Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1065: Steel wheels being accelerated (6)

At noon on the third day, before Delya took the initiative to contact Clemens, his secretary Beurie sent a communication telling Cassia to temporarily take over all affairs of Tussini’s finances in the past few months and wait for management. The agency sent new personnel over.

"If you have performed well in the past few months, Lord Clement said that you might not consider elevating you to the real master, so that you can be protected while still getting the benefits you deserve." Beaulie reminded. Said, "But you must ensure that Tussini is safe and stable during these times, and you can cooperate with other people. In addition, you will immediately notify other people about your takeover of Tussini's finances, Clay Mr. Door asked me to tell you specially, even if the past is over, don't think of revenge or anything in your heart."

Finally, a personal question from Beaulieu: "Although I don’t know how you got in touch with Mr. Commons, this matter is worthy of praise. Commons should be the person most trusted by Clemens, and his experience is good. Regardless of the strength, it is at the top of the eight adults. I can't tell, you still have a good set of methods for this kind of thing."

"Thank you for the compliment." Cassia replied politely, and he looked at Delya, "A lucky day, the rest of the preparation will not be used. Next, the energy will have to be placed on the research and development of the factory and other weapons and ammunition. Come on. I expect to leave in four days, which is next Monday, next week. Take the road from Amotan and try not to get involved with Tussini."

"Here is also ready, I will inform Waters, let him prepare the leader of your identity in the Kyle Kingdom."

"Is there anything that needs to be dealt with in the black market? If not, I will go to Amotan City as soon as possible, and there is still some information that needs to be purchased. By the way, about Manoma, you remember to ask the main person in charge of the surrounding area to organize a copy Report the nearby situation to me. During my absence, don’t be out of touch with it. Even if I go to Waters, remember to notify me in time about big news within the empire."

The next night, Cassia took a list given by Delya and spent a few hours wandering around the city of Tussini, clearing out some black market merchant forces one by one. On the third day, it was another form of visit. Because Beyuli informed the three survivors of the information, she received a very warm reception. The things before the appointment were also in conversation, and the three apologized in other ways.

It only took less than one-tenth of the original price to deal with the factory land, and the three railway lines were also settled in a small gathering of four people in an afternoon. Obtained the right to use, but it needs to comply with the rules that have not changed for several years. Said it is a rule, it is just the same thing as the train timetable-after having the right to use, there is no need to take part of the benefits from the total value of the goods to all parties, and there is no need to pay high transportation costs. The only thing to note is that the three railway lines will only run one train a day, and you cannot use your power to increase the frequency.

Irrespective of the rules, Cassia gave the timetable to Delya after returning, with the stations of the three routes and the name of the small country to which the station belongs. The Kingdom of Chil is the second to last on one of the routes.

Several important points in the plan are at the end of the day. In the evening, Cassia drove the ceremonial car alone, dragging the prepared weapons to Amotan City.

After purchasing information, I found a hotel to stay at random.

This time it is rare to have a thick stack, except for some fragmentary news, most of them are new news released by the Imperial Assembly a week ago. It is about the selection of new generals from the Imperial Army. The specific rules and the list of pre-selected members have not been announced. But even if it was announced, Cassia thought, that would not be available to small intelligence merchants in the black market.

Although there is no substantive information, it will not prevent these intelligence dealers from exaggerating the matter through various guesses and predictions. Based on the existing information of the Quartet forces, he predicted a list. Above, Cassia saw the lieutenant general in Visaya Fortress.

As for the others, Cassia has never heard of them except their last names. This is the real high-level structure of the empire, and it seems that it won't work if you contact it now. At best, when you meet their members in the future, you will have an extra consideration in your heart.

Putting down the information, Cassia did not get what she wanted. There has been no news about Ye Jielin and other 36 knight attendants, as well as the completed twelve round table knights, etc. recently. Be prepared in mind that once you leave a certain circle, many things will leave you alone in a short time.

Delya reported the situation of entering Manoma at noon the next day. According to the request, all the news about the military school, Ye Jielin and Hae, and Shake were carefully collected.

The group of members that I belonged to have basically all left the school and went to serve in the major institutions of the empire. After Ye Jielin became a knight's attendant, and Atohuan was responsible for intelligence, there was very little news about her in the black market. Many of them were from a month or two ago. What is going on is not mentioned at all.

To be horrified, the above just said that after leaving the seminary, he went to work in a prosperous area. As for which institution of the empire and where, there is no news at all. But in the prosperous regions, except for Manoma, most of the empire was concentrated in a coastal area, and there were only a few inland areas, all of which were at the center of a large expansive area, relying on the resources of the surrounding areas to maintain their prosperity.

Shake has a lot of news because she is still studying in the Imperial History School and did not leave. Half a year ago, Sha Ke was accepted as a student by a professor at the Imperial History School and studied under it. Professor Hope, according to the information, can be regarded as one of the famous and authoritative members of the history of the empire. Mainly engaged in the study of the various kingdoms that existed in the history of the post-phase continent during the period of the Manuo Kingdom.

Cassia made a special trip to contact Delya and asked him to tell people in Manoma's surrounding areas to provide as much help as possible to Shah without exposing themselves. Money is good, and it is difficult to deal with some ordinary people. No matter the trouble, wait for these things.

As for other things, the coaches do not need to care about themselves. The group of old professors in the military school also stayed at the school almost all year round, one of the safest institutions in the empire. As for Norr, Cassia thought, that his current state is the best he can do.

Thinking along the lines of these materials, Cassia suddenly found that the place where she had stayed for two years, the people she met, the different environments in which she lived, and the specific circles were not too big. Compared with the various cumbersome institutions and power links of the entire empire, it is nothing.

"After all, it's just a negligible component." Cassia commented.

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