Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 334 The Winter Beast (Part 2)

Several comrades were killed on the spot by an 85mm high-explosive bomb, which greatly shocked the other German soldiers present. This feeling of ringing ears and being covered in blood was completely different from ordinary small arms shooting. After arriving, blocking the Soviet tanks in front of the position as soon as possible became the top priority of the German army.

The German army stationed in the village of Womano does not have any heavy weapons and equipment worth mentioning. It only has the best anti-tank weapons, which are only 8 pak38 50mm anti-tank guns. This kind of It is extremely difficult to deal with the T34 medium tank, so you can imagine what the situation will be like when dealing with the KV1.

Sometimes, even if you know it is useless, you have to bite the bullet and do it for some reasons. This is the case for the current German army using 50mm PAK38 to deal with the KV1 with strong armor and sharp artillery.

Several German soldiers, who were freezing to the core, followed the orders of their commanders and slowly pushed out the 50mm anti-tank gun placed in the rear anti-gun hole with all their strength.

Most of the time in the Western European battlefield, the German army, which was advancing smoothly along the front, even when it was temporarily on the defensive, had anti-tank guns majestically placed on the gun emplacements of the front-line defense positions, ready for use at any time. There was almost no need to mention the Anglo-French allied forces who just retreated and fled under the fierce German advance. Even the German recruits who had just been added to the front line knew that it was almost impossible for the weak French to fight back.

But when Operation Barbarossa was launched and the front was pushed into the vast Soviet land, they initially used the same tactics used against the French to deal with the Bolshevik Germans, but soon found that this did not work.

Even if those Soviets who were shouting "Ula" were repulsed ninety-nine times, and the corpses left behind were enough to form a bloody red lake in front of the position, these Russians who were willing to die and didn't care about casualties would still fight for the hundredth time. Continuing to counterattack, using the weapons in their hands and even the lives they fought to make the German army doubt and tremble again and again about the existing form of war.

What's even more terrible is that the German army, who originally thought that the French artillery was powerful enough, only realized how wrong their previous ridiculous understanding was after encountering the Soviet field artillery group.

The Soviet artillery can be used not only in attack, but also in defense, and in black shooting. In the most abnormal situation, if a German soldier comes out to urinate and smoke a cigarette in the middle of the night, it can summon a tsunami of dozens of 152 howitzers. The bombardment was simply more pompous than the scene in ancient times when an emperor urinated and was served by his servants.

The German army, which had suffered several heavy losses after all this trouble, rarely put anti-tank guns on the map since then, not to mention the more valuable and difficult-to-maneuver 88 guns. These anti-tank artifacts were because of the Soviet Union. Due to the fierce counterattack of the army, the first position may be lost at any time. Generally speaking, the deployment position is further back than ordinary anti-tank guns.

It is a common practice of the German army to send anti-tank guns into anti-aircraft holes in advance to avoid Soviet bombardment. Although this will delay some battlefield reaction time, it is more miserable than being blown into parts after a wave of Justice 152 falls. The result is obviously much better.

After being reluctantly pushed into the gun position by the Germans, the anti-tank gun immediately began to turn around and prepare under the operation of the gun crew. He led the troops to rush towards Malashenko, who was at the front of the entire tank group, and then moved on to his vehicle. The long periscope noticed such a situation, and knocking out these German troops before they opened fire was undoubtedly the best option at the moment.

"Kirill, reload the high-explosive bombs! Iushkin, did you see those German anti-tank guns in front of you? Aim at them and fire at will!"

"It's already being done, Comrade Commander!"

The series of coordinated actions, including Kirill's loading of artillery shells and Iushkin's gunnery and aiming, were all smooth and fluid. Iushkin's right eye was in front of the main gun sight, holding the steering gear and the helicopter in his hands, almost reaching the level of a human being. The guns merged into one, and the first 50mm anti-tank gun, which was loading armor-piercing shells, was firmly locked in the scope.

"The car can't stop, you have to fire while moving, Iushkin! Remember to aim!"

"I know what to do, Comrade Commander!"

Although they say so, it is not easy for the KV85 heavy tank traveling at full speed on the cross-country snow to actually aim at the target. The main gun sight that keeps shaking violently is as difficult as a sniper running all the way to shoot the target.

Despite all the insurmountable obstacles, Iushkin did not waver at all when he was holding the steering machine, the helicopter and the aiming machine with his right eye at the same time. The anti-tank gun aimed at the Germans was wiped out with one shot. The only thing that exists in Shi Jin's heart at this moment.

"Damn it, the Russians are targeting us! Shoot, shoot him!"

The German gunner who was in charge of commanding the entire artillery crew, holding binoculars in his hands despite the severe cold and snow, almost even his voice trembled when he looked at the extremely terrifying scene in the telescope in front of him.

The Soviet heavy tank with its slowly rotating turret still moving forward at high speed looked so terrifying. It was obviously different from other surrounding heavy tanks with its different turret and thicker and longer main gun, which was so abrupt, but at the moment The German gunner who had the death sickle on his neck no longer cared about these "insignificant" things.

Accompanied by the German gunner's hoarse roar, the German gunner who tried his best to set the aiming point on the Soviet tank as quickly as possible was also extremely nervous. He had seen rough-skinned and thick-skinned tanks in previous battles. How durable the Soviet heavy tanks were, the stressed German gunners almost forgot that they even stopped breathing.

"We must kill him! Just this one shot!"


The Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectiles that ejected from the barrel of the PAK38 50mm anti-tank gun screamed in the wind. After all, the open-air combat environment is still much better than the environment in the moving tank turret. The German gunners, aiming at the advantage of speed, finally attacked before Iushkin.

The Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile, which has extremely strong penetration power against vertical armor, hit the front edge of the turret of Malashenko's vehicle with an extremely accurate impact point in the blink of an eye.

Because the aiming time was too hasty, the German gunner suddenly opened fire as soon as he put Malashenko's carriage into the aiming ring. This Type 40 tungsten core armor-piercing projectile, which brought great psychological pressure, hit the prototype turret immediately. At the edge of the gun mantlet, the huge impact and impact of the shell made Iushkin, who was about to step on the firing pedal, immediately tremble.

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