Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3061: Winning is a necessity, win first and then talk about it

The toilet peg issue is finally settled.

IS7 used his first crotch to prove that this thing is actually not that scary.

Not to mention that if this thing is not bombed, even if it is bombed, it will not be able to penetrate the selfless frontal main armor belt of IS7. It can't even penetrate the crotch, which has the weakest frontal defense, let alone other parts.

However, although the threat of the toilet peg is not fatal, at least not fatal to the IS7's front main armor belt, the battalion commander who directed the attack of the forward troops still issued an order to guard it strictly.

If it can't poke the front, it doesn't mean it can't poke the side. If it can't hurt the head, it doesn't mean it can't hurt the rear of the car.

The Japanese were willing to lie in a pile of corpses and pretend to be dead but still launch a suicide attack. Even the German man looked at this and sighed, feeling ashamed of himself.

If the armored troops continue to advance, they will inevitably encounter more attacks that require them to rush forward and stab them to death.

This time it was in the crotch. Next time it will be in other parts. It’s hard to say whether it will be able to withstand it then.

It is even more inappropriate to use the lives of soldiers to carry out such dangerous attempts. It is definitely the best choice to try not to let the devils holding toilet pegs get close.

Therefore, even though the leader's army now has the greatest offensive advantage, the entire offensive formation is still steady and step-by-step. The infantry and tanks cooperated with each other to advance in an orderly manner under the suppression of strong firepower.

The scene in movies or games where the enemy infantry is so weak and a tank rushes into the infantry alone, killing all directions and rampaging like Godzilla entering the city, at least will not happen in the leader's offensive.

The firepower of the Japanese army is indeed not good. In terms of anti-armor firepower alone, it cannot even match the German third-line garrison. At least the latter still has a one-time cheap iron fist in their hands.

But these Japanese devils are crazy about their lives.

If he stabs you with a toilet peg with his front foot in a suicide attack, will his back foot rush up with a pack of explosives and attack you with a flesh bomb?

It's really hard to say.

Even if such a suicide attack cannot destroy the tank, as long as the tank is paralyzed, it will be very troublesome for the incapacitated Red Army heavy tank to be surrounded and killed by the Japanese who are desperate for their lives.

Instead of investing huge costs to rescue and protect the immobile tanks, we will also have to lose technical equipment to cover the evacuation of the surviving crews.

It is better to avoid this situation directly, and simply fight steadily, step by step, and use superior firepower to suppress and advance layer by layer to lead to victory.

Anyway, the speed at which the Japanese troops were defeated was visible to the naked eye, not much slower than the collapse speed of artillery fire at the foot of the snow-capped mountains and the collapse of avalanches at the top of the mountain. There is no need to pay the price of war damage with small benefits but high costs in order to pursue a faster speed with extremely strong marginal effects.

The actual situation transferred to the battlefield is that after smashing the Japanese army's toilet peg charge, the leader's attacking troops are still using mature and steady tactics to continue to push the Japanese army.

The infantry charged forward to clear away all types of anti-armor fire threats for the armored forces, while the armored forces followed up in coordination and provided fire support with various machine guns, machine guns, and large-caliber grenades.

If there are fortified bunkers or heavy firepower that are difficult for the infantry to conquer, the infantry will retreat and let the tanks charge and destroy them. After the attack is completed, it continues to clear up with infantry in the front and tanks in the back to support, and so on.

The tactics are not complicated, and you can basically understand this style of play after fighting against the leader army twice.

But even with such a simple tactical approach, the Japanese troops were retreating steadily and the ground was full of dead and injured, with smoke coming from their heads. Facing the corpses scattered everywhere, they were helpless at all.

Charge, no, if you charge you will die.

Defense, no, a hundred kilograms of Japanese flesh can stop a 70-ton Russian steel monster. Even if Amaterasu is possessed, he can't defend himself against it.

Retreating is even worse. Driving the No. 11 bus on two legs to compete with the Russian heavy tanks that once they start running, the dust will fly directly behind their buttocks. This is a more desperate act than trying to resist physically.

So how should we fight this battle?

Just like the classic question of survival or destruction, this is a question that the devils are thinking about from top to bottom. However, this question is more difficult than survival or destruction and has no solution at all.

"Your Excellency, Captain! Give the order to charge! Since we have no way out, we might as well fight these Russian pigs! The imperial warriors would rather be broken into pieces than surrender!"

