Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3089 Back-up arrangements

After sending off Vatutin, Malashenko still has big work to do next.

After cleaning up the Japanese miscellaneous fish of the three divisions, control of the county was transferred to Chen Weiguo and his comrades.

He also wrote a personal letter of introduction to Chen Weiguo so that he would not encounter any trouble or be made things difficult when the Red Army troops arrived later.

After all, not all Red Army troops are leaders. The gap is not only in combat effectiveness, but also in ideological awareness.

The leading army can do no harm to the common people in the county, but the second- and third-line troops that follow up may not be able to do so.

In order to prevent this situation from going too far, Malashenko resorted to this trick and left this personal letter to Chen Weiguo.

Even if those second- and third-line soldiers don't recognize Chen Weiguo, they should still recognize Malashenko's autograph and the seal of the leader's military agency on the letter. If they have their own face here, they probably won't go too far.

Of course Chen Weiguo could understand Malashenko's intention of doing this, and he felt quite excited as he held the envelope handed over by Comrade General.

Everything Malashenko has done so far always makes Chen Weiguo feel like a general and comrade is like a relative and comrade-in-arms.

"The mission of the infiltration phase is also over. We defend our country. The remaining matters of destroying the Japanese devils can be left to the Red Army."

“In order to facilitate future logistics support, the leadership army will set up a logistics support station in the county and leave about one company of manpower to handle related matters.

"I will tell the company commander leading the team to get along well with you. If you encounter any situation or have any needs, you can contact me at any time and just send the report directly to the leadership army headquarters."

"With this letter and this company, it will be much easier to handle when you encounter other follow-up Red Army units coming into the county."

After explaining the above to Chen Weiguo in his office, Malashenko, who was packing his luggage, suddenly remembered something again, and then stopped what he was doing and spoke again.

"Oh, one more thing. We haven't taken away any of the captured Japanese military supplies. Whether it's guns, ammunition or food supplies, they are all placed in the basement and warehouse. The leader's army itself does not need these things. Taking them away is also a burden, so I will hand them over to you based on the principle of making the best use of them, Weiguo.”

"Send hello to your organization for me, and say that Malashenko hopes that Chinese comrades can create a better and hopeful tomorrow. Proletarian fighters will always be comrades and brothers. Now we have the blood of The revolutionary friendship formed.”

"The amount of supplies is not much, but I want to express my sincerity. I hope this can bring some help."

The supplies that Malashenko calls "a small amount" are just a "leader's army-style Versailles" that you can just listen to and don't take seriously.

If you take a look in the basements and warehouses, you will find mountains of captured Japanese weapons and ammunition, as well as various medical supplies, food supplies, and even canned meat from the Japanese army.

The leader of the army is not to leave all behind. He is only responsible for destroying the Japanese army, but does not take the spoils that should belong to him.

The more important reason is that the leading army does not like these things at all. As Malashenko said, they are burdensome and will only occupy transportation resources and slow down the marching speed.

But for Chen Weiguo and the Anti-League, these things have completely different meanings.

This was the total loot captured by the leader's army after they destroyed Morishima Kuronei's main regiment and three Japanese divisions. Except for things like oil that the leader's army could use, all the rest that were unnecessary and despised were handed over to Chen Weiguo.

Even considering that a considerable number of Japanese weapons were irreparably damaged by the devastating firepower of the leader's army, there were still many left.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these things and enough soldiers, it is more than enough to arm three Japanese infantry divisions.

Malashenko left a logistics support company on duty. In addition to the actual meaning of setting up a logistics support station, it also meant that others could see that this was a trophy captured by the leader's army.

This saves some people from coming up later and seeing Chen Weiguo guarding such a pile of treasures alone and being easy to bully, and using the crooked idea of ​​"borrowing the trophies".

What's more, before such people use their brains, they should first ask themselves whether they can survive the trial of the leading army and Malashenko's military instigation, and see who can't bear the consequences if things get too big.

After fighting deep into Germany, Malashenko was very clear about the style of the second and third-line follow-up troops. The Red Army's bad reputation in some liberated areas was basically caused by these second-tier troops.

Now I specially leave this backup set for Chen Weiguo, just to be prepared, and it will be useful when something really happens.

"Comrade General, will we meet again in the future?"

"Huh? See you again?"

Malashenko was stunned when he heard this and didn't react for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that Chen Weiguo thought he was going to say goodbye and started to say goodbye and pray for the future.

Malashenko, who smiled instead, stepped forward, raised his hand and patted Chen Weiguo's shoulder while speaking quietly.

"Don't worry, I won't be returning to China right away in the short term. After all, there are still many battles to fight, and even after the battle is over, I may continue to stay in the Northeast for a while."

"We are in a wartime state now. Various combat missions are rushed in and out. I don't even bother to experience the customs and customs of the Northeast. After the war is over, we should have time to sit down and have a drink. Now go do what you should do, We’ll meet again, eh?”

Malashenko was as smiling and approachable as ever, and Chen Weiguo, who was excited and moved, nodded solemnly and responded in the affirmative.

After finishing all the finishing touches, Malashenko officially led the team to set off. The combat troops and comprehensive logistics support troops of the two combined divisions under his command were all assembled, and then embarked on a mechanized journey.

What happened next was just as Malashenko expected.

After the carefully organized defense lines of the three divisions were crushed in one day, the Japanese army no longer had a large-scale, well-organized field corps that could withstand the advance of the leading army.

If he were not advancing in enemy-occupied areas, Malashenko would even want to use railway maneuvers instead of cross-country maneuvers to march.

This kind of racing style march on the endless plains where it is difficult to encounter opponents is really too monotonous.

But on the other hand, Malashenko also knows that the more this happens and the faster the advancement, the more careful he must be.

The leader's army is like a sharp thorn that goes straight into the hinterland of the Kwantung Army's occupied area. It is impossible not to attract the attention of the enemy. Presumably, the Japanese army who came specifically to die in order to block the pace of the leader's army will soon appear.

This is why Vatutin reminded Malashenko to pay special attention. The calmer the appearance, the more the coming storm is hidden behind it.

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