Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3084 The Gift of the Slavic Superman

At the same time as Chen Weiguo and Lao Wei ran to admire the unique scenery on the battlefield ruins, Alsim, who returned from the battlefield with his "baby", also hurriedly went to meet his "idol". The Slavic superman of these days was also Literally meaning "star chasers".

"Comrade Commander, look at what treasure I have brought you! I got it from a Japanese lieutenant general and division commander. It is said that it was a gift from the Emperor of Japan."

Alsim, who has the power to directly meet with Malashenko, used his "privilege" to go directly to Malashenko's military-level headquarters in the county without reporting and requesting instructions, and directly used the command knife in his hand. He dropped it on the table with a map of the war zone spread out.


Looking at the thing Alsim threw on the table.

After a slight hesitation, Malashenko first raised his head and glanced at Alsim's expression, and found that the Slavic Superman brother now looked super excited, as if he was looking forward to something.

Of course, Malashenko, who could understand this expectation, remained silent for the first time, put down the combat document he had just picked up in his hand, then came to the table accompanied by the political commissar comrade who heard the sound, and picked it up. He threw the command knife on the table and began to study it carefully.

"Good guy, golden ribbon???"

Malashenko, who was holding the object in his hand, immediately saw the two shining golden pieces of cloth on the scabbard. Knowing what this meant, Malashenko continued to look at the material of the scabbard and rubbed it in his hand. I immediately realized what this was.

"The oil-soaked shark skin is still a complete piece of shark skin peeled off from a whole piece of shark skin. There is not even a seam on the scabbard."

Before I traveled through my previous life, I had been understanding and studying Japanese swords for a period of time because of my personal hobbies.

Malashenko, who has complete memories of his past life, knows clearly that shark skin is the top-notch covering material for Japanese sword scabbards, and has good anti-slip, easy-to-hold and storage-resistant effects.

The little devil has many so-called "rare and famous swords" that have been passed down in scabbards, which are covered with shark skin. It should be said that being able to use such things is a symbol of luxury in itself.

For the general command swords worn by Japanese sergeants and lower-level lieutenants, a wooden scabbard is enough, and a bicycle with an external packaging is not required.

Holding the scabbard, he moved his eyes to the handle of the knife, and the blade decorated with chrysanthemum patterns and the end of the handle came into view.

Combined with the golden ribbon on the scabbard, Malashenko was almost certain that Alsim's "gift from the emperor" was true.

Malashenko, who remained silent, drew his sword out of its sheath the next second.

A complete blood groove and a wavy pattern are opened up on the shimmering blade of the blade. There is also a bright relief of a chrysanthemum carved on the blade near the end of the blade.

The length of the entire knife, including the scabbard and scabbard, is about one meter. For the Japanese who are considered "strong" if they are 1.6 meters tall these days, this is indeed a long and sizable sword. weapon.

Holding the thing with one hand and weighing it, Malashenko looked at it several times and couldn't see anything fancy. Then he sheathed the knife, put it back on the table and spoke quietly.

"How did you get this? From whom?"

But it was a surprise when Comrade Commander asked this question. Alsim couldn't help but said after him.

"He's a Japanese Lieutenant General division commander. What's his name? Oh, yes, his name is Akagi Aokawa."

"An old devil in his fifties, not as tall as my chest, he is short. But the knife in his hand is completely different from that of other devils. Sulovechenko caught a devil The staff officer used some tricks and found out that the sword was originally a gift from the Emperor of Japan. "

"I heard that the commander of their division accompanied the emperor on a hunting trip, and was attacked by a wild beast. This old Japanese guarded him for his merits, so this sword was awarded to him."

"It is said that when the emperor was happy, he took it off his belt and rewarded it on the spot. This old devil regarded this thing as a treasure and carried it with him all the time. In the end, he never thought that it would fall into the hands of our Red Army. in hand."


Malashenko nodded after hearing this and looked at the sword again. If it was a sword carried by the emperor, then the decorative appearance would make sense.

It is true that this kind of knife is a top-notch trophy that can be encountered on the battlefield. Even if it is in the hands of the commander of the Kwantung Army, it may not be as good as this thing. This is what the emperor would take from his belt on the spot when he is happy. Untied stuff.

Alsim was able to get this thing, which was indeed a stroke of luck. The name of the Japanese division commander just now aroused some interest in Malashenko.

"My surname is Akagi. It has the same pronunciation as the aircraft carrier Akagi. Many of the wives of otakus are also called by this name? I'm quite happy."

Malashenko smiled and shook his head. The image of a fox ship girl with many tails emerged in his mind. It was a memory from his past life, but he smiled and smiled without thinking too much. .

As for what to do with the knife, Malashenko had other plans and was not prepared to keep it for himself.

I heard that the Leader's Army had just won a great victory. Vatugin just put down the phone a few minutes ago and said that he would come to inspect the Leader's Army tonight.

When the old leader is coming, Malashenko naturally cannot be left empty-handed, and the necessary preparations must be made.

A long time ago, he had given Zhukov a set of customized Luger pistols, but Vatutin had not given anything as a gift. Now it seems that this knife came at the right time.

"Well, it's appropriate for a marshal to take this sword. It just so happens to be a gift for his promotion to marshal. I haven't given him anything as a gift until now."

As the commander-in-chief who led the army to conquer Königsberg, the core of East Prussia, and thus brought the entire campaign to a successful conclusion.

On the eve of the military parade in Red Square, Vatutin received a promotion award from his loving father, Comrade Stalin, and officially became the last marshal to be promoted on the last train of the Great Patriotic War.

Before Malashenko traveled through his past life, he felt a little sorry for Vatutin every time he saw it.

If Vatutin had not been killed by rebels in Ukraine, he could have continued to fight on the front line of the Great Patriotic War. He is definitely qualified to be promoted to marshal based on his military talents. There are many people whose talents are not as good as Vatutin, or even far behind, and they are later promoted to marshal.

In this timeline, Vatutin, who was rescued by Malashenko, did it as expected, and he did it with real swords and guns, giving the German guy's place of fortune to the battlefield marshal who made his fortune.

The only slight regret is that Malashenko and the Leader Division had been transferred to the 1st Belarusian Front commanded by Zhukov to participate in the final battle against the Nazis - the Battle of Berlin. This was based on the special politics of the Leader Division. Meaning determines the task that must be accomplished.

He failed to follow Vatutin to personally promote the Germans' fortune. He failed to participate in the crucial battle for Vatutin's promotion to marshal.

Now using this knife as a promotion gift to compensate a little, Malashenko, who raised his lips, thought it was not bad.

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