Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3068 No one can escape!

"Is there still no movement from the Japanese reinforcements?"

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander. The forward scouts reported that the Japanese army's third position still has no signs of troop concentration until now. It doesn't look like they are going to send reinforcements. If they really planned to reinforce, they should have taken action long ago. Maybe they saw it. Nothing is certain."

The reconnaissance troops wandering on the edge of the battlefield line of fire almost put the reconnaissance line in the face of the Japanese army by virtue of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles with high mobility, strong off-road capabilities and the ability to pull up people and run.

They directly drew a large outer circle, bypassing the defense area of ​​the Japanese army's second position, and moved forward to the outside of the Japanese army's third position to conduct real-time reconnaissance and feedback on their movements.

He knows very well what the Japanese are doing, preparing to do, and what actual actions they are taking. Hearing that the Japanese army has not yet sent reinforcements, Kulbalov has basically guessed the little things in the Japanese mind. .

"It seems that some unhuman beasts were scared of being bombed and learned a lesson. They can guess that we are waiting for them to send reinforcements."

The cunning Japanese division commander on the opposite position was indeed right.

The buffer zone between the Japanese army's second position and the third position has already been marked with artillery strike coordinates by the scouts who came forward to make a wide circle.

As long as the Japanese reinforcements dare to step even half a step into this buffer zone, the overwhelming and devastating bombardment will fall overhead in an instant.

Let these Japanese troops who set off for reinforcements end up with the same fate as Morishima Kuronei's Japanese soldiers yesterday.

Now that the Japanese were bombed, they became suspicious. They began to be suspicious and even vaguely guessed that there was something wrong with the Red Army not firing artillery. To put it bluntly, if they didn't hear the roar of the Red Army's heavy artillery for a quarter of an hour, they would feel uncomfortable.

It is foreseeable that the artillery bombardment area that has been demarcated in advance will most likely be Japanese who can't wait for the Japanese to stand upright and die.

But it doesn't matter. If he can't make a lot of money, at least he still has a guaranteed income. Kulbalov doesn't care.

Those frightened Japanese devils did not send reinforcements, which indeed prevented the reserves in their hands from being bombarded to death by the Red Army's artillery fire on the road, with no bones left and blown to pieces.

But this is bound to lead to another result, that is, the Japanese troops on the second line will not only die, but they will die faster.

"Notify the attacking troops on the front line to continue to intensify heavy firepower against the remaining Japanese troops on the second line of position. The rocket assault tank battalion will press forward across the line! Press the launch box to a horizontal angle and aim at those Japanese Japs to blast directly!"

"Let the ammunition supply truck move up and start ammunition supply on the spot 500 meters behind the forward front. Ensure the continuity of firepower of the rocket assault tank battalion and annihilate all remaining Japanese troops on the second line of position as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander!"

Kulbalov never used all his strength against the Japanese troops on the second line of defense, just to see if the stupid fish of the Japanese army could bite the hook.

Can we deceive the Japanese troops in the third position before completely seizing the second position? While killing the enemy's effective forces, it further reduces the density of defensive troops on the third position and prepares for the subsequent fierce attack on the third position.

Now it seems that this plan is not very feasible. It should be said that the Japanese devils still have some brains.

Even if Kulbalov intended to let the Japanese troops on the second line of defense live a little longer, the same Japanese soldiers on the third line of defense were still able to watch and do nothing to save them.

To be honest, Kulbalov still has some expectations for what choice the Japanese will make next and what tactics they will adopt to deal with it.

After all, if you can do nothing but rush forward with your head straight up to die, and tuck your head under the tracks of the tank, this battle will be too monotonous and boring, right?

That is when Kulbalov walked to the war zone map with this "expectation" mood and began to study its next move.

The news from the battlefield ahead was updated again, but it surprised Kulbalov.

"Reporting to Comrade Division Commander, the forward attack troops and the reconnaissance troops reported one after another that the Japanese troops behind the second position have begun to actively withdraw and are crossing the buffer zone to move closer to the third position."

"What? Withdraw!?"

The Japanese soldiers who rolled their heads under the tracks and were addicted to death actually withdrew. This was indeed the situation with the lowest probability that Kulbalov expected. Even Kulbalov himself had earlier thought that this was probably the case. will not happen.

However, the first-hand reports fed back by the two front lines at the same time would not be false. Kulbalov turned his head and glanced at the theater map again, making a decision immediately and blurting out the order without thinking.

"Quick! Inform the artillery position to open fire immediately! The target is the buffer zone from the second position to the third position, use maximum firepower to cover it! These bow-legged Japanese monkeys just don't bite the hook, and they also want to withdraw the meat from the pot. Go, it’s not that easy!”

