Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3059 Brother, is the toilet open?

The four-type thrust and thunder explosion is the official name given to this strange piece of equipment in the Japanese military equipment spectrum.

However, because this thing looks so iconic and looks too much like a tool commonly used for cleaning and sweeping toilets at home, it is usually more appropriate to call it a "toilet peg", or a "poop puller" "also.

In addition, although this thing was invented by the Japanese, the source of its technology is the same as that of many Japanese domestic equipment. It comes from allies who are the same as them.

Don't get me wrong, the Germans are not crazy enough to arm their soldiers with toilet pegs like these.

The prototype weapon in the hands of the Germans is actually the HHL magnetic anti-tank grenade, which looks basically the same as the feces puller in front of the toilet bowl, except that it does not have the pole that the Japanese attached to the back.

The Germans used this thing to use magnetism to attach this heavy-duty anti-tank grenade to the outer armor of the tank, and then manually pull the fuse to delay the detonation.

Generally speaking, as long as it is used properly and the battlefield conditions are relatively suitable, German soldiers using this type of close-combat anti-tank weapon will have the opportunity to retreat to a safe distance on foot after manually pulling the fuse.

At best, the risk factor is very high, but to take a step back, there are no infantry anti-tank weapons in World War II that are not high in risk factor.

From anti-tank rifles to anti-tank guns, and even infantry anti-tank weapons that use the latest technology such as Panzerfaust and Tank Killer, they are without exception the targets of the enemy's direct light and heavy firepower.

Therefore, a gun crew operating an anti-tank gun may not necessarily have a higher chance of survival than an infantry using such magnetic anti-tank grenades.

But the Japanese are different. Their thinking is completely different from that of the Germans.

In the eyes of the Japanese Army Red Deer, your German magnetic anti-tank grenade is troublesome and costly to make, so the magnetic adsorption processing is completely redundant.

I simplified the production process and removed the magnetic adsorption directly, retaining the original design function of the anti-tank grenade.

Then add a piece of wooden stick to the back, and let the soldiers directly use it to stab the tank.

It not only facilitates wartime production, but also eliminates the need to rush to the face of the tank to install grenades and then manually pull the fuse, which greatly increases the success rate of attacking the enemy. Wouldn't this be better?

The only problem is that the explosion radius of the front warhead of the toilet bowl is 5 meters, and the length of the wooden stick held by the Red Deer Soldier is only 2 meters.

In order to ensure that the tank armor can be penetrated, the charge of the warhead cannot be reduced, and the damage caused by the explosion will naturally not be reduced. Instead, a six or seven meter long wooden stick is made, and three red deer soldiers can lift it together. Well, it's a bit uneconomical to charge a tank, and it's a bit uneconomical to kill three of them in one death.

What to do?

It's easy to handle, just use this 2-meter-long wooden stick.

Simply treat soldiers like this toilet peg, they are disposable weapons. As long as they can destroy the enemy's tanks, they will win.

What do you mean by soldiers' lives?

Laughing to death, the life of the red deer soldier is also called life? Not as valuable as toilet paper from Tojo Shogun.

I have as many red deer soldiers as I have stamps for compulsory draft summons.

Isn’t the cost of one of my stamps much lower than the cost of your DeLao magnetic adsorption device?

This improvement is guaranteed to make money without losing money, and it will make a lot of money!

Ever since, based on the weird design ideas of the Japanese, the Germans themselves did not expect that the magnetic adsorption anti-tank grenade would be changed into such a second-hand weapon, and thus it was born.

It is worth mentioning that the background of the birth of this weapon was after the Japanese were severely beaten by the "unspeakable evil chariot" in the Pacific Ocean - the Americans Stuart and Xie Mantou.

Seeing that there is no infantry anti-tank weapon at hand, it is a makeshift product that was made after being killed until the scalp went numb, and it was forced to do nothing.

Therefore, this thing was not originally designed to deal with the Red Army, but was intended to be used in the final decisive battle of "one hundred million pieces of jade" with the rice beasts on the Pacific Islands and the mainland.

But when the Red Army captured Berlin with an unstoppable force, completely annihilated the Nazis, and then marched eastward to the Far East, gathering a huge force to prepare to attack the Kwantung Army.

Seeing the Russians' thousands of tanks swarming in, the Kwantung Army was more than frightened.

In desperation, they quickly found ways to enhance the anti-tank strength of the grassroots troops, especially the infantry.

