Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 318 The Red Spy King

Compared with the German division commander who had just received the intelligence from the rear and was suddenly furious, the Japanese thousands of miles away in the far east were also anxious and furious.

The gloomy and tall Kamosu Prison located in the Higashiikebukuro area of ​​Toshima Ward, Tokyo, Japan is comparable to the Japanese version of Auschwitz. There is no warmth or human kindness in this prison specially used to detain political prisoners and Japanese Communists. Word.

There is only the cold, pitch-black boundless darkness and the torture and death that take place almost every moment.

In one of the most heavily guarded high-level cells in the Duck Nest Prison, a short but very strong prison guard was waving the long whip in his hand like an angry animal trainer, while another was tied with chains and executed on a wooden The white man on the shelf was suffering.

"Baga! You understand Japanese, you guy! If you don't want to suffer anymore, tell me what you have done and everything you know! Why did the Soviets send you to Tokyo!? You have What mission!? Do you want to die in my hands?"


The execution whip, which was made by mixing human hair, iron wire, and ponytails, hit the white man's chest, which was already covered with scars. The flesh stained with bright red blood had already been ripped open and turned outwards. He gritted his teeth suddenly. The white man who survived this difficulty again quietly raised his head with sticky blood on his face.

"I have said that I am indeed a spy, but not a Soviet spy, but a German spy. I request an immediate interview with our German Ambassador to Tokyo, Japan, Ott. Your various atrocities against me have seriously damaged the relationship between the two countries. Diplomatic friendship, Germany will not tolerate such inhuman treatment and atrocities against its people in any country."

Facing the white man's "refuse to admit" like a stubborn duck on the execution rack, a Japanese officer who had moved a stool and been sitting quietly in the corner watching all this finally stood up and slowly walked forward. Come.

"Matsumoto-kun, please take a rest first. If you really want to beat him to death, it will be a loss for our special high school. This white-skinned pig's head also contains a lot of information that is extremely useful to our Empire of Japan. In Until I get them for His Majesty the Emperor, this white-skinned pig will have to live and breathe for me even if it is dying."

After hearing the sullen and sneering low words from his direct superior who quietly stepped forward next to him, the sturdy little man who had just raised the whip in his hand and prepared to hit him hard again immediately turned around and bowed fiercely.

"Hey! I understand! It's just Colonel Takahashi. This white-skinned pig's mouth is so hard that it's beyond imagination. If you hadn't stopped me just now, I guess this guy wouldn't be willing to tell the truth until I beat him to death. ”

Compared with the anger and annoyance of the accompanying adjutant, Shinichi Takahashi, who was born in the Takahashi family of Tokyo's upper class, has been involved in the interrogation department of the Special High School Course for many years.

The elegant and easy-going temperament unique to the aristocracy and the almost perverted excitement for torture and torture coexist in a contradiction in this man who is the "number one interrogator in the extra-high-level course". There is always a cold and indifferent expression hanging at the corner of his mouth. His smile made even the short and muscular adjutant next to him tremble when he saw it.

"Let's talk about the main point of the problem, Mr. Sorge. For example, how did you send the information of our Japanese Supreme Command's August Tokyo meeting back to Moscow without anyone noticing?"

After hearing the cold words from the Japanese military commander in front of him, Sorge couldn't help but condense. In just a short moment, there was no way to judge whether the guy in front of him was trying to trick him. Sorge, who still maintained his composure, quickly sped up. After covering up the subtle surprise in his eyes, he answered the question.

"I don't know what you are talking about. The only telegrams I sent out throughout August were the press releases sent back to our German Frankfurt Daily News. These things are recorded in the embassy. If you don't believe what I say, you You can go investigate for yourself.”

Shinichi Takahashi, who had no comment on Sorge's negative answer but had a cold smile on his lips, took out a well-kept piece of paper from behind.

"Sorge told me that the Kwantung Army would not launch a northward movement to declare war on the Soviet Union this year. This was what he told me after reading the meeting materials of the Supreme Command collected by the intelligence personnel of the German Embassy, ​​but there were three exceptions. "

“First, Moscow was captured and fell by the German army; second, the war against China was progressing smoothly and excess troops could be drawn out, making the total strength of the Kwantung Army three times that of the Soviet front army stationed in Siberia; third, the gangs in the Siberian region of the Soviet Union were incited to incite national hatred, and through Germany The offensive background of the people first caused a civil war to break out for them. After they were weakened, the Kwantung Army took the opportunity to attack northward. "

"After Sorge compiled these things into a document, he returned to the German Embassy that night and sent it back to Moscow using a telegraph machine. This is all I know. Please stop and let me go."

After blurting out the last character, he immediately threw the copy of the interrogation transcript in his hand and threw it on Sorge's face. The cold smile on the corner of his mouth was even more terrifying than before, and Takahashi Shinichi smiled ferociously again. Open your mouth.

"Don't hold on, Mr. Sorge. Your assistant Miyagi has told us everything, the "Ramsey Team", the doctorate status and the guise of a German reporter, and the telegrams with the Soviet Union. No. Everyone is as strong-willed and tough-talking as you, at least the people in your Ramsey team can be said to be weaklings who can’t stand the pain of flesh and blood.”

After listening to Shin Takahashi's extremely proud and smug joke, Sorge, who knew that everything was destined to come to an end, still had no wavering in his eyes.

"I repeat, I admit that I am a spy, but I am just a German spy and have nothing to do with the Soviet Red Army and Moscow as you say."

Facing Sorge, who still refused to change his words, Takahashi Shinichi, who was slightly surprised but still had the same cold smile on his face, gently raised his right hand and then quickly dropped it.

"Leave it to you, Matsumoto-kun, let our distinguished guest Mr. Sorge experience our Japanese hospitality."

With a ferocious smile on his face, he rolled up his sleeves again, revealing the muscles of his short stature. The execution whip held in the palm of his right arm whirred again and kept flying, continuing to destroy the already broken body.

Feeling the physical pain that has gradually become numb and the last consciousness that has almost disappeared, Sorge, who has already settled his last worries, no longer has any regrets.

"At least Moscow has obtained the information, and that's enough."

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