Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 852 Escape

The huge explosion echoed in the ears in a manner that seemed to tear the eardrums apart, and the scorching shrapnel hit the snowdrift at hand with a high temperature that could melt the ice.

Being hit by the 85mm high-explosive projectile almost at the edge of the killing radius, Captain Vasile, who felt his whole head buzzing and numb, slowly raised his heavy head.

What caught his eye at first glance was the remaining head of Lieutenant Pavel, who was blown into the air by an 85mm high-explosive projectile. There was no skull, the helmet was missing, and only the lower part of his face was left. Half a half head.

The face that was torn apart by shrapnel was still warm, and still retained the wide-eyed surprise and deep uneasiness before death. The attachment to life still remained on this face even after the soul passed away. failed to dissipate completely.

"Sorry, Pavel, my brother."

Lieutenant Pavel is a good friend from the same village as Captain Vasile.

They grew up together, played together by the river, entered school together, and even fell in love with the same girl in their ignorant years. However, all conflicts were eventually successfully resolved by the solid brotherhood.

As adults, the two are more like brothers than biological blood. Although there are inevitable frictions in their youth, the relationship is like two inseparable friends who still join the army. They hope to use this kind of Changing the family's misfortune and poverty through struggle is a journey of struggle that belongs to every passionate and ambitious man.

If they had not been born at this unfortunate time, the fates of Vasile and Pavel could have been closer to what they planned and worked hard to live out their lives. However, the wheel of fate eventually moved unstoppably towards... At the forefront of the war, roaring.

Wasil is nominally Pavel's superior, but privately the two are more like brothers who support each other on the battlefield.

Pavel will personally lead people to do their best to carry out the most difficult to execute tricky orders. Similarly, Vasile will try his best to take care of his brother on the battlefield to avoid putting him in the most dangerous place of life and death artillery fire and losing his little one. Life.

The two people who came to the Russian battlefield were cautious and helped each other along the way for nearly a year, until they were sent to Stalingrad with the German army: this terrible city described as a bloody purgatory in later history books.

The hellish bombardment of mountains and tsunamis, the Ula charge that seemed to cut off the shackles of life and ignore them, and the Russian heavy tanks in front of them that were so ferocious that they could scare the self-proclaimed man into peeing his pants.

Everything greatly exceeded Captain Vasil's previous expectations. He didn't even have time to feel sad and cry for the instant separation of his best friend. The death hinge that was approaching before his eyes was creaking and crushing his soul. Horrible sound.

"Captain, what do we do? The Russians destroyed our anti-tank gun, the whole team is dead, there's nothing we can do!"

The fear in the hearts of the soldiers around him spreads faster like a plague. Captain Vasile, who is responsible for commanding the entire company, resists his trembling soul from collapse. If he turns his back on the Russians and escapes like this, he can only escape faster. Losing his own life would be even worse than Pavel's death.

"Pick up your weapons and shoot! There are other anti-tank guns, not just ours! The battle has just begun, hold your position!"

Captain Wasile was right, there were indeed more anti-tank guns on the entire position than just their company.

More and more Romanian soldiers emerged from the artillery holes and various bunkers that could avoid shelling. Their shaking and trembling bodies lay down close to the bomb crater and started firing.

The Russian heavy tanks had already rushed to a position less than 200 meters away from the position by using the remaining power of the shelling. The "tank knights" who had jumped off the tanks were raising their light weapons and firing with the help of the tanks. The cover moves forward.

Most of the direct firepower of the Romanian army was absorbed by those steel behemoths without any effect, leaving behind a pile of golden sparks that jingled the solid armor plates.

The Russian soldiers following the tank rarely fell to the ground after being shot. The Russians who fired alternately could always retract their exposed half of their bodies back behind the tank before they were caught by machine gun fire. , leaving the Romanian machine gunners in the air nothing but bad curses for wasting ammunition.

"Russians like veterans know how to use their own advantages. They are all real veterans!"

Captain Vasile had seen the charge of the Russian recruits, but to be honest, even the charge of the new recruits was very difficult to deal with. The Ula Sea, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, has targeted weak defense points and is accompanied by tanks rushing towards it. Its momentum alone is enough to scare ordinary troops into fear. In fact, it is even more difficult to deal with.

The Russian troops in front of him that have already been ridden in the face are real veterans. Compared with the fierce attacks in the past like a giant tomahawk, these Russian veterans know how to make full use of their own advantages. It is more like a sharp dagger that pierces the vital point, enough to make the opponent unable to dodge and at the same time be fatally struck.

"Ammunition and ammunition, give me machine gun bullets"


Captain Wasile, who was changing the magazine of the submachine gun in his hand, was startled by the sudden explosion that sounded very close to his ears.

The machine gunner who was shouting for ammunition didn't even have time to finish his words before he was blasted into the sky by a Russian high-explosive bomb, bursting into a ball of blood and scattered flesh.

Captain Wasile could see a lump of minced meat from an unknown part of the human body. He flew to a place less than half a meter away from his feet and fell into the snow. The snow melted by the warm blood quickly mixed into dirty water. The dirty, bright red water flows smoothly, and the explosions, deaths, and flames of war can almost tear the soul of the shocked person from the body.

"No, I can't bear it anymore! I can't bear it anymore! I don't want to die here!"

With desperate and crazy screams in his mouth, he dropped the MP38 submachine gun in his hand, turned around, and ran away.

Captain Vasile, who had just inserted a full magazine and didn't even have time to pull the charging handle, looked stunned.

The first one to collapse and escape was actually the last remaining platoon leader under his command.

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