Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3104 Lao Ma’s decision

Just seeing Kurbalov drinking and eating meat and killing Japanese corpses everywhere, Varosha, who had not fought a big battle since he went south, couldn't hold it in anymore.

To describe it in a down-to-earth way, it is "My sword is already hungry and thirsty."

So Varosha just raised his hand, and Malashenko could immediately guess what his fierce general wanted to say. Even so, he still smiled and raised his hand in order to give him a chance to speak.

"Permission to speak, Comrade Varosha."

After receiving the nod from Comrade Commander, Varosha stood up from his chair without saying anything. He rolled up his sleeves and raised his fists to show his lofty ideals.

"Comrade Commander, it's our Second Division's turn to carry out the main attack. From crossing the river to now, in addition to following the First Division to recover equipment, evacuate prisoners, and pick up some garbage left by the Japanese, almost Not even a decent fight."

"Besides marching these days, I'm almost having trouble with it. Other times I'm embarrassed to stand up and seize the main attack, but this time I have to say this and ask Comrade Commander to hand over the main attack task to our division. , I promise to leave an unforgettable impression on those Japanese devils!”

What Varosha said is certainly true.

The fact is that the several large-scale battles of the leading army from crossing the river to the present have indeed been completed by the future unofficial commander Kulbalov alone.

Kulbalov's first division is also the old team of the original leader division brought out by Malashenko. When the leader army was expanded, most of the subordinate old units were left behind.

It has the largest proportion of veterans and the richest combat experience. In terms of overall combat capability, it is indeed ranked above Varosha's Second Division.

This is also the reason why Malashenko initially preferred to let Kulbalov's first division carry out the main attack in the first stage.

There is no way. It is indeed important to get a good start. As the commander of the army, Malashenko must consider it from the overall perspective of the leading army.

Use the most powerful troops to pass through the Japanese army first to see how the enemy's strength compares.

In this way, Malashenko will have a basic idea of ​​the true comparison between ourselves and the enemy, and he will be able to respond more freely, scientifically and rationally when conducting subsequent command and deployment.

Judging from the current combat situation, the first phase of testing the level of the Japanese army and the comparison between the enemy's and our own strength has passed. Of course, Malashenko is also willing to let Varosha's second division go up and stretch its muscles.

By the way, it can also show its strength, so that Malashenko can make a comparative assessment of the combat effectiveness of his two divisions, and make next targeted deployments and improvements based on actual combat feedback.

Thinking of this and hearing that the excited Varosha had already taken the initiative to talk about this, Malashenko, who smiled to himself, immediately replied.

"Of course. Even if you don't take the initiative to ask for a fight, I have actually made arrangements in this regard. The military department does plan to hand over the main attack mission to your division."

Having said this, Malashenko did not forget to glance at the expression of Kulbalov who was also present at the meeting.

At this moment, I saw that Kulbalov was sitting honestly in his seat, as steady as a mountain. His sitting posture was quite stable, with a golden sword, and he looked like a general.

Regarding the fact that Malashenko handed over the main offensive task to Varosha, he did not immediately express any dissatisfaction, displeasure, or protest, whether in words, actual actions, or even facial expressions.

Malashenko is indeed testing Kulbalov, testing how he reacts and how he responds in this state of "someone is taking credit".

Kulbalov's performance was relatively satisfactory to Malashenko.

Although Kulbalov did not stand up to express anything and did not flatter, this was precisely his truest state and there was no hypocrisy or pretense.

Malashenko's evaluation of Kulbalov has always been that he is "the purest soldier", so pure that he is even a bit ignorant in political sense. This is different from Malashenko, who is accustomed to "pretending to be confused" to protect his own safety. Branches are very different.

In terms of combat style, Kulbalov not only learned the essence of Malashenko's "open and close, frontal attack", but also combined it with his own style of "keeping everything steady and making progress while maintaining stability". When the two are integrated.

This resulted in the formation of a brand new combat style that belonged only to him, Kulbalov.

Malashenko is relieved to leave the future of the leadership army in the hands of such a pure and outstanding general.

As for Varosha, it was now time for this general who had fought his way out of the blood purgatory of Stalingrad and had a different background from Kulbalov's tank soldier, but who was born in the infantry department to show his talents.

On the other hand, Malashenko is indeed curious about the outcome of Varosha, whose combat style is completely different from that of Kulbalov, against the Japanese elite armored division.

"The enemy we encountered this time was different from the past. It was an elite first-class division with one of the best combat capabilities in the entire Japanese Army. It was the only one in the entire Kwantung Army."

