Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 434 Hell Dive

As for why so many Soviet fighter planes appeared at one time, it starts with the self-determination and decisive will of the loving father Comrade Stalin.

The loving father Comrade Stalin, who had a complete macro-overall strategy in his mind, was obviously very clear about the importance of Tula.

Stalin clearly knew that Tula was the last fortress city guarding the south of Moscow.

Once the city of Tula is captured by the Germans, the endless snowfields that are only a few dozen kilometers away from Moscow will no longer be defendable. If this happens, the fall of Moscow will only be a matter of time.

Such a bad situation was obviously an unacceptable result for Stalin, who was determined to hold on to the city of Moscow and live with it. Determined to reduce the city of Tula to ruins and rubble, Stalin must firmly hold it and become the nail that blocks the German offensive. In order to successfully achieve this goal, Stalin almost risked everything.

This group of Soviet fighter planes that rushed to support from the sky were the last reserve force that Stalin could mobilize. This group of Soviet fighter planes, all equipped with the eighth batch of La-3 fighter jets, was Moscow's last air defense fighter force. .

Originally used to defend the Kremlin, this group of elite Soviet aviation units was ordered by the leader to fly to the battlefield to support them. No matter what the final outcome of the battle for air supremacy was, Stalin, as the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, had already devoted everything he had to it. In the last effort, he tried to risk his life.

The batch of La-3 fighter jets that flew over the theater from the direction of Moscow did not rush to engage in ground attacks. Instead, they chose to hover in the sky at a higher position to occupy a superior energy maneuver position to deal with emergencies that may come at any time.

The densely packed Soviet aircraft flying over the battlefield in a manner that almost blocked the sky were far more than just these La-3 fighter jets. A large number of equally large Ilyushin-2 attack aircraft flew over the battlefield together with the twin-engine Pei-2 frontline bombers.

As soon as these Soviet fighter planes, tasked with ground attack support, flew over the war zone, they immediately lowered their noses and dived straight down, launching a forceful attack towards the most obvious target, the German artillery position that was still spitting out muzzle fire and gunpowder smoke. .

The anti-aircraft artillery positions arranged around the German artillery positions for intensive protection immediately turned their muzzles and fired intensively. The anti-aircraft barrages trailing tongues of flames poured straight into the sky like a river of fire.

The Soviet pilots, who would normally make evasive maneuvers to avoid incoming anti-aircraft fire, this time uncharacteristically continued to launch fierce dives as if they had drank a few bottles of vodka before taking off.

With its solid fuselage structure and reliable armor protection, it was able to withstand the fierce incoming German anti-aircraft firepower and reach a rocket attack distance of about 700 meters.

The ground attack rockets hanging under the wings of the Il-2 attack aircraft immediately came out and hit the German air defense positions intensively.

The fierce incoming air-launched rockets exploded in unison, washing the German anti-aircraft positions into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the blazing wall of fire that exploded with the anti-aircraft artillery ammunition instantly rose into the air and set fire to the camp, with a domino-like chain effect. Most of the German anti-aircraft positions deployed were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

The German anti-aircraft artillerymen who failed to die on the spot and were covered in flames kept beating the flames on their bodies while howling miserably, but to no avail.

Those Il-2s who attacked with ferocious anti-aircraft fire without any hesitation even if they knew they would be shot down had already poured the scattered pieces of flaming fuel on the bodies of these unlucky German soldiers, like maggots attached to their bones. The burning fire of revenge fiercely devoured the last lives of these enemies of the Soviet Union.

The German anti-aircraft artillerymen who were struggling on the verge of death and howling shrilly failed to win even a little bit of sympathy and compassion. The following two-engine Peyer 2 frontline bombers dropped 100kg-level bombs in the belly magazine one after another. Aerial bombs were once again thrown on the half-broken German air defense positions.

The Il-2 aircraft fleet's dense air-launched rocket attacks had left them unable to take care of themselves. After suffering heavy damage, the German air defense positions could no longer block any effective air defense firepower network in a short period of time. Bullets were raining down. 100-kilogram cast aerial bombs immediately bloomed all over the German anti-aircraft positions in a blaze of flames.

The German air defense position, which suffered two consecutive waves of fierce air attacks in less than a minute, stopped firing on the spot. The bombed anti-aircraft guns, which were twisted and severely deformed like twists and turns, could no longer play their due role.

The Soviet aircraft fleet, which forcibly suppressed the penetration at low altitude and cleared the last attack obstacle and opened up the attack channel, immediately turned around. More Soviet fighter planes loaded with ground attack mounts under the wings and bellies pushed the throttle to full speed. Attack.

The barrage of air-launched rockets, as hot as a meteor shower and with the bright color of death, instantly turned the German artillery position into a sea of ​​boiling fire.

The following Peer-2 bombers became the straw that broke the camel's back. The more powerful 500-kilogram aerial bombs instantly blew up the German heavy artillery group with its muzzle raised to the sky, turning people upside down and leaving parts all over the ground.

Even if the powerful TNT charge of 240 kilograms does not hit directly, its explosive power is enough to lift the 150mm Evergreen heavy howitzer into the sky.

Scattered fragments of human body parts, wrapped around the twisted and deformed parts of the cannon, swept into a bloody wind. The German heavy artillery group that suffered from the brutal bombing in the earthquake and trembling mountains was completely destroyed in just one cigarette, and the entire artillery position was destroyed. The explosion of all the ammunition on the ground was mixed with the explosion flames of the aerial bombs dropped by the Soviet army. The flames and black smoke rose into the sky hundreds of meters high. The strong explosion shock wave shook the Soviet fighter planes flying past at low altitude. Even the pilot himself can feel it personally.

The lightning-fast air strike not only made the people of the German 4th Armored Division who were not expected to be bombed be overwhelmed, but also Malashenko, who opened the turret top cover and turned his head to the side to witness all this, was also deeply moved. Shocked, the complete cessation of the German heavy artillery group allowed Malashenko, who had been bathed in barrages, to finally show off his skills.

"Iushkin, turn the main gun and prepare for battle! Seryosha rushes to the German position at full speed and crushes the intestines out of these damn Nazis!"

After turning the German anti-aircraft artillery positions and artillery positions into a sea of ​​fire, the Soviet ground attack fleet turned around again and refused to give up. The roaring propellers of the aircraft nose were like hell for the terrified German soldiers. The talisman that comes to urge death.

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