Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3071 I will personally lead the team

Without the obstruction of the anti-aircraft artillery position, the Figure 2S bomber formation was able to continue its operations. It flew smoothly to the bombing distance and was able to pour the black iron bombs on the top of the Japanese skulls.

The power of a 500 kilogram aerial bomb cannot be underestimated. The destructive power of a full 250 kilogram warhead charge far exceeds that of any army artillery.

Hundreds of such bombs fell straight down with a piercing scream, hitting the top of the Japanese soldier's head firmly and immediately exploded into a sea of ​​fire.

The main target of the bombing was of course not the Japanese trenches, foxholes, and general geotechnical bunkers on the position, but the large number of semi-permanent fortifications built in advance by the Japanese on the third line of position.

These semi-permanent fortifications were the core firepower pillars of the Japanese army's position defense. They were built using a large amount of concrete, which was definitely a luxury material for the poor imperialists, and a large number of Chinese laborers were forced into construction.

In order to ensure the survivability of these semi-permanent fortifications, the Japanese army did not hesitate to continuously dig large pits and lay foundations on the positions, turning almost all of these semi-permanent fortifications into semi-buried buildings.

Only the combat room is protected by a thick concrete cover on the surface. As for ammunition and other supplies, they are all stored underground and bomb extraction shafts are built for combat needs.

The important technical weapon that the Japanese army took such pains to protect was naturally not as simple as a Type 92 heavy machine gun placed in a bunker.

Although the Red Army's attack was sudden, it was much earlier than the attack time previously predicted by the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

This led to concerns that if important technical equipment was stationed in fortified bunkers early, it might be destroyed in the early artillery and bombing raids at the beginning of the war.

Therefore, the Japanese army deployed equipment and fortification bunkers separately, and the Japanese army did not have enough time to send all the important technical equipment into the fortification bunkers when needed during the war. At this moment, there were many semi-permanent fortifications on the position. It is a state of lacking proper equipment.

But even so, there are still a considerable number of Japanese heavy artillery, which were robbed of the opportunity and rushed into the fortification bunkers. At this moment, they are in the final state of readiness before the war and are ready.

The Japanese army, which was suffering from a severe lack of anti-armor firepower and the overpowering Red Army tanks, came up with the simplest and crudest way to solve the problem.

Since the small-caliber anti-tank cannon doesn't work, then if I just use the large-caliber howitzer to shoot the Russian tanks flatly, wouldn't the problem be solved?

The idea is indeed correct. No matter how heavily armored a tank is, it cannot withstand the overpressure damage caused by chemical energy blasting close to the face.

Even if the crew members in the tank are not killed by the shock, the damage caused to fragile structures such as optical sighting equipment, gun barrels, and walking gear is enough to cause the tank to lose its combat effectiveness and be forced to withdraw from the battle.

But the Japanese army ignored one question. Can the semi-permanent fortifications built to defend against air raids and artillery attacks and specifically used to protect important technical weapons really be able to block the Red Army's bombing firepower?

You will know if you can stop it or not, and now is the time to see the real results on the battlefield.

call out--


Delay fuses were specially used to bomb the semi-permanent fortifications of the Japanese army. The gravity acceleration brought by the bombing height was enough to penetrate the 500-kilogram aerial bomb of the battleship deck armor, and it smashed through the roof of a large Japanese bunker without any suspense. Cover and pour directly into it.

"Bomb! Russian bomb! Run! Get out of here—"

The Japanese troops in the bunker, who were chattering and shouting, were frightened by the heavy aerial bombs that fell head-on.

Looking at the large bomb with its warhead deeply embedded in the concrete ground before it exploded, the Japanese soldiers reacted immediately after being frightened and ran away.

However, the delay fuse was not set for too long to ensure the killing efficiency of this 500-kilogram aerial bomb. Obviously, this group of Japanese soldiers, who were running around like frightened rats, would not have a chance to escape.



There was a sound of simmering pot in the bunker, and an explosion shot into the sky outside the bunker, like a volcano erupting.

A large amount of concrete debris, along with hot metal fragments and flesh and blood fragments, were thrown into the sky. Along with the explosion of the aerial bomb, a small mushroom cloud rushed up to an altitude of more than 20 meters.

These semi-permanent fortifications that the Japanese army deliberately built can withstand 50-kg and 100-kg sweet potato aerial bombs. However, they have no ability to resist the heavy aerial bombs specially brought by the Red Army aviation. Block.

It is not impossible to build a fortification bunker built on the surface of the earth that can withstand the heavy bombardment of heavy aerial bombs.

However, the project budget and various required materials are beyond what the poor imperialists can afford, and they have no time to bother with such a laborious and time-consuming long-term project.

The heavy artillery that the Japanese army was accustomed to protecting was blown into the sky together with the fortifications and bunkers that protected it.

The Figure 2S bomber formation, which compensated for its accuracy with quantity, dropped enough heavy aerial bombs.

These solid fixed targets, which had been photographed and calibrated in advance through aerial reconnaissance, and could not move or run away, were exploded in a wave, sending debris flying and smoke everywhere.

And because of the large amount of bombs dropped and the wide coverage, the collateral damage caused by just this wave of bombing directly turned the entire core area of ​​​​the Japanese position into a sea of ​​​​fire.

It not only destroyed a large number of Japanese semi-permanent fortifications and heavy weapons, but also used it to strengthen and assist the defense of core positions. A large number of Japanese troops and inferior technical equipment that had not had time to evacuate the bombing area were all blown up to the sky.

"Reporting to Comrade Division Commander, there is a report from the forward reconnaissance force that the bombing aviation unit's air attack on the core area of ​​the Japanese third line of defense has achieved considerable results. The specific damage effect cannot be accurately assessed, but visual observation can at least confirm it. The entire core position is completely covered by the bombing zone."

"Then this is enough. A 500-kilogram aerial bomb can destroy any Japanese field fortification bunker it comes into contact with, whether it is semi-permanent or not."

It is too far away from the forward advancement front, and it is no longer possible to confirm the results of the battle with one's own eyes through visual observation with optical equipment.

Kulbalov, who made a judgment based on the information sent back by the scouts, made an immediate decision and blurted out additional orders immediately.

"Inform the artillery position to continue artillery preparations, and in 15 minutes the artillery fire coverage will be gradually advanced deeper into the Japanese position."

"All forward attack forces have stepped up their efforts to replenish fuel and ammunition, and must also complete preparations for attack within 15 minutes."

"The enemy's position is already riddled with holes and is about to be blown into a piece of rags. There is no direct fire test to break through directly! The first round of charge will tear open the breach. This time, I will personally lead the team to direct the attack."

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