Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3096 The Red Sky (Part 2)

"Attention all units! The Japanese fighter jets are coming. The first team is on high alert to protect the bomber formation. The second team is coming with me to knock down the Japanese! The sky belongs to the Red Army!"


At this moment, it was the No. 27 La-7 fighter piloted by Kozhidub who was dispatching the fleet to assign combat tasks through the airborne radio.

Kozhidub, who served as the commander-in-chief of the escort formation for this air raid, gave an order, except for the part of La 7 that stayed in the higher airspace and was ready to intercept and annihilate any Japanese fighter planes that broke into the bomber formation.

The remaining 16 La-7 fighter jets, led by Kuoridub, pushed the throttle valve hard, began to accelerate forward, aimed at the incoming Japanese fighter jets at a relatively advantageous altitude, and rushed away.

Such a large and super formation air strike, and it also carried out deep strike bombings deep into the Japanese-occupied areas.

To be honest, it is almost impossible and unrealistic to want to enter without anyone noticing, so that the Japanese army will not notice it at all.

Some Japanese troops who still have the ability to report battlefield conditions have already reported the news of the incoming Red Army's super-large-scale mixed aircraft fleet.

The Kwantung Army, who heard that this was happening, was not stupid and had an above-average IQ. They knew that at this time, the Russians could mobilize such a large fleet of aircraft and penetrate deep into their own hinterland. They had and could only have a very simple goal. --Airport.

Judging from the advancement and speed of the Russian ground forces, the Kwantung Army Command determined that now is the time for the Russians to launch further air strikes and bomb large military airports to eliminate their own deep aviation operations capabilities.

Compared with the lunar surface that has been bombed to the point where there is nothing left to explode and has become filled with craters and debris, or the frontline field airports and small airports that have been captured by the Red Army ground troops, it is obviously these large military airports located near deep cities. Airports are more valuable for bombing.

The judgment of the Kwantung Army Headquarters is indeed good, and the basic ability online is correct.

But guessing correctly does not mean that you can intercept it. Being able to think about it and being able to do it are two completely different things.

The large military airport in the rear of the Kwantung Army, which had received timely early warning, had been screened by the Red Army aviation in the early stages. Under the premise that the losses were already considerable, they forcibly cobbled together almost all the "advanced aircraft" that could be dispatched. Fighter planes" came to intercept and block.

To say that the Kwantung Army hid it until the end and was reluctant to use it, and only dragged it out of the reinforced machine fortress at this urgent moment, it is indeed a relatively good thing.

The late-model Ki-61 three-type fighter "Jieyan" is an Army Red Deer single-seat medium-sized fighter known for its low-altitude maneuverability. The weapon configuration adopts two 20-mm cannons and two 7mm machine guns, which is already quite luxurious for the Army Red Deer.

This thing is already the best fighter jet currently available to the Kwantung Army. Relatively speaking, its performance is not bad. It can reach the mainstream level threshold of similar fighters. It performs relatively well in the low-altitude dogfighting field that it is good at. .

However, this is only a relative term, which is compared to those fighter jets with normal low-altitude dogfighting capabilities.

And La 7 is the well-known "King of Dog Fighting" on the Eastern Front battlefield. Even the King of Dog Fighting in the hands of the Germans, the BF-109F4, which was revered as the "Gundam F4" by later generations of military fans, was chased by La 7 at low altitude. Beat him up.

It is actually not difficult to guess what the result will be when the Ki-61, which uses the same imitation engine as the BF-109E, faces the La-7.

Especially when the pilots of the Kwantung Army had to face the Guards Fighter Aviation Corps, which had just won the Great Patriotic War and was led by Kozhidub himself.

The catastrophe of this group of Kwantung Army pilots actually began from the moment they appeared in the eyes of Kuoridub and his comrades.

Facing the mighty 16 fighter jets coming from the Japanese army, Kuoridub, who was evenly matched in numbers, took the lead. He pushed the throttle to the end and aimed at the Japanese jet at the front, and then fell straight down.

Fix the aiming ring on the nose of the Japanese fighter plane, and estimate the ballistic advance including relative speed and distance based on experience.


Dong dong dong dong——

Kuoridub, who held the joystick tightly and pulled the trigger, fired an instantaneous short burst. The three 20mm cannons concentrated on the nose of the L-7 shot out a red tracer barrage, heading straight towards the aircraft that had sensed the danger and was doing something. Avoid the maneuvering Japanese fighter planes and fly away.

One after another, the 20mm shells tore through the skin and poured into the fuselage. The mixed bullet chain of high-explosive bombs and tracer armor-piercing rounds exploded and penetrated, directly breaking the outer edge of the Japanese plane's wing and igniting the rear half of the fuselage. Built-in fuel tank.

"I'm on fire! Got shot! I'm on fire!!!"

The Japanese pilots who looked up but couldn't find any trace of the enemy plane panicked. The dashboard, which was spinning crazily like a clock, was already full of alarms.

I wanted to open the cockpit above my head and abandon the plane to parachute, but the car, which had completely lost control of its flying state, was spinning and falling downwards. The missing half of the wing was obviously fatal.

The whole person was spinning around like being thrown into a drum washing machine. The Japanese pilot trapped in the cockpit couldn't exert any effort at all. His brains were almost shaken, let alone opening the cockpit and parachuting to escape.

At this moment, Kozhidub, who was extremely skilled in gunnery, had already escaped with one blow, and after he was convinced that he could kill the target with just that one shooting window, he aimed the three 20mm aerial cannons that still had residual heat in the muzzles at them again. Next target.

Da da da da——

"Another one! Two! Great fight, Ulla!!!"

The radio echoed with the excited shouts of the wingman pilot after witnessing the whole process.

It was only then that Kuoridub, who was slightly distracted from the engrossed fighting state and turned his attention to the results of the battle, saw it.

The first enemy plane that was shot down by me just now crashed to the ground and exploded. There were no umbrellas in the sky, so it was obvious that the plane crashed and everyone was killed.

After the dive, Kozhidub, who relied on his speed advantage, immediately changed his direction, converting height into speed, and further converting speed into fast maneuvering, which was completed in an instant.

By maintaining sufficient speed to complete the nose pointing, before the Japanese pilot could react that he had been bitten, the second enemy plane that was shot down instantly by biting its tail was now burning in mid-air, trailing blazing fire and thick smoke.

It seems that it will explode and disintegrate in mid-air before it hits the ground. Also, if there are no umbrella flowers falling, it will probably end up with the aircraft crashing and killing everyone.

Two enemy planes were shot down in succession with just two precise short bursts, and the interval between the two results was less than half a minute.

The remaining Japanese pilots who didn't know what kind of master they had encountered were still in the sky and were chased by other La-7 fighter jets under Kuoridub's command into a chaotic mess.

Seeing this scene, Kuoridub did not hesitate at all.

His sharp eyes were once again fixed on the Japanese fighter plane, which was less than 700 meters away from the visual distance and was being chased away by another swooping La-7. With a slight swing of the joystick in his hand, he adjusted the direction of the plane's nose and flew straight away. .

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about air combat, just to cheer up the brothers. I’ve seen too much land combat and I’ll also focus on air combat.

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