Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 356 Conquer

The German infantry who are retreating alternately have completely lost the will to fight just now and just want to get rid of the Soviet pursuit as soon as possible. Retreat is like an epidemic infectious disease and plague in later generations. Once they take the first step to turn around and retreat, After taking the first step, I never wanted to look back until it was completely safe.

There are many brilliant armies in human history that have gone down in history for their brilliant achievements, but there are only a few tough troops that are famous for their orderly and rigorous retreat.

The elite armed SS, who looked at death with little intention of surrender, and the Japanese First Class Division, which was poisoned by the spirit of bushido, were on the list, but these Wehrmacht troops who had chosen to voluntarily give up their defensive positions and began to retreat were obviously not on this list.

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was surrounded by the surrounding guard troops, was now left behind by the more fiercely charging Red Army soldiers. Yakov, who was located in the center of the infantry forward group, suddenly stopped charging. Then he turned around and looked behind him. He had already chased the entire defensive position to a distance of more than 500 meters, which was obviously enough.

"Just come here! Pull all the troops back! It will be dangerous to pursue them further. Comrade Malashenko's tank troops have been left behind by us. There is open snow in front of us. The German artillery will not give up. Such a good barrage coverage opportunity.”

After receiving the order, a large group of Soviet pursuing troops, who almost had their bayonets pressed to the buttocks of the retreating German army, began to quickly return to the original route like a tide and retreat in an orderly manner.

The German artillery liaison officer who was holding a telescope and wearing a radio communication headset in the snowy bushes in front was dumbfounded and embarrassed after witnessing this scene. He originally planned to report the coordinates of the artillery fire as soon as the Soviet army rushed to a distance that would be irreversible. Obviously completely failed, he immediately punched the small tree trunk next to him with his unwilling fist and gritted his teeth.

"These smart Russians deserve to be damned! Retreat immediately. There is no point in staying here any longer. By the way, let us inform the artillery that they can move their positions."

The huge gap in range and quality between the Soviet field artillery and the German artillery made every action of the German artillery must be cautious. In order to protect its own before destroying the enemy, the German artillery set up its position one kilometer within the maximum range of the Soviet artillery. In addition, the battlefield strike range that the already short-handed German artillery can cover will be even more limited.

It was not because they were unable to save the German troops on their front positions, but because they simply could not reach them. The frustrated German artillerymen originally planned to bring the Soviet pursuit troops into range and then ambush them, but Yakov, who had to deal with the cunning Japanese troops, The commander of the Soviet Army who had passed the battle and had relatively rich actual combat experience obviously did not accept this trick. Even if he could not say it with his mouth, he undoubtedly understood the principle of not pursuing the enemy when he was poor.

As the remaining German troops returned to their positions and the infantry troops led by Yakov completed their retreat, Yakov used the Tokarev TT33 pistol in his hand to kill at least four German soldiers. This was considered a killing. Yakov, who was so addicted that the blood all over his body felt like it was boiling like a boiling pot, then walked to the side of Malashenko's car like a normal person.

"Comrade Malashenko, how many Germans did you kill just now? I killed at least four. There is nothing more satisfying than this, I swear."

Malashenko, who crawled out of the car and sat on the outer edge of the turret, had just lit the cigarette in his mouth, but the "heroic and exciting" words from Lieutenant Colonel Yakov could not stop him. Rashenko dodged and fell out of the car.

"Is this guy really not teasing me?"

I can't understand how a "murderer" and "death captain" like Lieutenant Colonel Yakov got to be the leader of the regiment. I feel like this guy was already a big deal if he hadn't been beaten to death by the Japanese in Nomenhan. Fortunately, the extremely ashamed Malashenko finally calmed down and spoke after spitting out the smoke ring that almost choked him.

"Let's talk about something else, Comrade Yakov, such as those German anti-tank guns."

"The German anti-tank guns, what's so strange about those things? Didn't I think they didn't penetrate your tank just now?"

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was urgently transferred to the front line from the Siberian Military District and arrived in Moscow less than a week ago, did not witness the "invulnerability" of the Soviet tank troops when facing German anti-tank guns.

The impression of infantry anti-tank was only on those Japanese Adzuki tanks that could even hit Soviet anti-tank rifles. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's seemingly ignorant and arrogant words made Mara think about this. It’s not surprising that Shenke sounds like this.

After jumping down from the edge of the turret, he immediately came to Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's side. Malashenko, who gently raised his hand to indicate that he would accompany him, began to walk and talk.

"You have just been transferred from the Siberian Military District to the Moscow front line, so you may not know much about some situations, Comrade Yakov."

"The anti-tank guns in the hands of the Germans could not damage our KV1 heavy tanks at all before, and even the T34s with weaker armor defenses could not do anything. In the words of the captured Germans themselves, these are simply rubbish. It’s just like a stepping stone. Among the current German equipment, only their 88mm anti-aircraft guns are our only threat.”

After hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov immediately understood some of the truth. Recalling the tragic situation of the two KV1 heavy tanks that were blown off by a single shot, even the turrets were blown off. He did not look at it from the position. Yakov, who saw the big 88mm anti-aircraft gun, nodded in realization and said.

"You mean those German anti-tank guns have been updated? Is that so?"

Seeing that Yakov, who was not too stupid, already understood what he wanted to express, Malashenko, who had still had deep doubts about the type of anti-tank gun used by the German army, immediately nodded in affirmation.

"See those things? I wish there were still intact Krauts' new anti-tank guns for us to take a look at."

Looking in the direction of Malashenko's finger, I saw a few dismounted Soviet tank soldiers wearing black leather tank caps, gathered around the captured German anti-tank guns, pointing and making fun.

Together with Yakov beside him, he walked to the German anti-tank guns arranged in various directions. Malashenko, who couldn't wait to know the answer, immediately moved towards Raf, who had taken the lead and brought people to check. Linenko asked.

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