Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 442 Welcome back

"It feels good to be back, Comrade Commander."

Malashenko, who was amused by Kirill's words again, burst into laughter and had no time to think about other things. For Malashenko at this moment, he could see that Kirill was still alive so truly. , which is enough for Malashenko.

"The loader's position is still reserved for you. No one is more suitable for this position than you! Without you, the combat effectiveness of our crew will be reduced by half. It's half, do you understand? Hurry up and recover from your injuries. I'm waiting for you to return to the team. Let’s crush those naughty lackeys together!”

Lying flat on the hospital bed and facing Malashenko's encouragement, Kirill, who was a little overwhelmed, showed a slightly childish smile that was very consistent with his age.

"But I always don't do it well, and sometimes the shells slip out of my hands. I feel like I'm not competent enough."

"Not competent enough? That's not the case at all. Don't think about it!"

Faced with Kirill's slightly unconfident words, Malashenko, who has always given firm encouragement to this much younger boy, did the same this time.

"You know, after you were unconscious, I was responsible for temporarily loading Iushkin's cannonballs. This guy who only thinks about how to kill those Nazi lackeys more efficiently always complained that I didn't do a good enough job. He actually thought I was loading the cannonballs. Too slow!”

Malashenko, who tried hard to make his tone and voice more imperceptible and vividly described the non-existent scene, was as expressive as a brainwashed MLM leader.

"Comrade Commander, haven't you eaten your packed lunch? Ten seconds have passed, why is the barrel still empty!?"

"Comrade Commander, your shell reloading speed is too slow! Do you know, if it were Kirill, three Nazi tanks would have been blown into the sky by now, but we are still attacking that little Panzer III tank. Nothing can be done."

"Comrade Commander, armor-piercing bullets! Not grenades, I'm talking about armor-piercing bullets! Yes, the one at the very edge of the ammunition rack!"

Maybe it was Malashenko's vivid performance that really made the somewhat ignorant Kirill believe it, or maybe it was just that this simple big boy continued to have unconditional trust in his comrade, the commander.

All in all, when the description of Malashenko's dancing and beaming scene came to an end temporarily, the original unconfident look on Kirill's face, lying on the hospital bed, had turned into a smile.

"I, Comrade Commander, I really didn't expect that my role would be so great. I always thought that I did a poor job. Compared to the loaders of other crews, I am just like a child. It already looks bad.”

Before Kirill could finish speaking softly, Lavrinenko, who followed Malashenko's footsteps and came to the tent, stepped forward and spoke first.

"I can testify, Kirill, that this guy Malashenko was a half-ass when I went to school in Ulyanovsk with me, and the whole class failed every time in the subject of loading artillery shells. Also, Remember when you were punished by the instructor for running? Malashenko, I slept on the grass with you all night on the training ground. It was terrible. "

White lies always require a qualified partner as a foil to increase authenticity. There is no doubt that at this moment, Lavrinenko relies on the tacit cooperation with Malashenko to complete his role without any communication. The acting was very competent.

Kirill, who had residual pulmonary hemorrhage in his lungs, could not sustain too much conversation for too long. The brief meeting soon came to an end with farewell and concern.

At the moment when Malashenko's troops were resting and recuperating after this brutal offensive and defensive battle, the Red Army's follow-up support troops, ordered by the frontline commander General Zhukov, were gradually deployed to attack Tula. During the city's siege and counterattack operations.

The German Fourth Armored Division, which had been torn open by Malashenko and his counterattack troops from the front with a width of one kilometer, no longer had any extra troops to fill such a huge gap in the position and launch a counterattack. The Soviet Union came from the sky. The lifeless dive bombings of the military pilots had already exhausted the German Fourth Armored Division and caused heavy casualties.

The German 4th Armored Division, which continued to retreat under the powerful Soviet counterattack and redeployed its positions three times, finally couldn't stand it and finally moved towards Guderian who was commanding the siege of Tula in the rear. Received a telegram for help.

Knowing that the Soviet army had invested at least five divisions in the gap in the 4th Armored Division's defense line to fight back, Guderian did not dare to hesitate at all after receiving the 4th Armored Division's urgent request for help.

After weighing the situation of the siege of Tula, which was currently in the final stage of a fierce confrontation, Guderian, who after much deliberation but had to use his troops at his fingertips like Zhukov, finally chose to subordinate the Second Armored Group, which was also a member of the Wehrmacht. The elite main force, the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, was mobilized to support.

In addition to worrying that the general strength of the troops was not enough to withstand the fierce Soviet counterattack, as the commander of the First Army, Guderian was more clearly aware of the deep-rooted hatred and contradiction between the German Wehrmacht and the SS. In the end, Guderian, who originally planned to send the Imperial Division to support the Fourth Armored Division, finally changed his focus, even though the Imperial Division, which had just replenished a wave of soldiers and equipment, had stronger combat effectiveness from a strategic perspective.

The Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, which was locked in a fierce battle with the local garrison in Tula, did not dare to neglect the slightest after receiving Guderian's order. It immediately withdrew from the current offensive operations and turned its guns around non-stop to rush for support. Another line of defensive battle.

The completely frozen ground and extremely cold weather made it difficult for the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, which was freezing in such a cold climate, to move even an inch.

The troop transport truck, which lacked enough antifreeze and winter anti-skid tires, could not even travel as far as a pair of legs in a day. It was overwhelmed by these poor machines that were riddled with problems like seriously ill old men. The level of mechanization was far higher than that of ordinary Wehrmacht troops. The taller Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment had to give up its advantage.

After finding a few captured Soviet horses to carry supplies and equipment, most of the German soldiers who could have quickly maneuvered to the front line in vehicles had to switch to marching on foot.

The long marching queue of the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment is lined up in a vast white world, like a long dragon slowly advancing on the glacier. The final outcome of this Moscow defense battle that is coming to an end may be at this moment. The dust has settled along with the snot on the noses of the German soldiers that were frozen into ice.

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