Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 407 The End


The strong ammunition detonation carried the powerful energy of the fuel tank explosion and swept everything around. The small turret head of the No. 3 tank was carried by the direct explosion flames and flew to an altitude of more than ten meters before falling. The entire three-person turret team, including Lieutenant Colonel Walter, had been completely wiped out to the point where not even a scrap was left.

Tanks known for their strong armor and powerful guns may indeed provide additional protection to crew members on the battlefield and increase their chances of survival. However, once the armor is penetrated and the ammunition and fuel explode, tank soldiers who are too late to abandon the vehicle and escape will definitely be on the battlefield. There is no single soldier who suffers the most tragic death.

Looking through his commander's periscope, he looked at the tragic situation of the Panzer III tank with its turret flying into the air and its body and chassis instantly torn to pieces. Malashenko, who was already used to this scene, didn't even think about it. A little bit of ups and downs.

Today, I destroyed someone else's tank, causing the other party to end up with no body left. Tomorrow, I might be the one who ends up in such a catastrophic end.

He could only be sure that what his vehicle destroyed must be a German command tank but could not determine the true level of the other party. Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope in his hand, paid close attention to every detail of the tank melee in front of him. , the follow-up effects after destroying the German tank command vehicle should be obvious soon if nothing unexpected happens.

The violent tank explosion in Lieutenant Colonel Walter's car shocked the other German tanks in the fierce battle around them. The reason why this group of German armored soldiers with heavy casualties could not collapse until now can be said to depend entirely on Lieutenant Colonel Walter. This Optimus Pillar has not completely collapsed yet.

But now, Lieutenant Colonel Walter was immediately beheaded by Malashenko's sword, which truly became the last straw for the German armored forces. The German armored forces, which had lost more than 75% of their tanks, were leaderless. Finally, they could no longer hold on. Even the air support from their own side, which had yet to determine the final outcome, could not change the outcome at all.

His right hand, which was so sore that it was about to break, tightly grasped the steering wheel in his hand and turned the turret desperately. Iushkin, who had kept his right eye close to the gun scope and never left it, saw something very strange in his field of vision. The unexpected scene caused him to immediately stop what he was doing, and he blurted out words that made him feel so unbelievable that he almost thought he was blind.

"Comrade Commander, those German tanks stopped. Wait until they turn on the white flag on the turret hatch. It's a white flag! They actually surrendered!"

The truth was exactly as the incredulous Iushkin said.

The only 11 remaining German tanks, which had completely collapsed after the death of Lieutenant Colonel Walter, stopped their actions under the order of the last company commander.

Knowing that his time was running out, the German company commander immediately summoned up his last bit of courage to open the hatch above his head after the tank came to a complete stop.

The white flag of French surrender collected during the invasion of France did not expect that one day it would be used in his own hands. The commander of the German armored company, who had mixed feelings in his heart and did not know what to say, let out an almost emotionless lament. After sighing softly, he immediately leaned out and waved the white flag in his hand.

"Damn it! These damn nazis actually surrendered! I thought their armored soldiers never knew how to surrender. This is the first time in history!"

Although Malashenko was surprised in his heart at this moment, Iushkin, who was still yelling at him, was much better, but when he thought about the fact that he had knocked over the German command tank with two shots just now, and the opponent had already lost more than 70% of his combat strength, , realizing that it was almost time for the German army to surrender, Malashenko immediately blurted out in a calm tone.

"It would be strange not to surrender at this point in the war, but if it hadn't been for killing that German command tank just now, these Germans would never have surrendered until the entire army was annihilated! What did you just do? One shot has done a great job, Iushkin, your name must be included in the combat summary report to General Zhukov! "

Iushkin, who was hit by Malashenko's sudden blow on the shoulder, was stunned for a moment. He knew that the shot he just fired directly knocked off the turret of the German command tank, but he did not expect such a big blow. Efficacy, Iushkin, who had not yet realized that everything in front of him was due to his own merits, couldn't help but ask.

"General Zhukov, will my name be seen by General Zhukov? This is unbelievable. Is this true? Am I dreaming?"

For a young lieutenant like Iushkin, the name of General Zhukov, who had only been heard in legends, was definitely a famous figure that was as hard to reach as the Zenith Star.

Zhukov's glorious deeds of turning the tide in the Yelnya counterattack and being ordered to guard the last gate of the country in the face of danger under the city of Moscow have quietly spread among the current front-line Red Army troops, almost becoming a prelude to the God of War.

Thinking of the previous rumor that wherever General Zhukov goes, the Red Army in that direction will usher in victory, Iushkin finally realized in his heart what the words Malashenko just said meant. He was instantly happy. Upper brow.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable! General Zhukov actually knows my name."

Not surprised by Iushkin's excited self-talk, Malashenko, with an understatement smile on his lips, casually grabbed the microphone next to him and held it in his hand.

"All crews, keep an eye on the Germans who surrendered. Get out of the car with some men and let all the Germans roll out of the tanks. Put armor-piercing shells into the gun barrels. If the Germans are playing tricks, you know what to do."

Compared with Malashenko's order, which was a little slower than half a beat, some more courageous Soviet tank crews had actually left their cars and jumped out of the tanks.

There are various types of guys in these hands. They are Soviet tank soldiers holding Somi submachine guns or holding MP38 and MP40. They climbed onto the stationary German tanks with their hands in a very exaggerated and angry gesture, and stretched out their hands bigger than a child. The German crew, who had their hands raised by their ears, was pulled out of the tank by a big hand with a big head.

The German company commander who was holding the white flag left by the French was no exception. He was caught off guard and was knocked off the vehicle by a Soviet tank soldier holding a Somi submachine gun who hit him hard on the forehead with the butt of his gun.

Ignoring the blood flowing from the brim of his forehead, he hurriedly struggled to get up from the snow, thinking that the Soviet army was about to hit him with a shuttle and kill him on the spot. The German company's expression was obviously very panic. The leader quickly raised his hands and exclaimed loudly.

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