"Yes, Your Excellency Captain! Let those crazy Russian pigs see our courage!"

"Launch a pig attack! Fight to the death with the Russians!"


Two of the three squadron captains under his command were now dead. Two of the three squadron captains in front of him were temporary replacements and had been promoted quickly on the battlefield.

The captain, who had an ashen face and was squatting on the slope with his command knife, was thinking about it. He couldn't think of any way to defeat the enemy.

As a low-level member of the middle-level commanders, sitting in the position of captain, he still knows some things, and he doesn't want to die meaninglessly like the bottom-level soldiers.

But right now, the situation is stronger than human beings, and the only way out if you don't want to die seems to be that word that makes people cringe just thinking about it - surrender.

Let's not talk about whether this idea is realistic in practice. Just the few grassroots young red deer in front of us are enough to dispel the idea that has just emerged.

Talking about surrender with such a pig-brained boss would be worse than killing their own father and mother.

In a battle like this where people are dying every minute and every second, if a bad incident arouses the anger of the young red deer group, it is not impossible that they will do something to defeat the superiors on the spot.

To take a step back, you want to die, and I want to live. We all have our own ambitions and do not interfere with each other. Since we want to die, we might as well be a favor to you.

Thinking of this, a cold but imperceptible smile flashed across the corner of his mouth. The captain immediately stood up and spoke to the three young men in front of him who were clamoring for a fight.

"Of course! Of course we have to fight the Russians to the end and let them see the courage of our imperial warriors!"

"Then please lead your troops to attack! I now officially issue combat orders in the name of the captain and launch a decisive charge against the Russians! I will personally lead the troops to fight together!"

"Hey! It's a black card, onboard! Attack!!!"

As soon as the captain of the battalion officially issued the combat order, the several red deers who were overjoyed showed joy on their faces and firm eyes.

It was as if this was not about going to death, but really about rushing the Russians, and victory would be within easy reach.

Seeing that the Kwantung Army's consistent routine of raising troops is like raising pigs, they were stunned to have cultivated these low-level young red deer to be so urinary. They knew that they were going to die, but they didn't even frown, and just treated them as if they were drinking water and eating. .

The captain, who was about to say something more and mobilize himself, hesitated for a moment, then thought about it and swallowed his words again.

If you are willing to die, then go ahead and do it. Isn't there an old Chinese saying that good words can't persuade a damn ghost? The captain who claims to be half a master of China feels that this adjective is appropriate to describe the current battle.

He sent away the few overloaded young men in front of him and looked at their figures who had already walked away after taking orders.

Before the captain could turn around and do what he planned to do, an unexpected scream that broke through the air suddenly struck.

call out--



The dust thrown up by the explosion was hot and hot, falling from the air and splashing on the face, which really made the captain's face burn and hurt.

"Baga! The Russian offensive is too brutal, we must prepare quickly!"

He knew that his troops would soon face an outcome on the battlefield that could no longer be changed.

The captain no longer intends to work on such useless things. At the moment, he just wants to do some meaningful things for his own future and destiny.

As for the others, just do as you like.

Life and death, fate and wealth are in the sky, and disaster strikes, and there are many descriptions that can describe the current situation. The captain, who doesn't have the time to care about so many things, just wants to take care of himself, nothing more.

But not all Japanese soldiers think like the captain. If they all thought like this, it would save the Red Army a lot of trouble.

No matter how large the number of prisoners is, it is much easier than fighting, isn't it?

Several squadron commanders who took orders from the group commander, or squadron commanders who were temporarily promoted from the front line, not only dared to say it, but also really dared to do it.

As soon as they returned to the army without saying a word, they immediately began to assemble their soldiers, distribute the last batch of ammunition that was left, take all the ones that could be used, install bayonets on the rifles in their hands, and lay out a The deputy's desperate posture was already prepared.


He took out the command knife hanging from his waist and braved all kinds of bullets and shells that were exploding all around him anytime and anywhere.

With a roar, a group of Wuyangyang's screaming devils climbed up from the ground, stopped lying on the ground, threw off their two short legs and immediately began to charge.

“Give it Tusi!!!”

"Suka! I knew these Japs were going crazy! All units stopped advancing, and the tanks came forward to concentrate their firepower! Cover the infantry with all your strength, hurry!"

