Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 422 The voice from a loving father

Zhukov's expression changed several times like a roller coaster, and finally settled on a slightly questioning face, and the words he spoke eagerly came out of his mouth without hesitation.

"Telephone? The call from there?"

"Comrade Commander of the 1st Independent Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, this is a call from the regiment leader Comrade Malashenko personally. He requests to talk to you immediately."

After hearing this, Zhukov, who had basically guessed more than half of it, immediately put down the report file that he had not yet had time to look at. He almost trotted all the way to the headquarters phone not far away and reached out to grab the microphone.

"I am Zhukov, you can say it."

Listening to the familiar voice coming from the other end of the phone receiver, Malashenko, who had no time to say polite words to this talented person who had been kind to him, immediately got straight to the point.

"Comrade Commander, you should have seen the first phase of the victory telegram in the direction of Istria. Now our situation is very not optimistic. The entire unit was almost destroyed by German planes, and more than half of the tanks were lost. Although the exact number of casualties has not yet been calculated, it will not be better than this.”

"I need backup crews, new tanks, ammunition supplies, fuel supplies, in short, I need anything that may be needed now. If you can, please provide these things to me as soon as possible. I don't know when those Germans will It will come back again, the sky is too dangerous now!”

Zhukov, who did not interrupt Malashenko's speech without saying a word, just listened quietly and remained silent.

After Malashenko finished speaking, Zhukov, who was responsible for coordinating the overall situation, failed to give Malashenko a definite answer on the spot.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Malashenko, the current situation on my side is not much better than the problems you have encountered. I can't satisfy you with what you asked for yet, but there are still things at the Front Army Headquarters. Some of the scattered tank units and vehicle crews that have just been gathered up. The tanks are of various types. I will replenish them as soon as possible."

"As for the new tanks and more backup crews you requested, I will try to find a way to help you solve this problem as soon as possible. But before that, you have to cooperate with the three Siberian infantry divisions that are now with you. Hold the captured outer positions of Istria!"

"Remember! Behind you is our great capital Moscow! Comrade Stalin is watching us! You are absolutely not allowed to take a step back. You must block the Germans in front of your position. They can no longer hold on in the winter. How long, must believe in the coming victory!”

Although the news from the other end of the phone instantly made Malashenko, who was originally full of hope, feel a chill in his heart, but inspired by Zhukov's firm words, Malashenko could not help but stand at attention and retaliate. gave the same firm reply.

"Yes, Comrade Commander! I repeat it again! Behind us is the great capital Moscow, and Comrade Stalin is looking at us! Those Germans will definitely face complete defeat. With the honor of my soldier and the flag of the red flag, I I swear to you!"

"Then do it, Malashenko, and use your actual actions to prove your guarantee and oath to me!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander!"

Zhukov responded with a firm face and put down the microphone in his hand at the end of the same words, but then he looked guilty.

Zhukov, who has walked step by step from an ordinary soldier to his current position, is very able to understand how difficult the predicament Malashenko is currently facing is. As a front commander who coordinates the overall situation but cannot provide supplements to the heroic troops who fought a key victory, Zhukov believed that this was tantamount to a serious dereliction of duty.

If Zhukov had even one tank unit that could be mobilized at this moment, he would not hesitate to order it to be sent to Malashenko immediately, but the current cruel frontline battle situation has really come to a head for the entire Western Front. When everything is exhausted.

"This damn war!"

Zhukov, who cursed secretly in his mouth, was about to turn around and pick up the summary report he had put on the table to read again, but the phone receiver he had just put down rang again without warning. stand up.

Logically speaking, a dedicated person should be responsible for answering the phone, but Zhukov, who was already a little distracted by all kinds of trivial matters and bad reports, couldn't stand the sudden voice. The right hand that had already stretched out to summarize the report immediately changed in mid-air. The direction raised the microphone again.

"I'm Zhukov."

"Tell me about the battle situation on the front line. I need to know the latest situation."

The familiar voice coming from the other end of the phone line immediately made Zhukov, who was frowning, stunned. He didn't expect that Stalin would suddenly call at this time. Zhukov quickly started to make up his words.

"A phased progress has just been made in the direction of Istria. Comrade Stalin, three Siberian infantry divisions and the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment have recovered part of the lost ground. The German defense zone has been compressed to the west of Istria. Half of the area. But we are currently experiencing some conditions and the next step cannot be carried out smoothly. "

After hearing the slightly vague words from Zhukov's mouth, Stalin, whose voice was still calm on the other end of the phone, was mixed with a hint of doubt in his next words.

"Situation? Please tell me clearly, Comrade Zhukov, what situation are we encountering in the direction of Istria now?"

Anticipating that Stalin would continue to ask questions about this vague word, Zhukov, who had used this reaction time to organize all the words, continued to report.

"The 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which led the counter-assault in the direction of Istria, suffered heavy losses. They suffered a German air attack in the previous battle and lost more than half of their tanks. The casualties were even worse than this! There is no doubt, Comrade Stalin, that they now need more battle damage."

I vaguely remember that this newly established 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment in Moscow was a unit directly under the command of Malashenko. I recalled that I personally reviewed this unit that went directly to the battlefield on the Red Square in the heavy snow. Stalin, but immediately changed the subject and asked another unrelated question.

"Do you firmly believe that we can hold Moscow? Zhukov."

Holding the microphone in his hand, he was obviously not expecting Stalin's question. Zhukov's eyes quickly returned to their usual expression and he responded with the same firm answer.

"There is no doubt, Comrade Stalin, we will be able to hold Moscow!"

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