Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 432 In Hell

"I've got your fucking German in my mouth, and you're trying to kill me with a group of heavy artillery, so why are you so shameless!?"

It is somewhat different from the usual understanding that tanks can be immune to high-explosive grenade bombardment by virtue of their thick armor.

Calling for artillery support from the rear of the German position, the heavy artillery bombardment with standard parabolic ballistics is completely different from the direct bombardment of tank armor with high-explosive grenades.

Although the range of the 150mm heavy howitzer nicknamed "Evergreen" equipped by the German divisional artillery regiment is really not comparable, its power cannot be underestimated in the slightest.

The 150 mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade with a projectile warhead containing up to 6 kg of TNT high explosive equivalent is very powerful. In the case of zero-range contact explosion, it is enough to penetrate and destroy armor with a thickness of more than 50 mm, thereby killing the members inside the tank.

The armor part it hits with its standard parabolic ballistic attack is not the T34 tank frontal armor and solid turret armor, which have a heavy equivalent armor protection value, but the fragile turret dome on the top of the T34 tank's head. And the equally vulnerable rear engine compartment roof armor of the car body.

The dome armor on the top of the turret and the armor on the engine compartment of the car body, which are the weakest defense parts of the entire vehicle, are only 15 to 20 millimeters thick. This kind of fragile armor, which could barely withstand ground fire from aircraft machine guns and incoming shrapnel, was nothing compared to the 150mm guns of the German divisional artillery regiment.

Although the German artillery that only launched a covering bombardment based on the coordinates of the bombardment could be said to be in a lottery at the moment, whether it could hit the Soviet T34 tank that was galloping all the way depended to a large extent on luck.

But as the saying goes, no matter how dark your face is, you can’t withstand the continuous draw of krypton gold. From a probability perspective, firing hundreds of rounds of artillery shells will always result in a few winning rounds. This is naturally very clear to Malashenko, who is frowning at the moment. .

If you are lucky, you may only get hit by a few German shells at most. If you are unlucky and your fart hits your heels, it is not impossible to be hit by more than a dozen rounds. The top armor of the T34 tank is as fragile as paper. Once hit by a 150mm high-explosive grenade, you can almost imagine the miserable ending with the back of your head.

"Comrade Commander! What should we do now!?"

Malashenko, whose ears were filled with the roar of German heavy artillery clusters, could hardly hear what Iushkin beside him was saying.

I barely understood the meaning Iushkin wanted to express from his mouth shape that kept repeating the same words. Malashenko, who was bathed in the baptism of German heavy artillery fire, could not come up with any way to reverse it. The perfect solution to the situation.

"There is no way, there is no way now! Iushkin! We can only move forward at full speed and rush through the German heavy artillery barrage, and rush to a place close enough to their position to avoid these artillery fires! Now whether we stop or turn Retreating is equivalent to seeking death, do you understand what I mean?"

Thanks to the eight consecutive position defense battles this morning, we have already obtained the precise artillery coordinates of all distances in front of the position.

Since the beginning of the dawn battle, the German artillery, which had inflicted great damage on the Soviet infantry offensive group, was able to do so with ease. No matter how the tank group led by Malashenko maneuvers to evade, the German artillery under continuous bombardment can firmly put it into the barrage pocket and continue to apply firepower coverage. The artillery observation posts deployed on the forward positions are precisely The eyes used by the German artillery positions in the rear to update the coordinates of artillery strikes in real time.

Malashenko, who is well aware of this situation, knows that ordering a retreat or maneuvering to evade is a taboo for military strategists. The only feasible solution is to rely on the outstanding maneuverability of the T34 tank to quickly pass through this artillery barrage. , approaching the German defensive position close enough to force the German artillery behind the position to stop bombarding.

But what is easier said than done applies equally to the current bad war situation.

The deep snow that was thick enough to reach the ankles caused great inconvenience to the maneuvering of the tank group. The craters left by the shelling in front of the German positions during this morning's battle were even more dotted like moon craters.

The craters of 150mm heavy artillery shells scattered on the snowy and frozen soil are large or small, but they undoubtedly cause great obstacles and inconveniences to the charge maneuver of the T34 tank group.

Struggling to move forward in front of these continuous "natural" anti-tank pits, he even had to choose to take a detour. Malashenko, who was annoyed by the bad situations that ensued, had not had time to curse, but he still looked up from above his head. The barrage of heavy artillery groups that kept whizzing down scored the first kill 11 seconds after the bombardment started.



A huge, thunderous explosion followed by the sound of armor metal twisting and deforming resounded over the battlefield.

A 150mm high-explosive grenade hit the center of the turret dome at an oblique angle of 35 degrees. A poor T34 tank was blown apart by German heavy artillery on the spot.

The powerful 150mm high-explosive grenade directly tore open the dome armor with a powerful explosion equivalent to 6 kilograms of TNT. It followed the cracks in the armor and crazily penetrated into the car. The blasting flames instantly detonated the weapons stored in the car. Ammo rack.

The flames of the explosion of the 150mm high-explosive grenade spread rapidly together with the detonation of the ammunition on the vehicle body. The explosion was so powerful that it was indescribably powerful, and it directly tore the 28-ton combat-weighted T34 tank into pieces like it was tearing apart devils. fragments.

In less than a thousandth of a second, there was no time to react or even feel the pain. The four Soviet tank soldiers driving the T3457 tank were instantly wiped out in the wave of flames. As for the world he once lived in, there is not even a trace of his existence left.

Through the side observation hole of the turret with a narrow field of vision, he clearly saw this shocking and terrifying scene. It was the first time that Malashenko saw a tank destroyed by a large-caliber grenade that directly penetrated the dome armor. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart. This complex emotion mixed with shock, anger and even a little fear is really difficult to accurately describe in words.

"Never mind this, Seryosha, keep going! Don't stop without my order!"

I don't know whether it was due to fear or the high temperature in the tank. Sweat flowed down the corner of Malashenko's mouth. A bitter feeling lingered between his lips and teeth. Malashenko couldn't help but swallowed slowly. .

If there really is a living hell in this world, then Malashenko can tell anyone with absolute certainty.

I am in hell.

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