Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 343 Pack and take away

Malashenko's continuous silence obviously surprised Herman, who was at a loss next to him. He originally thought that Malashenko would be happy to capture these new German tanks. After Tsukuru hesitated, he took a step forward and asked.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, why do you look unhappy? Is there something wrong with these new tanks?"

question? Oh, the problem is getting bigger.

Malashenko, who secretly made such self-deprecating remarks in his heart, did not show it on his face because he was worried that his butterfly effect would change the subsequent course of the entire Soviet-German battlefield. There are too many secrets that cannot be revealed easily.

Even the political commissar Petrov and his lover Natalia, who are the closest people to Malashenko, have no idea about these huge secrets related to his family and life. For Herman, who has just surrendered to the Soviet Union, The German Wehrmacht Major of the Army was naturally even more unlikely to pour out his words.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something very far away. Speaking of which, Herman, you just mentioned to me that the tank crews driving these tanks participated in the battle at the entrance of the village just now. Where is their unit commander? I have some questions. Talk to him."

After listening to Malashenko's question, Herman couldn't help but shake his head slowly and smile awkwardly. Questioning the dead can probably only be realized in heaven and dreams.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, Captain Hoffman was killed by you in the first wave of attacks in the blocking battle just now."

"I advise him to move back a little, and don't have to guard the front with his armored soldiers who can't even hit the target very accurately. But you should know, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, that some German soldiers are very jealous of our head of state. The fanaticism has reached an incredible level, and Captain Hoffman is the most representative example of this kind of person.”

The direction of the Führer's finger points to the sword of empire to open up territory and expand the frontier of the army. The German soldiers who follow this extreme trend of thought have too many ardent admirers of Hitler even as members of the Wehrmacht. This has only been the case since the end of World War II. You can get a glimpse of it from the fanatical Nazis active in Europe and South America. You can naturally imagine how many Hitler fanatics there are under the banner of the Third Reich, which is now at its peak.

I was stunned for a moment by the words spoken by Major Hermann, but I was not very surprised. In previous battles, I had seen with my own eyes the Wehrmacht troops, the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, who were even more tenacious and life-threatening than the SS. The impression left on Malashenko in the Yelnya battle was too profound.

"Okay, how did he die? Killed by a machine gun?"

The words of pure curiosity that subconsciously asked did not wait for long. Major Herman, who did not have a close relationship with Captain Hoffman, did not feel too much sadness or sadness about his death.

"A KV heavy tank with a red and white bear head painted on the turret and the number 177 fired a shot while traveling. I guess the shell was originally aimed at the anti-tank gun, but maybe it was difficult to aim while traveling. Or some other reason."

"Anyway, this guy Hoffman was almost blown into a puddle of minced meat by the tank shell that hit his face. I saw this scene very clearly through my telescope. When I rushed over to see it, I just picked it up. When it comes to his right hand, his torso and head can no longer be found."


After listening to Herman's explanation that was so plain and heart-stopping, I was a little surprised. The deflected shell described by Herman was almost certainly fired from his car, including The detailed description is almost consistent with the memory in Malashenko's mind. If I remember correctly, it should be the "result" caused by Iushkin's first missed shell during the march.

"If a person is unlucky and farts, he will hit his heel. If he aims at A, hits B and blasts C to death, you can't blame me. If you are unlucky, you can only accept your fate. Who allows you to fanatically believe in Hitler in the land of your loving father?"

Only when he spoke secretly in his heart did he dare to complain in the native language of his motherland before he traveled through his past life. Malashenko, who had slightly satisfied his strong curiosity, then shifted the focus of the topic back to the right track.

"Iushkin, call Lavrinenko and Karamov over and ask them to bring a few more experienced crews and better maintenance teams to deal with these German tanks."

"After removing the ice, we will see if we can use the existing supplies left by the Germans to start these things. If they really can't be moved, we can use tow trucks or just dismantle them and pack them away. In short, these new tanks of the Germans need to be moved. Take them all away, this is a rare treasure. "

Iushkin, who sincerely despised German tanks, was somewhat disapproving of Malashenko's command.

At the beginning of the war, the German armored forces could barely rely on the experience advantage of their crews and the use of wireless communication radios as an artifact of inter-vehicle communication to fight against Soviet tanks.

But when Iushkin, who thought the Germans were really difficult to deal with, met Malashenko, everything changed almost overnight.

The independently organized heavy tank units were all equipped with wireless communication stations according to Malashenko's strong request, allowing them to stand on the same starting line as the German armored units in terms of hardware foundation.

The powerful KV1 heavy tank is enough to turn all active tanks equipped by the German army into a pile of obsolete garbage. Malashenko, who graduated from the Ulyanovsk Tank Corps Academy and participated in the military operation against Poland, seems to be born Malashenko, a genius in tank warfare and always able to lead everyone to turn the tide in times of crisis, has become one of the people Iushkin admires the most.

In such a situation where he almost won a series of tactical victories, Iushkin, who had been accompanying Malashenko all the way to the battle, gradually began to have some subtle psychological changes.

The slight fear of the German armored forces at the beginning of the war has quietly turned into disdain and even contempt now. The No. 3 and 4 tanks equipped by the German army are almost garbage worth mentioning in the eyes of Iushkin.

"Precious thing? Comrade Commander, what treasure do these German guys' shabby tanks have? How powerful can this 50mm water pipe cannon be? I bet that this lousy cannon is not as powerful as Rasputin's gun. It's so strong, what's the use of carrying these things back."

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