With the experience of several consecutive rounds of fighting with the Japanese army, combat troops at all levels of the leadership army began to gradually understand some of the Japanese's routines and habits.

One of the most distinctive points of crazy criticism is that the Japanese army will be on the last eve of collapse and destruction when the pressure on the battlefield reaches a certain level. Gather all the troops that can be mobilized and make a last ditch effort like collective suicide.

This was true in the Guanci Civil War, it was true in the Pacific Battlefield, and it is true now when we encounter the Red Army.

Since the days of Nogi Nogi, the old Japanese army has used this kind of madness in despair and cruelty like stuffing itself into a meat grinder. The Japanese army has won several victories in foreign wars by relying on extreme madness. So far, Still firmly believe that this strategy can lead to victory.

At least, those grassroots young men like Ma Lu and Datou Bing really think so.

After all, in their daily lives and careers, all the top-down cognitive education they have received so far and the hearing and seeing of the surrounding environment are all the time reinforcing the ideological imprints in the overloaded pig brains.

This group of idiots truly believed until death that this was really effective and that they could really win after a miracle, even if the opponent was a Russian monster tank weighing 70 tons.

As for how to win after rushing in?

Sorry I haven’t thought about it and don’t need to.

Anyway, winning is a necessity, win first and then talk about it. Failure is impossible and will never be allowed.

As a prerequisite for "winning", "charge" is inevitably performed on the battlefield. No matter how ridiculous and almost a suicide attempt this may seem, it is so real that it cannot be argued with.

It can be predicted that the more desperate the Japanese army is, the more likely they will go crazy. The leader's attacking troops have always been on guard, and even waited for this scenario to happen during the battle. It is almost certain that this group of Japanese devils who cannot be defeated and cannot escape will inevitably It's impossible to just surrender.

What happened now was just as expected, the few remaining Japanese soldiers, together with the lightly wounded and all those who could still hold a gun, all swarmed in with their bayoneted rifles and screamed strangely.

The leader's attack force, which had been well prepared for this, immediately stopped advancing. The tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, which were already following the infantry not far away, immediately shifted gears, increased speed, and roared towards them with their engines roaring.

The infantry relied on tanks and infantry fighting vehicles as bunkers, and the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles fired in unison to concentrate all their firepower.

The leader's attack force, whose entire advancing front had stopped on the spot, opened fire with all kinds of bullets, artillery shells, and all launchable weapons, firing desperately at the oncoming Japanese troops.

122 and 130mm grenades exploded in the enemy pile, and 25mm machine guns and heavy machine gun barrages swept left and right like fire dragons.

Even the rifle bullet casings were piled up at the feet of the Red Army soldiers. The empty magazines were directly knocked off the receiver by one-handed reloading, and were scattered on the ground together with the hot bullet casings, without caring about the consumption of ammunition. How to just keep firing, and when the shot is empty, change the ammunition and fire again.

He waited until Alsim, who was standing at the end of the turret and on the engine hatch, holding the twin KPV heavy machine guns again, had fired all the 5mm bullets in the two large ammunition boxes on the left and right.

There was no longer a leader of the enemy who was screaming and howling and could still stand in front of him. Only then did he stop the full firepower that was almost overheating. He held the gun tightly in his hand and even the barrel began to emit white smoke. AK stopped and stared.

"Is this the end?"

The collective charge launched by more than 300 of the last remaining Japanese troops was, as expected, wiped out by all the leader's attacking troops in just two minutes.

Even so, the enemy's formation was a bit scattered, and it was difficult to concentrate their firepower. If the enemy had been more dense, they would have been able to finish the battle within one minute.

"Damn it, Sokka! These bow-legged guys are really crazy! I've never seen such crazy bastards before. Is this a human being or a monster that looks like a human being?"

Sulovechenko, who had emptied three magazines in a row, couldn't help but curse. The layers of dead Japanese corpses in front of him, with a vertical distance of less than a hundred meters, were all over the ground. Sulovchenko, who was in the battle formation, felt that the density was rare and bloody.

Alsim, who jumped off the back of the IS7, spoke in a calm tone. He glanced at the corpses of Japanese soldiers on the ground that looked like those from a meat factory and just said casually.

"They are seeking death on their own, and we are responsible for helping them realize their wishes. It's as simple as that."

"Check weapons and replenish ammunition, one minute! Act quickly!"

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