Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3113 After the artillery fire

After Malashenko invested his own military artillery force, he added the artillery power of the entire division under Varosha.

The number of self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers that fired fiercely at the Japanese artillery positions at the same time had reached nearly 300, a number that shocked the Japanese army.

According to the Japanese army's earlier assumptions, even if the Russian artillery was superior in both quality and quantity.

But as long as one's own artillery fire is successful and has a suppressive effect, it is enough to withdraw the artillery position and move it before the Russian retaliatory artillery fire. After all, the Russians are also moving from marching state to combat state and need to set up artillery and deploy artillery positions. By the way, they can also Efficiently kill a wave of enemy troops and destroy technical equipment.

The idea is quite good, the logic makes sense, and the actual operation is quite step-by-step without any accidents.

However, the Japanese army, which had a serious lack of reconnaissance and understanding of the enemy, missed one thing - the deployment and deployment time of the artillery of the leading army was far beyond their ability to understand.

The leader army completely abandoned the towed artillery and replaced all self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers with high mobility and the ability to stop and fire at any time. The reaction speed of artillery fire and the timeliness of strike far exceeded the Japanese army's expected time by many times.

In fact, the Germans have experienced and are familiar with such terrifying strength, and the Japanese originally had the opportunity to learn about the situation from the Germans.

After all, during the period of the Leader's Division, the predecessor of the Leader's Army, all self-propelled artillery was running around and fighting. From that time on, the Lutheran troops were beaten and embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese and Germans are now "the boat of friendship capsizes at every turn". You don't like me, and I don't like you. It's because they don't like each other that they almost break each other's faces.

Stauffener, who deeply felt that the Japanese were hopelessly stupid, wanted the Japanese to die as soon as possible, so how could he tell the Japanese that these things were not available.

The hellish shelling that was heard now roared in, blowing the Japanese artillery position in the distance into a sea of ​​fire, with flames reaching into the sky.

Stauffener, who felt more and more that the Japanese were not far away from Wan Duzi and were getting closer, quickly waved to his deputy, the major, and gave instructions.

"The first wave of Japanese offensive troops has just set off, and more than half of the Tiger tanks are still unused."

"According to the pre-plan, we used the pre-war inspection as an excuse to get on the vehicle and tamper with the tanks so that they could not move. This is a tank designed by our Germans. We understand these war machines far better than these despicable and incompetent Japanese soldiers. , so remember to be smart and don’t let the Japanese catch you or see any flaws. I believe you can do it.”

"I'm going to deal with Colonel Aoki. I have a good personal relationship with him and I'm getting along just fine. I'll try my best to help you delay. If you encounter a difficult problem, just ask the Japanese to report it to their commander, and I will solve it. Listen clearly. !?"

Stauffener, who was thoughtful and well-planned, decided to divide his troops into two groups and act separately.

He left to himself the most difficult task of dealing with the Japanese heavy tank regiment, which only he was confident of being able to deal with. As for the simple task of intimidating the Japanese soldiers and petty officers as an instructor, he left it to his deputy. Take charge with the rest of your staff.

In case of trouble, when the Japanese reported it layer by layer to the level of the commander, he could intercept and handle it in time and solve the problem.

Stauffener, who was extremely good at talking and handling interpersonal relationships with ease, was sure that he could easily win over Captain Aoki, who had already established a good personal relationship with him and had some respect for him personally.

Everything was ready, and Stauffener, who finally ordered the arrangements to be completed, immediately ordered the action to begin.

At the same time, the Japanese division headquarters still knew nothing about the "big job" the Germans had begun.

Taketake Okada was so shocked by the Russian's devastating artillery fire that it was so violent that the sky was falling, and he was still in a state of wide-eyed regret.

"Baga! How come the Russians' retaliatory artillery fire comes so fast? They have obviously fired the artillery first to suppress them, so why can the Russians organize counterattack artillery fire so quickly!? Didn't they just enter combat mode!?"

"Baga! How come the Russians' retaliatory artillery fire comes so fast? They have obviously fired the artillery first to suppress them, so why can the Russians organize counterattack artillery fire so quickly!? Didn't they just enter combat mode!?"

Taketake Okada, who uses himself to save others, used his own artillery level to analyze the Red Army's artillery level with equivalent substitutions. It is not surprising that he got the current result.

I can only say that I am not to blame him for being wrong. After all, the combined arms army has far exceeded the upper limit of its current understanding ability. It is fanciful to talk about correct understanding if you can't understand it.

The leading army not only leads the Japanese army in artillery equipment level and combat strength, but also leads the Japanese army by generation difference.

From the entire coordinated combat system of various arms, to the ability to quickly detour and penetrate behind enemy lines for reconnaissance, real-time feedback, command and coordination capabilities, etc., it is all an all-round crushing.

The old-style army and the new-style army that were at least five generations away from each other were fighting against each other. This was the actual situation on the battlefield.

The final result was that even if the Japanese were beaten into pig heads, they still could not figure out why they suddenly turned into pig heads.

At this point, there is no other way. The artillery position has ordered an emergency evacuation. How many people can be rescued.

There was just one thing. The heavy artillery unit of the Second Division, which was almost destroyed in one fell swoop, was no longer able to continue to compete with the Russians' brutal artillery fire.

Next, I'm afraid I'll have to engage in artillery guerrilla warfare and barely gain a sense of presence.

Only by waiting until the independent heavy artillery regiment behind them, which is still on the move, is in position, may they have a chance to fight the Russian artillery again.

But with the lessons learned this time, Taketake Okada will never dare to continue playing like this next time.

You have to wait until the Russian artillery is in action and light up, and then you can make other plans based on the movements of the Russian artillery and depending on the situation. That's all you can do.

If we look at it from the perspective of "every time you learn a lesson, you gain wisdom", Okada Yiwu's beating was not in vain. At least, "I know it hurts and I won't dare to do it next time", which is still a gain.

But there's another problem right now.

Taketake Okada, who learned the coordinated tactics of "installation, infantry and artillery" from the Germans, has already dispatched the first wave of main attack troops.

Even before I had time to observe and confirm the effect of the artillery strike, I just thought of implementing the "soldiers are more valuable and faster". It was really a clear understanding of the Japanese "combination of Chinese and Western".

Now the artillery strike effect is obviously poor and not as good as expected. You can know it by looking at the enraged Russian artillery counterattack.

The more he thought about it, the more fearful he became. Okada Yiwu paused in his steps and focused his eyes. He immediately stopped wandering around in the division headquarters camp and immediately turned around and gave orders to the chief of staff.

"Send reinforcements immediately! Hurry! Whether it is to respond to the transfer or to reinforce the attack, it is necessary. The first wave of attack troops must be insufficient now! If you send it late, it will be too late. Before the actual contact with the Russians, act quickly !”

The weather has been cooling down a lot recently, and Corgi had a stomach problem. He drank medicine and rested for a while, then got up again and finished writing the remaining words.

Everyone has been paying attention to their health recently. The climate is changing and the temperature difference is huge. Please keep warm. Don’t imitate Corgi. Good night, Corgi goes back to sleep.

In addition, I will update it tomorrow, and try to get more code points in the last few days at the end of the month.

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