The artillery fire was originally used to bomb Japanese reinforcements. There was no rule that said it could not be used to bomb other things.

As long as any Japanese troops set foot in this bombing area, no matter what the troops are or what their purpose is, they can all be bombed.

The Japanese army's behavior of "not only not dying but also wanting to get their IQ back online" really pissed off Kulbalov. He was thinking of not giving these Japanese devils a hard time, but he started to push his nose and face even more, determined to let his opponent down again. An additional order from Changshangmei was issued immediately.

"Command the artillery position. Half an hour later, the artillery fire began to extend to the third Japanese position. Continue to maintain full fire coverage! Blast these bandy-legged Japanese monkeys back to the Stone Age!"


Kulbalov gave an order, and the huge number of self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers on standby on the artillery position immediately began to roar again.

A huge muzzle blast blew up, and the red rocket tail flames shot straight into the sky.

The artillery barrage of 132mm starting, 152mm unlimited, 203mm uncapped, and 310mm tubes all converged into a bright river of fire in the sky, concentrating the maximum firepower and blasting towards the buffer zone between the two Japanese positions. .

When the overwhelming roar of death swept across the sky, the Japanese soldiers who had just received the order to retreat were still carrying them on their shoulders, either on foot or, if they were lucky enough, riding on a truck to retreat all the way.

Although the Japanese army was retreating at a speed that exhausted all their strength, the Japanese machine gun team carrying the Type 92 heavy machine gun was running tired and panting. Under the loud urging of the sergeant, they almost staggered and fell to the ground. Just to be able to retreat to the third position as early as possible to organize defense.

However, the flying speed of artillery shells and rockets was much faster than that of two bow legs. The Japanese soldiers who had no time to run heard the terrible roar coming from the sky behind them and looked back, only to see that the rain of fire in the sky had been aimed at their faces and swept across them. Come, fall straight down.

"Shell attack! Hidden——"


The sergeant holding the command knife in his hand didn't even finish his words. Half of his arm, including the command knife, was directly fired into the sky by a Katyusha rocket. This was the last scene left by his physical remains in this world. Dynamic picture.

"Hidden! Hurry and take cover! Everyone get out of the car and take cover!!!"

It is easier said than done. There is not even a trench foxhole in the gap between this position and the buffer zone of the position. There is no way to hide except lying on the ground and praying for the blessing of Amaterasu.

At this moment, the Japanese soldiers, bathed in the tremors of the earth and mountains, just wished that there was no crack in the ground in front of them for them to get through.

"Comrade Division Commander, the scout report confirmed the damage effect. The damage effect on the planned shelling area was good. The scout visually confirmed that a large number of Japanese troops were trapped in the bombing area. There were heavy losses in personnel, vehicles, and technical equipment. The total force is estimated to be at least More than one unit.”

"Got it, keep bombarding! Let the scouts calibrate the bombardment coordinates and concentrate their firepower to bombard the Japanese car convoys and self-propelled equipment first. Without these things, the two-legged Japanese will never be able to escape from our bombing zone."

"Understood, Comrade Commander."

The communications staff officer who had taken the order had just left, when Kulbalov saw his chief of staff walking towards him with a joyful expression.

"Good news, Comrade Division Commander! The forward attack force reported that they have defeated the Japanese defense system on the second line of position and are attacking the last few blocked positions of the Japanese army from the left, center and right directions. Encirclement, suppression and annihilation.”

"The forward troops in the center, which are making the best progress at present, have bottomed out and penetrated the second Japanese position. The Japanese troops, who were visibly escaping, were blocked in the artillery bombing zone and were being bombed. They asked us for instructions on whether they needed to pursue them."

"How should we respond? Comrade Commander."

While listening to the chief of staff's report, he personally picked up a pencil and pointed at the map to plan out the general battlefield situation. Without hesitation, Kulbalov raised his head and blurted out the order.

"No need, notify the attacking troops at the front and prepare on-site supplies immediately after capturing the second position."

"Ask the logistics support troops to move up, send all the ammunition and oil to supply on the spot, and prepare immediately to launch a general attack on the third position."

"Don't worry about the Japanese artillery attack. The artillery and aviation units will do their best to suppress and bomb the Japanese third position to ensure the safety of supply operations."

"In addition, send a report to the military headquarters to report the progress of the battle. Just say that Kurbalov assured Comrade Commander and Comrade Political Commissar that the third position will be captured before sunset. None of the three Japanese divisions can escape today. !”

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