Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1055: Erosion and Development (17)

What the specific task is unknown, Cassia is not likely to be very troublesome. This is a task to be carried out as a transition to adapt to the new identity, and the rights that knight attendants have, and so on. With Ye Jielin's character, Ato Ring and Selmer will definitely be one of them, and the other recruited allies will probably also have places in them.

It is impossible not to take advantage of the identity of the knight attendant to start recruiting new members in the school. This is also Ye Jielin's unique advantage. The other thirty-five members graduated from school very early, and expanded themselves on the basis of the resources provided by the empire, probably through mercenaries and bounty hunters. Putting aside the family's own resources for the time being, inviting powerful lieutenant-level officers from the Imperial Army, and officers at the level of majors is also an important way.

It seems that the identities of the twelve round table knights are equal, and the same is true for the newly added knight attendants. But this is just the current state of affairs. When the red star is approaching and the war is getting closer, the imperial assembly will definitely formulate a set of more consistent rules based on their respective strength and influence.

It can be regarded as a game, after all, in times of peace, the four forces have no chance to become opposites. Only under this veil and guaranteeing that the empire will not fail in a war can there be an opportunity to effectively reduce the opponent's strength.

It is not through subtle calculations, this is an established fact-the empire is in a long war, there is no possibility of being defeated by external forces, Avalon will not eventually watch the empire die, the right to use the uranium bomb is there It will be handed over to the Imperial Council. If the other two continents were determined to die together, it would be possible. But its probability is very, very close to zero.

Near noon, Delya told Cassia that the limo was ready and all the things needed were in the back seat of the car. Cassia burned all the materials in the temporary residence before lunch, leaving only the books she usually read. Those books on management, as well as the newly bought things related to all kinds of motivations.

At this time, Cassia probed her surroundings from time to time, and no one still suspected herself. It is a good thing for him. After lunch, Cassia asked Livet to disguise himself as herself and create the illusion that she was still here with the person Sylisa and Delya would send over next. Of course, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when most of the people in Novus return to Amotan City, the three of them will also pass.

After more than an hour of dressing up, Cassia controlled her facial muscles and turned herself into another person. The identity card was borrowed by Delya from his subordinates. Bringing the portable communicator, Cassia took a few detailed route maps and set off.

An hour later, I came to a checkpoint on a main road, where fifty or sixty defense troops checked the passing vehicles. Their tanks and armored vehicles were placed not far from the main road, and heavy machine guns were also mounted, but although the personnel looked serious, they could still see a lazy appearance. There are only a few ten people who are truly vigilant. This kind of sub-frontier region, which is isolated from the small countries on the border by a continuous mountain range, does not happen most of the time.

With the inspection, Cassia passed the level easily. Probably Norvis and the others' intention in setting up the checkpoint is not to find the murderer. They know the level of these people. I just want to collect a lot of personnel information, which may be used in the future.

After exiting the main road in Tussini, the number of vehicles dropped a lot. There is a wasteland between Tussini and Amotan, and there are only small towns sparsely around the railway line. Half an hour later, Cassia changed the license plate of the limo, parked in such a town, went to the store to buy juice, and sat in the car waiting for news.

Delya received the communication three hours later, which was close to five o'clock: "A few people left in the afternoon, and the members of the imperial mineral resources affiliated family only set off at this moment. It is O'Neill, the remaining two People will probably be at night. We observed a total of three limo cars from his villa, and after tracking in the city, the first car was sitting on the Oenni." Then Delya changed the license plate and the characteristics of the limo Tell Cassia, "As for the way you will go back to Amotan City, I will give you a message to the leader in half an hour."

After hanging up the communication, Cassia started the car, and drove the car into the wasteland when she was about to get on the main road. After disguising the car with weeds, she waited quietly. During the period Delya had a communication, but it was about the other two. One of them set off early, with a member of the affiliated family of the Three Primary Color Group.

After half an hour, O'Neal finally came out of Tussini. Cassia was taking out the surrounding route map to check the most suitable interception locations. After finalizing, Cassia took the quasi-round pistol, and put the second generation holy sword wrapped in black cloth on the back. There is also the idea of ​​using pneumatic weapons, but Cassia considered that it is not a good idea to keep the second-generation holy sword in storage. Although I don't know how to use it now, it can be used to its maximum validity, but as long as you get familiar with it, you may find something from it.

In addition, Cassia felt that he lacked exercise recently. Taking advantage of this time, the second-generation holy sword of nearly half a ton can be regarded as a load. Long-distance running training can keep many things from being forgotten by the body.

Onion’s ear route was the same as when Cassia came out. The first interception point was less than ten kilometers away, and it only took a few minutes to advance at full speed. Stretching his body in place, Cassia felt that he had regained the feeling of training in a military school at this moment, and stepped forward.

It hasn't rained for a long time, and Cassia's footprints will inevitably be left on the hard ground. When the distance to the target position was less than three kilometers, Cassia slowed down and controlled his power more finely to avoid the second-generation holy sword and his weight would leave obvious marks. The last one kilometer was almost gone, and the ground became clean as a result, with no trace of footprints.

Starting the sound detection, Cassia looked at Tussini from the side of the road, waiting for O'Neill's limo to come. It was not much different from the calculated time. After more than ten minutes, the deep and delicate steam engine sound was captured. This allows him to be sure without judgment. The steam engine of a premium car is very different from an ordinary car.

When the shadow of the ceremonial car appeared in front of him, Cassia retreated tens of meters away at the right time as a forward acceleration distance. Relying on the fences on both sides to calculate the speed of the car, Cassia closed his eyes and began to calculate the appropriate time for him to rush up.

Half a minute later, Cassia opened his eyes, and the cross pupils swelled more than The bright red was so solid that it could be taken out for inspection. Holding the second-generation holy sword, he circled the black cloth around and looked at the silver-white sword body, seeming to fall into a trance for an instant. After a few breaths, with a bang of mud, the figure of Cassia in the same place became a phantom. A stray black shadow at the right time and position, when it meets the ceremonial car driving straight on the road, it seems to merge into one in an instant.

Immediately after the car was out of control, half of the steel wheel with a smooth notch flew up and tossed aside. The bottom plate of the ceremonial car collapsed and rubbed the road. After dragging for more than ten meters with the sparks of the canopy, it smashed the guardrail on one side and fell over in the wasteland. After the burst of gunfire sounded, the place fell into silence.

The defense army drove to this place, it was already 7:30 in the evening. The blood stains have dried up, and O'Neill, his steward, and two of his men remained ignorant and frightened when they died. The whole process is not long, so that the seat belts and postures of several people are as if they are in a car accident, and they cannot make any effective actions against the sudden attack.

"What the **** does the murderer want to do?" Commons circled the car a few times, his face covered with solemn expression. He looked at the wilderness on the side of the road, sighed, and returned to Tussini with Kanelson.

. Wonderful book house

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