After rummaging through the weapons arsenal, I didn't find any particularly useful weapons. Instead, I asked the locals to get the design drawings of the toilet bowl.

Looking at this kind of "cheap and easy to use" low-cost, low-tech anti-tank weapon design that is extremely suitable for large-scale and rapid production in wartime.

Without saying a word, the Kwantung Army immediately mobilized the military production lines located in the three eastern provinces and began to work hard to produce this strange "decision weapon" and quickly equip the troops in large quantities.

Taking advantage of the Red Army's months of preparations for the campaign, the military production capacity on hand is indeed quite high. The Kwantung Army, which can even rub tanks and cannons by itself, has also produced a sufficient number of toilet pegs and delivered them to the troops for use.

But it is one thing to use it at hand, and whether it has any effect is another matter that has nothing to do with it.

In desperation, the Japanese infantry captain had no other choice but to make this decision. After giving the order, he personally came to the toilet peg unit that was about to set off.

Looking at these big-headed Red Deer soldiers with their "Must Win" aunt's scarf tied on their heads, they actually put on some pretense and pretended to speak solemnly.

"Gentlemen! If we do not destroy the Russian tanks, we imperial warriors will have no chance of victory!"

"Winning or losing depends on this one move! Please have the courage to serve the country for seven lives, and be sure to completely destroy the Russian tanks! Open up the road to victory! Please!"

After saying that, to show his solemnity, His Majesty the Captain, he held the command knife with one hand and bowed deeply at 90 degrees.

This scene directly caused the Red Deer soldiers in front of them, who had never seen such a battle, to burst into tears with gratitude on the spot.

He immediately put on a show of true feelings that even snot bubbles were about to pop out, and he almost burst into tears on the spot! It’s as if “the rise and fall of the empire depends on my actions.”

"Hi! Don't worry, Captain! We will destroy the Russian tanks and demonstrate the irresistible combat power of the Imperial Warriors!"

"Yo Xi! You are so loyal and brave!"

The captain, who had not yet finished the performance, went a step further and took the initiative to pat the shoulder of the squad leader who was responsible for leading the charge. He then blurted out a smile that almost reached his ears.

"When you all return in triumph, I will personally celebrate your success with the best sake! Please go out and attack! Please!"

It is worth mentioning that in order to ensure that soldiers do not develop fear of war.

When the Kwantung Army delivered weird toilet bowls in batches to the troops for use, they didn't even tell the soldiers below that they were disposable consumables just like the toilet bowls in their hands.

Instead, they stated in a high-sounding way that this was the empire's latest anti-tank decisive weapon, and it had a miraculous effect on any enemy tank, causing it to burst into pieces and kill indiscriminately.

So you "loyal and brave imperial warriors" just need to hold this thing like a bayonet and rush towards the enemy's chariot.

Just like disemboweling an enemy soldier with a rifle bayonet, and suddenly stabbing the enemy's tank, what follows is a miraculous moment to witness the devastating power of the empire's decisive battle weapon.

From now on, you only need to wait to come back to discuss your merits and reward them, and there will be plenty of flowers and sake.

With such shameless lies, and the fact that only weighted wooden models were used during the training, there was no actual explosion demonstration for the soldiers.

The Kwantung Army, which had fooled the Red Deer soldiers and junior officers below, had indeed achieved what it wanted.

Even in wartime situations, those red deer soldiers who are not afraid of death and have overloaded pig brains can lift this thing like crazy and pounce on the enemy's tanks.

The captain knew that no matter whether the attack was successful or not, the user would never come back. The captain regarded lying as food and drink. His face did not turn red, his heart did not beat, and he did not feel the slightest sense of guilt.

They don't regard the lives of these red deer soldiers at all, they only regard them as disposable consumables like the toilet bowl.

That is, at the moment when the captain ordered the attack and issued the mobilization declaration, the burning remains of the Japanese tanks were knocked away. In the end, the IS7 and IS6 troops, which did not leave a single surviving tank for the Japanese, were already walking with them. The coming BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle clusters hit the faces of the Japanese infantry together.

All kinds of vehicle-mounted machine guns and machine guns were firing at full power, and hot bullet casings were constantly spitting out from their receivers.

The crimson and hot tongues of fire swung wildly like fire dragons, whipping back and forth on the Japanese army's positions that were not called positions at all, killing countless Japanese infantry who were just prostrate on the ground without any fortifications and bunkers.

