Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 420 After the War

"Now that I think about it, I have indeed heard of this name, Comrade Commander."

"The second week after we started training, I went to deliver the training weekly summary to Comrade Political Commissar. You asked me to deliver it in person at that time. But when I went to the regiment headquarters and saw Comrade Political Commissar busy writing something, I I went over to take a look out of curiosity, but I didn’t expect that Comrade Political Commissar was actually writing a diary.”

This was the first time I heard that Commissar Petrov had the habit of keeping a diary. Malashenko, whose curiosity was instantly aroused, immediately put his head forward and asked repeatedly.

"Diary? You said Comrade Political Commissar is writing a diary? Did you see anything?"

Malashenko couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch his head when he asked questions with a curious look on his face. What Iushkin didn't know was that even Seryosha and Nikolai, who were in the chassis of the car, had already stood up at this moment. The ears pricked up.

"Comrade Comrade Political Commissar didn't say anything when he saw me passing by. He just asked me to stay for a while and wait for him to finish writing his diary. But I saw him writing something that I had never seen before. It contains what you just said. China, it should be.”

The words in Iushkin's voice, which sounded a bit indecisive and uncertain, aroused Malashenko's interest even more. Malashenko, who decided to break the casserole and ask the question, immediately spoke again.

"Aren't there other interesting things? For example, you didn't ask Comrade Political Commissar what that meant?"

"I asked, of course I did. Comrade Political Commissar answered me that there is a group of comrades from foreign countries with the same beliefs in the far East, doing the same great things as when our Soviet Union just sprouted. There is a book on Comrade Political Commissar's desk. A few uncommon newspapers, it seems he has the habit of reading newspapers frequently."

Before this, I had never thought that Commissar Petrov would actually pay attention to his distant motherland. I don't know how to describe Malashenko's feelings at this moment, which is quite mixed.

"Comrade Commander, are there really a group of comrades like us in China? If so, why don't we help them? Comrade Comrade Political Commissar has said that all communists in the world are of the same family. I feel a little dissatisfied. clear."

In this era when information was relatively limited and ideas were not as enlightened and developed as those of later generations, it was normal for Iushkin, who only cared about fighting, eating and sleeping all day long, not to know what was happening in the far east.

But even so, the news brought through Iushkin's mouth still made Malashenko feel a distant hope and excitement.

"There will come a day, Iushkin! When we have dealt with these bastard Germans and planted the hammer-and-sickle red flag in the heart of their evil empire, and we are free, we will definitely help those comrades in the far east. We, believe me, we will definitely do it!”

Although he still didn't quite understand, he still chose to believe unconditionally the words Malashenko said. Except for his firm belief and his feelings for his comrades, he had almost no other thoughts in his heart. The Tokarev TT33 pistol loaded the magazine again, turned off the safety, and retracted the holster on his waist. The not-so-distant destination was already within easy reach.

"Quick, go over there and take a look to see if there are any living comrades in the wreckage of the tank! Gather all the tanks that can still be driven together. We have to summarize the total number of remaining tanks that can still be used. Move quickly!"

In the absence of both Malashenko and Petrov, he took the initiative to assume temporary command of the battlefield. Lavrinenko, who had just fought a fierce battle and won a tragic victory, was commanding the troops to clean the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

After giving the order, Lavrinenko heard the roar of an engine from behind. He was so busy that he didn't even have the time to look back. He was interrupted by the roar of the heavy engine. Lost in his thoughts, Lavrinenko suddenly looked back in the direction of the sound.

"Is that Malashenko? This guy is finally back!"

Before leaving, he did not mention the specific situation to Lavrinenko but only temporarily handed over the battlefield command. The confused Lavrinenko still does not know why Malashenko left in such a hurry. Thinking that something big had happened, Lavrinenko immediately spread his legs and ran quickly towards the No. 177 tank, which was already close at hand.

"Hey! Malashenko! What on earth did you just do!?"

Malashenko, who heard his voice before seeing him, had just climbed up the turret with his hands on his hands. Lavrinenko, who had already rushed to the side of the No. 177 heavy tank, shouted loudly with his loud voice.

"Can you please lower your voice next time? It's already noisy in the car and you're yelling. I can hardly hear you."

Malashenko, who jumped out of the turret with a rant in his mouth, patted the scabbed blood stains on his hands. Lavrinenko, who saw such a scene at first, immediately spoke in confusion. Asked.

"Why are your hands covered with blood, Malashenko, are you injured there?"

After gently rubbing Kirill's blood stains on his hands that had solidified and scabbed, Malashenko, who couldn't wait to know the casualties of the troops, immediately asked Lavrinenko beside him.

"I'm fine. We'll talk about these things later. First tell me whether the casualties of the troops have been counted and how many usable tanks we still have on hand."

Lavrinenko, who was originally a little worried about Malashenko, glanced up and down and felt that Malashenko didn't look injured, so he blurted out words of relief immediately.

"The situation is not good. After preliminary statistics, there are probably less than thirty tanks left that are still usable. These include the recovered tanks whose crew members have sacrificed and the tanks of our regiment. Your own Vehicles are also included in this.”

"There are no exact figures for casualties yet, but the current situation is definitely not good. There are only corpses in the recovered battle-damaged tanks. You should know what I mean."

After hearing the preliminary report from Lavrinenko, I couldn't help but be silent for a while. The Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing bullet that was still widely equipped in the German base armor sequence in 1941 was too troublesome, especially the one at the last moment. It's even more troublesome in close tank battles.

"Recycle all the tanks that are still usable, clean out the bodies of the comrades, and find some people to brush the vehicles and clean up the blood stains. Inform Karamov to maintain these recycled tanks that are still usable as soon as possible. After repairing it, I will find a solution for the new crew and additional tanks."

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