Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3174 Do you want to collude with the enemy and treason?

I thought about leaving the door of the small courtyard and quickly instructing the soldiers under my command to restrain themselves and not to make those leaflets too blatant and cause unnecessary trouble.

But what neither Masao Ozawa nor the young sergeant beside him expected was that as soon as the front leg went out, the back leg immediately saw the person they least wanted to see at this time appear in front of them.

"Baga! What are you doing!? How dare you liaise with the Russians? You are so brave!"


This hat was so slapped on the head that some soldiers didn't even read the leaflets in their hands, but just held them in their hands, and were accused of "liaison with the Russians" by the squadron leader who yelled at them as soon as they came up. .

Many frightened soldiers immediately threw away their things and began to beg for mercy, but the squadron leader, who was not tall and as thin as if he had rewarded himself too much, still refused to give in and uttered a lot of curse words.

"What did the Russians call!? Ah!? It is a letter of collaboration that will betray His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire of Japan if touched! Not only do you pick it up and read it, but you also dare to hide it!? You still have no shame! ? Or not an imperial soldier?"

He grabbed a soldier by the collar and cursed loudly. The soldier who didn't dare to retaliate allowed the spittle to spray into his face, and he was so stunned that he didn't dare to say a word.

I don't know if he was tired of scolding or if he changed his mind temporarily. The moment he let go, the squadron leader pushed the soldier back with a grimace on his face. Immediately afterwards, he issued an order that, to Ozawa Masao's ears, was no different than crazy.

"Now, everyone take off their clothes and undergo a body search! Immediately!"


If he hadn't heard it with his own ears on the spot, Ozawa Masao would hardly have believed that such words could come from the mouth of a squadron leader.

There should be a limit to humiliating soldiers or collective humiliation in broad daylight and in full view of the public, and how dare you do this under the current circumstances of internal and external troubles?

Realizing that he could not continue like this, once the leaflets were found, the soldiers and himself would be in trouble. Ozawa Masao immediately stepped forward and rushed to the squadron leader in three steps and two steps.

At this point, I couldn't care about that much anymore, so I kept talking with the purpose of blocking the matter first.

"Your Excellency, squadron leader, asking soldiers to take off their clothes for inspection is a very undignified and honorable act! This is an extreme distrust of the soldiers! Now that the enemy is facing us, please think again!"

It was his own soldier who was ordered by the squadron leader to take off his clothes for inspection. Masao Ozawa asked himself that he could not ignore it.

No matter whether the soldiers had hidden leaflets in their clothes or not, Ozawa Masao believed that the matter had reached this point. The Russians were watching eagerly outside the city. If they dared to do this without saying anything, it would have no effect at all, but it would definitely do more harm than good. profit.

These soldiers, who were already low on fighting spirit and morale, were really pushed into a hurry, and it was hard to say what they would do.

He didn't know whether he would die, but when the time came, the first one to be swarmed and killed by the angry soldiers would probably be the squadron leader in front of him.

As long as someone takes the lead, the "glorious achievements" of the soldiers who dare to kill even the generals are clearly there. Killing a small squadron leader is not a big deal at all.

Ozawa Masao asked himself that this was for the benefit of the squadron leader in front of him, but he didn't know that he didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, he started to ridicule him with a sneer on his face.

"Ozawa-kun, I'm very curious about one thing. Could it be that you also secretly hid the Russian leaflets? Do you want to collaborate with the enemy and treason?"


Masao Ozawa was shocked for a moment. He did not expect that the squadron leader would directly target him. This change of attitude was too fast.

But the fact is that he does have that thing in his arms.

Even I don't know why I picked this thing up and stuffed it into my arms. Maybe it was just to subconsciously leave a way out for myself in case of unexpected events?

Ozawa Masao, who was still thinking of his old wife, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. Knowing that to be weak and retreat at this time was to seek a dead end, he immediately opened his mouth to push back the squadron leader's questioning.

"This is impossible, Your Excellency, squadron leader! There is absolutely no way that your subordinates would do such a thing!"

"Oh? Really? Then, how to prove it?"


Looking at the newly assigned squadron leader in front of him, he was holding a command knife in front of him, with a playful expression on his face and a look of great interest.

Masao Ozawa, who held the command knife tightly in his right hand, repeatedly advised himself to be patient and patient, and then continued to speak calmly while keeping his head bowed in respect.

"Just because I am the sergeant of the Second Division, and I work with the best soldiers of the Imperial Army! This is enough proof!"

"Pfft, the Second Division? Are you talking about those Sendai poor guys who were wiped out by the Russians in just half a day? Are they worthy of being called the best soldiers of the Imperial Army? Don't Make me laugh again!”

He never expected that the squadron leader could go so far. His sarcastic and sarcastic expression was even worse than before. Masao Ozawa, who could hardly hold back, almost suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke again.

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, please be careful what you say! The Second Division is the top combat force of the Imperial Army. This is recognized within the Imperial Army and remains unchanged to this day!"

"Is it recognized? Let's just take it as recognized, but it has nothing to do with routine inspections."

The squadron leader who was too lazy to talk nonsense no longer wanted to waste time, so he blurted out an order that was almost like an ultimatum.

"You still have to take off your clothes for inspection. I saw with my own eyes that some of you hid leaflets under your clothes. Why don't you, Ozawa-kun, set an example? They are your soldiers, aren't they? As a sergeant, you should take the lead."


This second-rate squadron leader who refused to listen to anything he said really made Ozawa Masao so angry that his blood pressure almost exploded.

I thought that if I and my soldiers really followed the instructions and stripped down to only a piece of crotch cloth in the street, and were turned over and inspected like raw meat in a butcher shop, and were also watched by other comrades in the street, what would happen in the future? How can you have the dignity to say that you are a soldier? How can one still be alive! ?

What's even worse is that once the flyer is found, everything will be over.

At this point, there is no other choice but to disobey orders.

Masao Ozawa, who was relatively confident in the few soldiers under his command who had been gathered from the rout of the Second Division, and who believed that his actions to protect them would be supported, was planning to risk his life.

Unexpectedly, the young sergeant who had been standing by as a spectator would rush forward with the command knife in his hand.

"Your Excellency, squadron leader! There are also my soldiers among these people. If you want to check, please come with me! And all the soldiers under my command!"

His military ability may not be great, but he is really good at winning people's hearts. Before he finished speaking, a whole row of soldiers stepped forward behind him.

"Sergeant Takahashi is right! We were all together when the leaflets fell, so let's even search us together!"

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