Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3170 What if he commits suicide?

In order for Kulbalov to successfully complete this arduous task, Malashenko made special preparations and arrangements. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

The first step was to prepare enough parts and engines for Kulbalov. Malashenko even transferred some of the logistics support troops of the Varosha Division to Kulbalov for support.

After fully understanding the difficulty of Kulbalov's mission, Varosha accepted the decision made by the comrade commander without any complaints.

The actual distance of 610 kilometers on the map is really unbearable to run down. Let alone the ordinary Red Army tank troops, even the leader's level can't handle such a trip.

In order to ensure as much as possible that the Kulbalov division still has enough heavy equipment to enter the battle and ensure combat effectiveness when it reaches the target location, it is necessary to prepare enough spare parts.

If you encounter some time-consuming repair work, don't repair it. Just replace it with new parts as quickly as possible. You can just remove the old parts and throw them away.

Of course, the above alone is not enough, not all vehicle damage can be repaired.

For those that could not be repaired or could not be repaired by replacing parts in a short period of time, Malashenko also allowed Kulbalov to abandon the vehicle directly in accordance with combat regulations, which meant literally throwing away the equipment and only giving up the vehicle. The group continued to advance with the troops.

As for the issue of equipment recovery, the Varosha Division, personally commanded by Malashenko, immediately led the team south after handling the Shenyang incident to follow up.

There may be some gaps during this period, resulting in abandoned vehicles being abandoned in the wilderness, but Malashenko doesn't care.

The core problem is that even if the broken down vehicle abandoned by the leader's army is left there, the Japanese army does not have the ability to take it away.

With the Japanese army's level of mules and horses, the entire towed large-caliber heavy artillery is laborious. Do you still expect it to be able to tow the Stalin heavy tank that has broken down and needs to be repaired and has lost its ability to move? Can IS6 and IS7 be moved?

It's not that Malashenko looks down on the Japanese, it's just that he really doesn't have the ability.

As soon as an IS6 parked there, even if the Japanese drove 10 trucks and queued up to pull it away, they would not be able to pull it away. At worst, it would be stuffed with explosives and blown up by the incompetent and furious Japanese army.

It doesn't matter, Malashenko can still afford the loss.

After the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army had a serious surplus of various equipment. If we don't consume it now, sooner or later it will be turned into scrap metal and thrown into the tank cemetery.

Therefore, for Kulbalov during this urgent march south, it was "just speed, not equipment."

Kulbalov does not need to take care of the rest, he only needs to execute the order, and everything else will be handled by Malashenko himself.

Returning to the long-lost position of commander, he felt the tremors and shaking all over his body as the tank advanced, while thinking back on the orders and details he had just given to Kulbalov not long ago.

Malashenko, who didn't want to see China's treasures ruined by the Japanese again, just hoped that Kulbalov's urgent march south would come in time.

If the U.S. Navy submarines are really going to send the ship and treasure to the bottom of the sea, then everything will be over. As long as we can intercept the Japanese devils before they load the ship and leave, we can stop this.

"By the way, I have a question. Is this our last mission? After this battle, the Japanese will be finished?"


Malashenko, who was still immersed in thought, was brought back to reality by Iushkin's words. After hearing the words, he thought about it and then spoke.

"If we can capture that old devil Yamada Otozo alive, even if this battle is not the end, then what we have to do next will be much easier."

"The Kwantung Army headquarters occupied in Changchun only has symbolic significance. It has not yet disabled the command of the Kwantung Army. The old devil Yamada Otsuzo is still huddled in Shenyang City and continues to give orders. We are here to capture him. come out."

"Further west from Shenyang are the troops of the Transbaikal Front, and to the south are the Kurbalov Division who are detouring south. There is no hope of going east. Not to mention that we who are going south have the ability to block them halfway. , the retreat route to the east towards North Korea has been blocked by the Red Army.”

"So, Yamada Otsuzo is now a turtle in a urn. No matter where he goes in the four directions, he has no way to escape. I have to capture him alive this time!"

After hearing Malashenko's analysis, Iushkin, who was separated by a barrel from Malashenko in the commander's seat, also nodded, but he still had a question and spoke immediately.

"But what if he doesn't surrender? I mean, I heard before that senior Japanese generals would commit seppuku when they were about to be defeated."

"What's that thing called? Oh yes, that's how Ushijima died, right? He was forced to die in the Pacific by the Americans. I've seen this news in the newspaper before."


After hearing this, Malashenko smiled, shook his head, and blurted out words that were not completely denying but were still confident enough.

"If I say it's completely impossible, I'd be lying, but I guess there's a high chance that an old devil like Yamada Otozo won't have the guts to do it."

"You can tell just from the fact that this old guy threw away his headquarters and fled without a fight. He can actually understand the situation and is not the kind of guy who fights to the end, like the lunatic Ushijima Mitsuru. There is something different. As long as we can force him into a desperate situation and give him some hope, surrendering will not be a difficult choice."

Malashenko, who said this, remembered in his heart that Yamada Otozo in the timeline before he traveled through time was a proper "surrender" at the end.

The Emperor's side had just "broadcasted Tamone", and Yamada Otsuzo, who couldn't wait, immediately came up with a surrender plan.

Without waiting for further specific instructions and orders from the base camp, they first moved out the "Emperor's Holy Judgment" to suppress the clamor of the young officers, and then sent their chief of staff to immediately discuss the surrender with the Red Army.

This resulted in the Red Army tanks advancing faster than the Japanese surrender. Many strategic locations still controlled by the Kwantung Army were not captured by the Kwantung Army, but were taken over after the Kwantung Army surrendered on its own initiative.

Malashenko estimated that in this timeline, Yamada Otozo would be similar after being beaten up by the leadership army.

The offensive launched by the leader's army was so swift and violent that it could only be described as "as violent as a mudslide."

Yamada Otsuzo should be able to feel the unprecedented pressure from the battlefield map where he changed the leader's advance line three times that day, and he also knew that any resistance under this offensive would be futile and meaningless.

People who are forced into a desperate situation will inevitably have hope. This is human nature and the nature of carbon-based organisms.

Malashenko estimated that as long as he leaked his fingers at the right time and gave him some hope, the probability of capturing the old devil Yamada Otozo alive should be quite high.

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