Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 409 Changing Tactics

The 85mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade rushed out of the gun barrel in a death spiral and rushed straight towards the target. The German flat-firing anti-aircraft artillery position, which was suppressing another wave of Soviet infantry that was about to charge, was obviously unaware of the danger of the incoming attack. After hitting the mantlet of an 88-gun, the high-temperature flames exploded, enveloping the scattered shrapnel and immediately swallowed up everything around it.

Through the main gun sight in front of him, he witnessed the chaotic scene of the German anti-aircraft artillery position like a whirlwind. After the successful hit, Iushkin could not help but feel happy and immediately let out a rather excited shout and roar.

"Yes, that's it, you damn bastards! Those broken anti-aircraft guns are as fragile as your souls!"

Before the words of the loud shout from Iushkin's mouth had finished, Malashenko, who was behind him, suddenly raised his head as if he had been electrocuted.

"Iushkin, what did you just say?"

Iushkin, who had an excited look on his face, was obviously at a loss when Malashenko asked him such a sudden question. Iushkin, who didn't know how to answer, hesitated for a long time and finally choked out a sentence that he didn't even feel comfortable with. What an answer.

"Well, I said those German guys have fragile souls. Is there any problem with that? Comrade Commander."

"No! It's not this. In the previous sentence, what did you use just now to describe the souls of those Germans!?"


The continuous questioning from Malashenko completely confused Iushkin, who was already a little confused.

After trying to reconnect the short-circuited brain nerves, Iushkin, who thought about the memories for a while during his inadvertent rant just now, seemed to have finally found the answer.

"Well, I remembered, Comrade Commander, I just said that the souls of those Germans are as fragile as their anti-aircraft guns. I think this description is okay."

"Anti-aircraft artillery! By the way, it's an anti-aircraft artillery!"

After Iushkin's twice-prompted reminder, he finally found the core point of the topic. Malashenko suddenly slapped his thigh hard and immediately grabbed the microphone on the rack next to him. The command that was calm and composed with a hint of excitement was immediately blurted out.

"All crews, listen, our next goal is to capture the German anti-aircraft guns on the opposite high ground. Remember, don't destroy them, or even if necessary, don't destroy too many at once! Those German anti-aircraft guns Anti-aircraft artillery is related to the final outcome of the battle in the sky, we must seize them to support our aviation comrades! "

The casual words from Iushkin's mouth completely awakened Malashenko, who had been worrying about how to win.

As the counterattack, the Soviet infantry cannot carry even light towed anti-aircraft guns into the battle. The fierce air battle currently taking place in the overhead airspace at a height of less than two thousand meters can only be watched by the Soviet troops on the ground. But nothing could be done. Such a result was obviously not what Malashenko, who wanted to win the battle, expected.

After being awakened by Iushkin's unintentional words just now, Malashenko suddenly realized that the means for his own ground forces to intervene and support the fierce air battle in the sky was just around the corner.

Assuming that it is possible to seize rather than destroy the anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns on the core positions of the German enemy in front of them, the anti-aircraft guns that are relatively simple to operate and not as complex as later high-tech anti-aircraft weapons should be put into use immediately. By then, even Yakov's men Ordinary Red Army soldiers are not very good at waiting for these German anti-aircraft guns to fire inaccurately. It should be possible to achieve a small containment that prevents the German fighter groups in the sky from being as unscrupulous as they are now.

Malashenko, who had made up his mind to pay attention, became more determined to the order he had just given on a second thought, and quickly captured the German positions in front of him that were on the verge of final collapse and seized those useful anti-aircraft guns. The most urgent priority in Malashenko's mind.

After giving the order to the remaining crew members under his command, Malashenko still felt that something was wrong.

The Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment under his command undoubtedly received the temporary change of tactical plan, but the ordinary infantry troops who launched the attack in conjunction with Malashenko did not receive such a temporary change of tactics.

Malashenko, who lacked effective radio communication methods with his own front-line infantry, had no other choice but to grit his teeth and pick up the radio transmitter in his hand again and speak loudly.

"Lavery, you take all the tanks and continue to charge towards the German air defense positions as I just said. I will inform the infantry to cooperate with our tactical changes. If they call the field artillery group to cover the German air defense positions, But it’s all over!”

In the life-and-death armored strangulation just now, Lavrinenko cooperated with Malashenko tacitly and survived with amazing combat skills. Lavrinenko, who destroyed almost double digits of German tanks in a row, was currently accompanying Malashenko's car. Charge, Lavrinenko, who received the order from Malashenko from the commander's position of his KV220 car, immediately responded.

"Understood, I'm responsible for leading people to overwhelm the Germans' anti-aircraft positions! But the premise is that if you don't use the main gun, it doesn't mean that you won't use vehicle-mounted machine guns to suppress it. Just be prepared for the Germans' anti-aircraft guns to be swept all over you by the machine guns. Mentally prepared for the hole!”

After hearing Lavrinenko's reply, Malashenko was surprised and did not reply with any negative reply.

Malashenko, who has a very clear judgment on the current war situation in his heart, knows that it is already very difficult to push down the core German air defense positions without using the main gun. You must know that among those various types of anti-aircraft guns, there are enough to face them without pressure. The 88 gun that destroyed Soviet heavy tanks existed. Under such circumstances, if even the vehicle-mounted machine guns were banned, then this battle would really be impossible to fight.

"I got it, Lavry, but be careful not to destroy all the German anti-aircraft guns. We still hope to use these things to drive away the German flies in the sky!"

"I understand what you mean, go and do what you should do! Leave it to me to take charge of this!"

After explaining the final notes to Lavrinenko, Malashenko immediately threw the radio transmitter in his hand aside. The tense battle situation where every second counts prompted Malashenko, who was already sweating profusely, to move towards the already almost exhausted Seryosha, the pilot who felt exhausted, immediately shouted loudly.

"Seryozha, change direction and take me to the infantry side, quickly!"

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