Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 451 Comeback

Veterans who have been through hell and back alive often describe the terrifying feeling when bullets screamed through the air and streaked across their faces, almost causing their skin to rub and burn.

But at the moment, Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were only one meter apart and running for their lives in the snow, encountered something even more terrifying than a bullet grazing their faces.

An 85mm hooded armor-piercing projectile spiraled out of the rifled barrel and whizzed past the two of them. The shell flew in the air at a speed of more than 750 meters per second and passed dozens of centimeters away from the two of them. Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were unable to react for a moment, felt the cold wind symbolizing death almost at the same time.

call out--



The three sounds of piercing the air, the roar of muzzle fire, and the sound of penetrating the target armor are mixed together and reverberate in the ears. It can still ensure the effective penetration of 120 mm vertical homogeneous steel armor at a shooting distance of 500 meters. The powerful The 85mm gun-fired BR365 hooded armor-piercing projectile is simply not something that the German SDKFZ251 half-track vehicle can withstand.

The front armor of the car body, which is only 15 mm thick, was directly penetrated by the full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile. The final result of failing to trigger the armor-piercing delay fuse because the armor was too thin was not a good thing.

The 85mm hooded armor-piercing projectile penetrated the armor from the driver's position and continued to rush forward after beating the German driver's head into a ball of paste.

The German soldiers sitting in a row and half a squad behind the driver became the best victims. The 85mm hooded armor-piercing bullets carrying strong armor-piercing kinetic energy were like skewers of candied haws, directly knocking five German soldiers sitting in a row along the A straight line of ballistic flight was cut in half!

The SDKFZ251 half-track vehicle, which killed more than half of the people in an instant, staggered to a stop like a wild boar that had been killed by a single shot. The surviving German soldiers were covered in the blood of their comrades and screamed strangely. Howling, he jumped out of the car and escaped. The half-track vehicle that had just been preparing to speed up the arrest of Malashenko and Lavrinenko now turned into a living coffin of minced meat.

"Wori! The artillery shells fired from there are all in vain!"

Malashenko, who exclaimed in his heart, saw that the German armored vehicle was instantly killed. He couldn't help but look back to the direction where the shells had just struck in an attempt to find the answer he was looking for.

But before Malashenko, who had just turned around, could find any traces, Lavrinenko, who had already found the result he wanted, suddenly exclaimed.

"Malashenko! Look! Our comrades are coming to support!"

Before Lavrinenko's exclamation could be heard, the KV85 heavy tank, which rushed out from behind the small slope with full throttle like a dragon out of the sea, had already revealed its true form. The powerful and majestic figure was complemented by the special effects of splashing snow. In the eyes of Malashenko right now, it is simply more shocking than a blockbuster movie!

"177! It's my car!"

Before he could finish his words with an exclamation in his heart, Nikolai, the temporary loader who had just stuffed a high-explosive round into the barrel of the gun, pushed open the turret hatch above his head, stretched his upper body out of the turret and faced Marashin. Ke Lian waved his hand and signaled the two of them to speed up and run over.

Behind the command vehicle of No. 177 Regiment Headquarters, KV85 prototypes like giant beasts were leading more KV1 heavy tanks over the slope.

Just when Malashenko and Lavrinenko witnessed the arrival of their own troops and sped up, Lavrinenko, who aimed the second high-explosive bomb in the barrel of the gun at the target, stepped on it again without hesitation. Depress the launch pedal.

The KV85 heavy tank, which was still in the speed-up stage just after crossing a slope, was not very fast. The deep snow that originally seriously hindered the maneuvering speed now became a soft buffer zone to reduce the vibration of the gun mirror.

Convinced that he was sure to hit the target, Iushkin instantly sent out the 85mm high-explosive projectile from the barrel, screaming at extremely high speed. The 85mm high-explosive projectile containing 660 grams of TNT in the warhead was obviously not something that fragile armor could handle. withstand.

The 85mm high-explosive shell that hit the right front wheel of the SDKFZ251 half-track vehicle tore into pieces the fragile side armor of the vehicle body, and the wave of flames with great power followed the broken armor welds and headed into the vehicle body. Catharsis.

The fuel supply pipeline at the front of the car became the final fuse that led to the disaster. The ignited gasoline soldiers detonated the front engine and the fuel tank at the back of the car into two flames almost simultaneously.

A whole squad of German soldiers who were neatly lined up in the open-air combat room at the rear were unlucky in an instant. The flames coming from the soles of their feet killed these German soldiers on the spot or turned them into "flame supermen" in almost the blink of an eye.

The strong desire to survive that bursts out from people at the last moment of life prompts these dead bodies of flames to jump out of the car and howl in pain to try to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but where are the burning flames of death caused by the explosion of the fuel tank? So easy to put out.

The burning gasoline flames clinging to the bodies of these German soldiers could not be extinguished by rolling on the spot or beating them with hands. The vitality of these German soldiers was quickly devoured by the raging fire. After a while, these German soldiers did not even have the strength to scream in pain. After exhaustion, the charred body that fell to the ground began to gradually emit the disgusting aroma of barbecue until the burnt charcoal became carbonized.

The four half-track armored vehicles chasing out of the village were knocked over by Iushkin in less than half a cigarette. The remaining two German half-track armored vehicles, who were shocked beyond measure, immediately turned around and kicked off the accelerator. .

What? Are you talking about getting out of the car and confronting dozens of Soviet heavy tanks? Damn it! Are you stupid or crazy?

But the Germans, who had such thoughts in their hearts, had just taken action before they could run far away. Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were running wildly in the deep and shallow snow, had stopped. Stepped down.

Commanding on board? Sorry, the heroic Red Army tank commanders and combatants are not needed! Even if the comrade leader loses his car, he is still a famous tank hero!

"Comrades! Destroy these **** dogs, crush them! Ula!"

Although the scene where there was no response to the roar of the mountains and the roar of the tsunami but only the roar of the diesel engine was a bit embarrassing, the bizarre scene of "infantry" commanding tanks was still performed on Malashenko.

I almost didn't hear Malashenko's passionate orders, but I understood the meaning from his forward waving arms. The attacking KV1 heavy tank group had no intention of letting go of the last two German armored vehicles. After fierce pursuit, a majestic heavy tank with battle scars all over its body and scratches from unpenetrated armor-piercing bullets stopped next to Malashenko.

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