Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 330 The Returner in the Snow

Just a few seconds after Commissar Petrov's words faded, he made the final decision without much thought. Even if the attack failed, Malashenko did not want to sit still and wait for death. Only the word "attack" stood firm in his heart.

"Whether the snow stops or not, I will immediately order an offensive when the scouts sent out by Comrade Yakov come back with information about the German deployment. Unless those Germans are setting up an offensive in that barren little village. We must have the strength of an armored division, otherwise I will place the field regiment headquarters in the village of Womano tonight."

From past battles, he has learned deeply that Malashenko, who has always been cautious and brave, will never do anything without a clear purpose. Political Commissar Petrov, who has been fighting against the white bandits since the beginning, has not expressed any negative opinions. .

Since you have chosen to believe in Malashenko, you must believe it to the end. Any doubts and disputes on the battlefield may ruin the fleeting fighter plane or even completely annihilate the entire army.

"Well, since you have decided so, I will naturally fully support your order. Just braving the wind and snow to launch an attack on the German army will undoubtedly seriously delay the pace of our attack and be beneficial to the German army on the defensive. Before the attack can be launched, we must You have to be fully prepared. Do you have any plans for troop coordination? Malashenko."

Hearing the question from the political commissar Petrov next to him, Malashenko, who had already made preliminary plans in his heart, immediately grabbed a pencil on the table, raised his hand and pointed at the regional combat map hanging on the stand in front of him and said. .

"The terrain of the entire Womano Village is undulating on both sides and relatively gentle in the middle. The small slopes on both sides with only a few rotten trees as shelters not only cannot play any role in concealment and protection, but they rashly initiate attacks from a high position. If I charge, I will become the best target for those Germans. If I think about it from their perspective, I don't think the Germans would be stupid enough not to send patrols and guard posts at high and favorable terrain. If it were me defending Womano Village, I would definitely do it. will do so.”

He pointed the tip of the pencil in his hand closely at the core of Womano Village and paused for a moment. After a moment, Malashenko continued to speak, but his eyes were already determined and resolute.

"Even if only half the regiment's strength is used, the mighty group charge of dozens of heavy tanks is enough to wake up those dozing Germans from their dreams. Instead of planning to attack secretly and being discovered by those Germans and If we catch them in the act, it would be better to deploy our maximum offensive force and rush directly from the front of the battlefield."

"There is no reason to prove that the Germans in the village are capable of blocking the charge of our heavy tank group. The blizzard in the sky will also provide a strong protective umbrella for our ground attack. Those German aircraft cannot be used in this situation. We can come to support the ground battle next time, so the overall situation at the moment is actually beneficial to our Red Army side, Comrade Political Commissar.

After listening to Malashenko's detailed summary and analysis, he nodded briefly. Commissar Petrov, who basically did not find any major faults or obvious shortcomings, immediately spoke affirmatively.

"I agree with your opinion of a frontal attack, Malashenko. After all, those Germans have proven to me countless times in Kiev how powerful the offensive power of a tank group charge is. Now it seems that the only thing left is to deploy a coordinated attack. Just friendly troops, what are your plans for the infantry?"

"I don't have any extra plans. I'll just stick outside the tank and charge together as usual. The rest of the infantry can only follow on foot. I think there should be no problem with Comrade Yakov, right?"

As he spoke unquestionably, he immediately turned his head and fixed his gaze on another lieutenant colonel who was listening beside him. This Red Army lieutenant colonel, whom Malashenko called Yakov, did not do much after hearing this. After hesitating, the tall body of 1.95 meters which stood like an iron tower instantly nodded and gave an answer without thinking.

"I don't have any problems here, Comrade Malashenko! The boys under my command and I are the elite of the entire Siberian Military Region, and there is no need to have any doubts. My boys will tear apart the Japanese monkeys just like they did. I am determined to eliminate those evil fascists who dare to invade our great motherland. I am waiting for this moment every day when I am stationed on the border of Mongolia."

When I heard Lieutenant Colonel Yakov talking about Mongolia, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The experience of another motherland far away in the east, which was being trampled by the iron hooves of Japanese invaders, was so empathetic to Malashenko at the moment.

Thinking of the day when millions of Red Army troops would march to the Northeast, a fierce yet fleeting light flashed across Malashenko's eyes, which strengthened his will.

"One day I will definitely bring the power of a loving father to you Japanese devils so that you can experience it for yourself. I hope I can really live until then."

Malashenko, who had such a firm idea in his heart, switched his brain circuit and was about to say something else. A corporal sentry who suddenly opened the tent door and rushed in suddenly interrupted. The words were on Rashenko's lips.

"Comrade Commander, Valekov has just returned to the station. He said that he brought back very important investigation information and wants to see you now!"

After hearing this, Captain Yakov turned his head and exchanged glances with Malashenko beside him. When their eyes crossed, Yakov confirmed the same answer in each other's hearts and immediately turned around and said. .

"Bring him here immediately, I will see him within a minute!"

"Yes, Comrade Leader!"

The slightly tattered pure white winter snow camouflage uniform was stained with a trace of unknown blood. The weather-beaten face carved by a blade was full of traces of war trauma. The deep and slightly hollow eyes were full of traces. There is no lack of fear that can make people feel cold. The first impression left by this nearly forty-year-old veteran named Valekov on Malashenko can only be described with the words "born for war" describe.

"Comrade Malashenko, Valekov is the best veteran scout in our regiment, bar none. During the Battle of the Halakhin River, this desperate guy even touched the eyes of those Japanese monkeys and came close to conduct reconnaissance. The nearest Japanese machine gun position was only twenty meters away. You can’t imagine how this brave guy survived until now, just like me.”

As the words in Yakov's mouth gradually faded, Valekov, who still had the blood of the young Red Army soldier in the snow on his hands and the sleeves of his white camouflage uniform, suddenly spoke.

"You will never be alive when you die, Comrade Commander, your abilities and skills are just for self-comfort, they are not worth mentioning.

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