"Load high-explosive bombs! Two o'clock direction, target Japanese anti-tank gun! Distance is 300 meters, gunner prepares!"

It is also because they are fully aware that these anti-tank guns and anti-tank rifles of the Japanese army cannot be said to have no harm at all. It can only be said that the real threat to the Red Army heavy tanks is infinitely close to zero.

The anti-tank guns that were supposed to be focused on destroying the anti-tank guns as early as possible were stunned by the leader's mechanized attack force, which was pursuing attack speed and attacking all the way. It was only at the last 300 meters that the infantry was about to get out of the car and charge, and the attacking troops began to gradually slow down, that they were shot away.

Heavy 130mm high-explosive projectiles and propellant barrels were pushed into the chamber one after another. The huge breech closed with a dull sound and the IS7 had completed aiming.


The bombardment power was on the same level as that of the Red Navy destroyers, and it rushed towards the Japanese anti-tank guns with a roar.

The flaming explosion rolled up a large amount of hot soil and scattered it in all directions. The 37-step anti-tank gun copied from the German was torn into pieces on the spot.

Together with the fragments produced by the explosion of the 130mm grenade, a storm of high-temperature metal blew up in an instant.



The Japanese soldiers who were unable to dodge had no cover and no cover to rely on. They were pricked with bloody holes all over their bodies by the high-speed fragments fired at them. His whole body was pricked like an iron hedgehog, and he screamed and fell into a pool of blood on the spot.

Seeing such a horrific scene, the toilet peg team had just arrived. The sergeant leading the team saw that he had been killed indiscriminately like this. There is an unlimited supply of large-caliber grenades in addition to the barrage of machine guns and cannons. If they don't attack, they may die on the spot without even having a chance to attack.

"Attack! Attack the Russian tanks! Give the Tuss!!!"

Holding a dock peg in his hand and a victory note tied to his head, this configuration was not enough in the eyes of the Japanese army.

After all, charging against a tank, even with the blessing of lies and deception BUFF, is still a very test of courage.

Especially the Russian giant tanks that are as heavy and big as monsters are simply scary! Not to mention the Red Deer soldier below, even the Japanese Major General above was frightened when he saw it, but he just said it outright and covered it up due to the lack of face.

Charge against this steel monster that roars loudly, spits out black smoke, has dust flying behind its butt, and has machine guns and main cannons all over its body spitting fire everywhere.

The Japanese soldier, who thought he needed courage, took the final step. He picked up the toilet bowl in his hand and rushed up with his bow-legged hands at the top of his lungs.

“The hell is on the black card!!!”


! ?

The commander of the IS7, who had already reached the final distance of less than 50 meters in front of the formation, was stunned when he saw this scene in his periscope. What was in the hands of the Japanese Japanese who were wailing and screaming like slaughtering pigs on the opposite side! ?

Anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher? A replica of Iron Fist?

Hey, don't say hey!

It's all a pipe with a big mallet in front, it's a bit like Hey!

It's your Japanese launch tube, why the hell is Suka so long?

"Don't let the Japanese troops rush over! They have anti-tank weapons in their hands! Concentrate your firepower to stop them!!!"

Although he failed to guess the correct purpose of the Japanese weapon at the first time, the battalion commander who did correctly guess the classification of its anti-tank weapon immediately gave the order.

In an instant, each heavy tank crew, as well as the infantrymen who had just dismounted and followed the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, all received the urgent order from the radio.

I didn’t say anything, hit!

"Shoot! Destroy these Japanese devils!"

Alsim, who was holding the AK in his hand, gave an order and fired directly from the waist and missed the shot.

I was so anxious that I couldn't change the ammunition, and I felt that the thing in my hand was not violent enough or powerful enough.

Throwing the empty AK behind him, Alsim, who took three steps and then two steps, sprinted forward and climbed onto the back of the tank parked in front of him with his bare hands.

I grabbed the top of the IS7 turret, which is a twin-mounted 5mm KPV heavy machine gun that is mounted on a circular machine gun rail and can be used by both the commander and the infantry.

What are the "Doom and Astartes" weapons that Slavic Superman should use?

This is called.

A fully loaded ammunition box was hung on the left and right sides, and the ring-shaped high-flat dual-purpose mechanical sight was pointed at the Japs holding the toilet bowl. Alsim, with a grimace on his lips, immediately clicked the trigger.

Second update later, continue to add more updates

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