardment.

Not to mention destroying the tanks of the Red Army, the Japanese army, which had not even been able to break the tracks of a certain tank, was currently carrying a 30:0 record.

The Japanese tank troops on the left wing have a total of more than 50 and less than 60 tanks. This is already the main force among the two Japanese tank troops. It is much more than the Japanese tank troops on the right that are advancing in a roundabout way at the same time.

But now, the horror story of losing more than half of the distance of only 200 meters, and not even pulling out a hair of the Russians on the opposite side, really made the Japanese unable to hold on.

The worried squadron leader was about to give the order to launch a desperate charge, but he never thought that someone with brains would directly give the order and strangle him to death.

"Retreat! All tanks retreat immediately! Fall back and reorganize before a decisive battle with the Russians!"

"Your Excellency Captain! But"

"Nothing! Retreat! All tanks retreat immediately. I repeat, retreat immediately!"

call out--


Before the radio command could be heard in his ears, another roaring 122mm armor-piercing round directly hit a Type 97 that had just fired.

Against things like Type 97, the effect is no worse than 130mm armor-piercing bullets.

A powerful blow from the heirloom of the Red Army's heavy tank opened the bottle on the spot, tore off the tiny turret on Type 97's body, and unleashed a huge explosion that instantly turned the tank into countless blazing steel fragments. Scattered impact.

Crack, crackle, crackle, crackle——


Hearing the huge amount of steel fragments set off by the outer armor of his command tank being exploded on the spot from too close a distance, the whole vehicle was hit with a loud bang. It was just like being locked in a coffin, and there were countless chisels pounding on the coffin boards at the same time, making a terrifying sound.

The squadron leader who just now had his brain overloaded and was intent on charging to the death finally woke up.

It is not the reality that is pulled back by reason, but the fear of the abyss that comes from the soul.

Coupled with the personal orders from His Excellency the Captain, what should be done next seems to be a matter of course.

"Retreat! All teams retreat immediately!"

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, there is no squad anymore. We are the only one car left in the entire squadron!"


At a mere 200 meters away, the Russians on the opposite side stunned him and turned him into a "bare squadron leader".

Upon hearing the electromechanical officer's words, the squadron leader's vision went dark and he fainted on the spot. He held on to the tank bulkhead to steady himself. He managed to calm down and then gave the order.

"Retreat! We are the only ones left to retreat! Retreat immediately!"


The driver, who had been frightened for a long time and wished he could quickly rub oil on his feet, heard this and his expression was even more ecstatic than when he saw his own mother.

Shift the gear on the spot and start reversing. During the reversing process, the car body is adjusted along the single-flow transmission, and the front of the car is swung to prepare to run backwards.

However, these Japanese tank soldiers who thought that as long as they gave the order to retreat, it seemed that they could survive, but they forgot one thing.

The group of Russians with huge cannons on the opposite side were still watching this scene retreat.

Expect your opponent to become blind and let him escape as a matter of course.

You have fought too many battles against the wind and have forgotten how to escape from the Japanese when defeated against the wind. Are you taking it too much for granted?

"Haha, it seems that they haven't taught their pig-headed teammates what will happen if they turn and run away in front of the Red Army heavy tanks."

"Attention all crews! Keep firing! Now that the Japanese are here, don't even think about running away! If you dare to charge, you will have to pay the price for daring to charge!"

The first update is in place, the second update will be later, keep climaxing and having fun!

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