Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 418 The Joy of Victory

Before he finished speaking, the sound of intensive artillery fire suddenly sounded from far behind him, which diverted Malashenko's attention.

The dense tracer barrage could be seen clearly even on a snow-white sunny day. Looking at the dense anti-aircraft barrage rising from the distant horizon, Malashenko realized something and immediately followed it up. He spoke quietly again in joy.

"It seems that Yakov and the others succeeded! Those anti-aircraft guns are firing at the Germans in the sky. The comrades in the sky are saved!"

The facts are exactly as Malashenko said.

The unstoppable torrent of Ula crazily poured into the German positions along the gap torn by our own tanks, and scattered the German positions. The German Wehrmacht, which had begun to retreat in a panic, was like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and was instantly swallowed up by the red wave of howling and shouting. Almost exhausted.

The German troops, who had suffered heavy casualties and had fled hundreds of meters away from the other end of the position and were still running at their feet, did not respond with any victorious pursuit.

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who knew very well what he should do now, immediately commanded his troops to seize the abandoned anti-aircraft guns that the Germans failed to destroy.

Although these non-professional air defense gunners did not even understand how to operate the completely unfamiliar German equipment, fortunately, the anti-aircraft guns controlled by mechanical structures during World War II were not as advanced and high-end as the air defense and anti-missile systems of later generations.

The Red Army soldiers who went into battle worked hand and foot for a long time before they managed to service these German-style equipment that were not very easy to use. The ordinary Red Army soldiers who had hardly touched the anti-aircraft guns almost followed the instructions from memory. The operating mode of our own anti-aircraft guns began to raise the muzzle to the sky and fire.

Although the sudden anti-air barrage, which was far from accurate, failed to actually damage a single German fighter plane, such a ferocious anti-air fire network still prompted the German pilots who were still chasing their prey to evade.

The decision of the German fighter jets to give up the fight and choose evasive maneuvers gave the Soviet fighter jets, which were almost overwhelmed, some breathing time. The Soviet fighter jets, which were having a fierce battle with the German fighter jets at a low altitude of only a thousand meters, finally began to regain their strength. Rally.

"The Germans' anti-aircraft guns are hitting themselves? No, this is the comrades on the ground who have occupied the position and captured the Germans' anti-aircraft guns and are hitting them with a backhand! We won this battle!"

With his excellent eyesight, Pokryshkin turned the fuselage sideways and looked at the ground below. He quickly confirmed the situation based on his guess. The ground battle had achieved the final victory. He was bitter about refusing to retreat in the sky. This is undoubtedly the most surprising news for the Soviet fighter aviation, which has been suffering from delays.

Much like Pokryshkin, who was looking magnified downwards, he was also looking at the ground in bewilderment as to why his own anti-aircraft artillery position turned against his own troops and attacked his own people.

The German fighter group, which had been busy with the fierce air combat and had no time to care about the situation on the ground, realized at first glance that the situation on the ground had already been decided. The German fighter group immediately felt chilled.

The ultimate purpose of the German Air Force rushing to the theater to provide emergency air support is to help the ground troops hold the defense line and stabilize their positions. But now the battle in the sky is almost decided, but the battle situation on the ground has been declared completely bankrupt. This kind of busy work for most of the day but the final result was in vain. The air commander of the German fleet was killed on the spot. Colonel Terr was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

"These bastard ground troops, don't they know what honor is!? Those who came to help from the sky are still fighting, while those who called for air support ran away first. I must sue the commander of these bastards!"

Compared with the furious expression on Colonel Yettle's face as he stretched out his fist and smashed the window of the plane, the guard wingman flying beside him seemed to have much less to do with him.

"Colonel Yettle, what should we do now? Those unreliable army troops have already escaped on their own!"

Listening to the echoing words from the radio in his ears, he quietly turned his head and glanced at the Stuka fleet hovering on the horizon not too far away. Colonel Yetter, who had almost no hesitation in his heart, immediately My heart was completely shattered.

"Retreat, return immediately, everyone! There is no point in continuing this air battle. Everyone, return!"

Rather than saying that the anti-aircraft guns captured by Lieutenant Colonel Yakov and his party defeated the German aircraft fleet in the sky, it is better to say that these anti-aircraft barrages that had just sounded for a while and reached my grandma's house were a wake-up call for the German Air Force.

The home troops who asked for help on the ground have all run away. Is it necessary for the support troops who came to smooth things over to continue fighting?

Colonel Yettle, filled with anger like an oil field gas fire bursting into the sky, immediately swung the joystick in his hand, and the dexterous dark black BF109F2 aircraft immediately turned around in a graceful arc like a dark swift, rushing past. When it came from the direction it came from, the throttle valve was fully pushed in an instant, and it rushed straight away like an arrow. The 28 blood-red rose shooting marks reflected in the sunshine on the horizon were shining under the nose cockpit.

The MiG-3, which can only exert its best maneuverability in high-altitude airspace, cannot catch up with the BF109F, which is known for its ultra-high flexibility and maneuverability, in the current low-altitude airspace. It has just turned its nose to prepare for another fierce battle with the Luftwaffe. The remaining Soviet fighter jets that were fighting were wiped out on the spot.

Through the head-to-head battle just now, we have already understood the performance of the latest BF109 of the Luftwaffe. We know that our MiG-3 fighters, which are already lagging far behind, will definitely not be able to catch up with those German fighters that fled first. The Soviet fighter jets suffered heavy casualties. The aviation force didn't think much about it and just like the Luftwaffe, they chose to turn around and return.

Pokryshkin, who was piloting his plane that had been riddled with holes and barely managed to keep it from disintegrating, staggered back. He was afraid that the plane would disintegrate in the air and he didn't even dare to increase the speed too high. , flying slowly almost close to the horizon at an altitude of three to four hundred meters, it even made people wonder whether this fighter plane was about to crash.

After driving his plane slowly over a snowy hill, Iushkin suddenly noticed something. There was a lone heavy tank of his own on the ground a few hundred meters away, motionless and parked. Several people standing in the snow next to the tank had obviously noticed their arrival.

Pokryshkin, who barely won a tactical victory with heavy losses, was in a pretty good mood at the moment, looking at the heavy tank close at hand below him and several army comrades who could see it clearly.

Pokryshkin, who was willing to share the joy of his victory with his comrades, immediately swung the fuselage slightly to the left and raised his hand in a military salute to the comrades on the ground who were within a visible distance in front of him and to his left.

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