"On the specific tactical level, the military will not interfere too much and leave it to you to perform your own actions. But you must do one thing, Varosha, and you must pay attention to the enemy and be vigilant."

"I also believe that you will be able to successfully fight the first battle since the start of the war for your division. The military headquarters will provide you with all necessary support and coordination, and I look forward to you sending back news of victory."

Malashenko, who did not say much nonsense, finished his final speech and adjourned the meeting.

The two division commanders who received their respective combat missions also returned to their respective homes and began final preparations.

Varosha's Second Division will serve as the main offensive task this time and be responsible for launching a strong attack on the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield.

Kulbalov's first division will serve as an auxiliary and cooperative task, preventing and defeating any Japanese reinforcements from entering the frontal battlefield, and ensuring from the flanks that Varosha's main offensive operation can concentrate and not be threatened.

As for the military-level mobile reserves and long-range strike firepower in Malashenko's hands, they have not been decentralized this time.

Instead, he kept it in his hands and Malashenko would take personal command when the situation required it.

This can actually show from the side how much Malashenko attaches importance to this battle.

If it were an ordinary Japanese army, Malashenko would actually prefer to let his two division commanders go and get some practice.

But this time it's different.

In any case, the opponent is an unknown form that has never been seen before and is not known in detail at present. No one knows what kind of thing the "armored division" of the Japanese devils is. The true story can only be seen after a real fight.

Malashenko hopes that his all-out attitude can have a positive influence on his two division commanders.

To underestimate the enemy is to be careless, and it is not the result Malashenko wants to see.

"Varosa's combat style is more proactive than Kulbalov. It seems that you are planning to give the enemy a strong dose of medicine."

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who also knew the two division commanders of the combat unit very well, spoke quietly from the side, and Malashenko just smiled and laughed.

"The armored forces believe in offense, and offense is the best defense. This is the famous saying of Guderian, the leader of the German armored forces."

"Since they claim to have learned the essence from the Germans, we might as well test them and test their quality to see how much these Japanese devils have learned from the Germans."

Malashenko had already personally directed countless tough battles with the German armored forces, fighting to see who could not hold on first and whoever ran out of offensive energy first would collapse first.

Both sides were in the movement stage, and an encounter broke out under this circumstance. Malashenko felt that it was appropriate to let Varosha handle this situation.

Comrade Political Commissar, who could probably guess that Comrade Commander had this intention, also smiled and then said no more.

Varosha's preparations for the attack also went very quickly. It took less than half an hour after lunch to transform the troops from marching state to offensive state, spread out the formation, and launch the self-propelled artillery into the shooting array. Ready to attack.

At the same time, on the other side, the Japanese army, which was about to come into contact with the enemy, received the bad news almost at the last minute.

To say that this second division looks like an elite first-class division, at least in terms of peripheral reconnaissance and alert in the marching state, it is much stronger than the previous groups of Japanese troops.

A small group of Japanese troops riding sidecar motorcycles and equipped with light wheeled armored vehicles went out to conduct reconnaissance and warning at a distance of 15 kilometers.

While resting in a wilderness depression, I unfortunately bumped into colleagues who were also out for reconnaissance - the scout troops from the Second Division of the Varosha Division of the Leading Army.

Sidecar motorcycles battle RPG, four-wheeled armored vehicles battle BMPs.

The results are obvious.

The Japanese scout detachment, which had been beaten into pig heads, left the corpses and wreckage on the ground and fled in panic.

Their mission was not to pursue and annihilate the Japanese leader's scouts, nor did they pursue excessively.

After the Japanese soldiers were driven away, the objects and useful information collected from the corpses and wreckage of the Japanese soldiers were brought back to the division headquarters to report. They even tied up a Japanese reconnaissance soldier who was injured and fell to the ground and abandoned by his comrades. The soldiers went back to pay their respects.

"Tell me! The specific location of your troops, and what are your intentions now!? Tell me everything you know!"

"Bah! Big Russian pig! Stalin eats shit!!!"

The Japanese scouts, whose mouths were tougher than bones, refused to let go. Apart from swearing or spitting, they did not say any human words.

The interrogator, who was so angry that he clenched his whip tightly in his hand, was about to go up and give the dog some medicine to cure his bad breath.

However, he saw that the major responsible for recording the interrogation report had already stood up from behind the table, packed his things, and turned around to leave the tent. The last order of the interrogation had already been blurted out.

"This beast has no value anymore. Send him to where he belongs. The Germans in the Siberian labor camps will welcome their Japanese friends."

The first update is 3K, the second update will be 3K later.

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