Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3094 Blocking out the sky and the sun

But after reaching the strategic bomber force level, it is no longer something that front army commanders like Vatutin can mobilize.

At the level of the front commander, the use of combat strike power has reached its limit.

As for the higher-level strategic strike force, only Vasilevsky, a member of the Supreme Command and the commander-in-chief of Operation June Storm, has the right to decide.

Vatutin's telegram requesting the deployment of the only newly arrived strategic bomber division in the entire Far East Military Region was quickly passed to Vasilevsky, who was in charge of the military region headquarters and coordinating the overall situation.

Coming to the map with the telegram in hand, Vasilevsky carefully assessed the situation and didn't think much about it.

After realizing that it was necessary to clear the enemy's strategic depth and carry out the final large-scale aviation operation capability, Vasilevsky immediately waved his hand and agreed to Vatutin's call application.

The aviation operation schedule of this entire division, with a total of 28 Pei-8M strategic bombers, was all assigned to Vatutin for deployment.

To put it simply, this is complete decentralization. Vatutin can explode as he wants. This extremely destructive strategic bomber division is now completely under the command of Vatutin and is at his disposal.

Although Vatutin was the same as Vasilevsky in terms of military rank, he was still one level behind in rank. Naturally, he was very grateful that Vasilevsky was willing to trust him so much.

Dang even if he calls back, he will make good use of this opportunity, give full play to the powerful strength of the Red Army's strategic bombing aviation, and blow those militarist fanatics into ashes and fly away with the wind.

What remains is how to use strategic bombers to send the Japanese devils to heaven one by one.

"Use the largest aerial bombs to make holes in the Japanese airport runways and oil depots. The bigger the holes, the better. We have to see how these militarist fanatics use manpower to fill such large bomb holes."

If you don't use it, don't use it. If you use it, you must use the most destructive mounting scheme to teach the Japanese devils a lesson.

Under Vatutin's personal order, the Red Army ground staff at the airport used transport vehicles to launch the FAB-5000 aviation bomb, the largest and heaviest super aerial bomb of the Red Army aviation to date, from the ammunition depot.

This is a super-heavy aviation bomb specially developed and manufactured for the Pei-8. Currently, only the Pei-8 in the Red Army aviation can carry this thing, and other aircraft cannot carry it.

This was the "super weapon" that had been placed on the Zero Heights outside Berlin earlier and wiped out the entire German army's fortifications and garrison forces on a positive slope.

The mass of a single aerial bomb is as high as 5 tons, and the charge coefficient is 60%, reaching over 3 tons. In addition, the cast bomb body of nearly 2 tons produces a huge amount of heavyweight explosion fragments.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you are within its killing radius, whether you are hiding in a tank, a fortification, or a bunker, there is actually no essential difference.

It is precisely because of this that the positive slope fortifications and bunkers on the Zero Highlands carefully built by the Germans were completely wiped out and ceased to exist after just one visit by the Pe-8 fleet.

Especially because of the significant increase in payload brought about by the replacement of a new engine.

The improved Pei 8M directly abandoned the original old model Pei 8, which mounted a single 5-ton aerial bomb in the belly bomb bay.

Instead, new remounting points were added to the wing root part, which has the strongest bearing capacity of the wing structure. There are two symmetrical mounting points on the left and right sides. Two FAB-5000s can be mounted directly into the sky at one time.

Although the 10-ton armament mounting solution will obviously significantly reduce the range and affect mobility, this is obviously nothing to the battlefield environment that the Pei 8M has to face today.

Absolute air supremacy in the battlefield airspace is in the hands of the Red Army. As long as the escort fighter units are properly dispatched to accompany the escort, even if a small number of Japanese fighter jets are able to take off to intercept, they will only lose their lives.

The greatly enhanced self-defense firepower of the Pei-8M itself was mounted on the Pei-8M's experimentally equipped 23mm twin cannon before being installed on Figure 4. The firepower of the escort fighter unit is sufficient to solve the anti-aircraft problem.

As for the combat range to be faced, it is actually not too far.

The deep hinterland of Northeast China may be a long distance for tactical aviation, but for strategic aviation, it is a completely different matter.

The Pei-8M does not even need to take off with full fuel. It can easily complete this combat mission with two 5-ton sweet potatoes mounted on it.

Everything is ready, refueling and loading bombs are complete.

A 8M aircraft parked neatly in the open air at the airport started to start its engine. Four propeller engines started running at the same time, setting off bursts of howling wind.

The Pei-8Ms, which were moving forward under their own power, began to enter the taxiway one after another and began to take off in order of their aircraft numbers.

This is the first combat mission against Japan for the strategic bomber unit of the Far East Military Region, and of course it may also be the last.

The collapse-like defeat of the Japanese ground forces made continuous strategic bombing unnecessary.

Bombing the airport, completely pushing the Japanese army's aviation operation capabilities into the abyss, and adding the last shovelful of soil to the grave of the Kwantung Army aviation force is already the most valuable job that Pei 8M can find now.

When the giant red owl roared into the sky, Malashenko, who was still advancing on the front line, had just received a "heavy punch" from the front army headquarters. Attack" telegram.

"Strategic bombers? My God, Comrade Commander is so generous. I originally expected that it would be great to have tactical bombers come to bomb a wave, but I didn't expect this to happen."

"That's not entirely true. Look, the telegram says that not only strategic bombers, but also tactical bomber units will be dispatched in coordination to carry out supplementary bombing of secondary targets and facilities at Japanese airports. The route is exactly in line with our advancement direction and will pass through us. Above the head, if nothing else happens, we should be able to see them soon.”

As Comrade Political Commissar said.

Because the range of this combat mission is indeed not too far, even a medium-sized tactical bomber like the Figure 2S can fly easily.

Vatutin was determined to do something big, and not only sent strategic bomber units, but also tactical bomber units. Responsible for the bombing of secondary targets and supplementary strikes on primary targets, ensuring that the remaining Japanese airfields are taken away in one wave.

In order to completely paralyze the aviation operation capabilities of the Japanese military's large military airports, thereby solving the main problem for Malashenko.

After listening to the reminder from the political commissar, before Malashenko could say anything, he could only hear the roar of a large fleet of aircraft in the sky far behind him.

Looking up, I saw a very large mixed fleet that included multiple types of fighters, tactical bombers, and strategic bombers.

They were already so dense that they could be said to block out the sky and the sun, roaring straight towards their direction.

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