Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1078: Signs of disorder (11)

"The core of the empire's super vapor compression device, coupled with the common state of the Far Seas machinery and power transmission network technology, if used in warfare, it will cause a lot of trouble. At present, the king's power is still used as a trump card. Tank troops."

"In addition, most of the surgeons here are mechanically modified, and they cooperate with the battle armor to advance, which is not very easy to deal with." Hesley added, having contact with the surgeon on the opposite side, these judgments are still convincing. And he was originally born in the Webley family, and he has also stayed in extreme areas. What is the destructive power of the battle armor? In extreme areas, when the empire resident uses him to defend or open up new areas, there is a chance to see these huge guys.

"Set it as the ultimate goal. It is not something that can be destroyed by a simple invasion. Detailed information is needed to make a plan. The regular army of more than 10,000 people covers almost all arms, and it is not comparable to those of a hundred-man squad. "Yes." Looking at the circle drawn by Hesley, Cassia replied, "Is there any place to help in the nearby area? I want to relieve your pressure first. In the meantime, I can get a more intuitive understanding of the Kyr Kingdom."

"There are a lot of things that Knight Commander Hesley wanted to investigate and clean up one by one, but because it was a waste of time to go to the rebel forces, they are still there." Waters said immediately.

In the evening, Cassia lived in a small two-story building that had already been prepared. The pickup truck that came here took a lot of time to rest. In recent days, the overflowing spirit made it difficult for him to enter a semi-sleep state. At the desk, I continued to read the materials printed by Waters, which were all hidden dangers in Miklos and the nearby area. The Kingdom of Chil was caught in an internal war, and to say who would benefit most, weapons merchants must be indispensable.

Among the several suppliers that mainly provide weapons and ammunition for the Chil Kingdom, except for Cassia's side, three of the remaining four are also foreign companies, all headquartered in other countries, but branches exist. Unlike Waters, who cares about the life and death of Kyle Kingdom, they hope that this internal war will be fierce and prolonged, so that they will benefit more.

The characteristics of these three weapons dealers are all focusing on the accumulation of quantity, but the quality is not very important. Waters can get a kick in the middle and squeeze into the ranks of major suppliers, there are many reasons for this. I came to the Kingdom of Chil much earlier than Waters. About a few years ago, there was an agreement with each other. The muzzle came to Waters in a tacit agreement. As for the last weapons and ammunition company belonging to the Kyle Kingdom, the information was introduced, and there was the shadow of the king's power behind it. It is more like being actively supported. In order to fight against the invasion of foreign companies, it is also to ensure that arms research and production will not be dragged down and eaten away.

The other three suppliers paid for mercenaries and some bounty hunters to do things for them, mainly destroying the factory's ancillary facilities, as well as the outsourcing factories of raw materials and some materials that require several processing. They will certainly pretend to be people lurking in the rebel forces, and in their own factories, they will occasionally make some tricks, such as taking out some worn-out or destroying machines that cannot be repaired, making them more than just targets Only the illusion of Waters' factory.

"The king's powers should be aware of these things. The reason why they didn't take any real action was to shout for annihilation of these lurking people. Maybe we are happy to say this to the four of us."

"If we want our internal friction, none of the four of us are local companies. As people who control a country, we all know what we think in our hearts and how we view the country. We don't want to wait until the internal wars are over and exhaust ourselves. Resources, on the contrary, make us strong. This kind of small country is inferior to an empire. Because the empire has a large population base, many people do not have a strong sense of belonging to a country. But this kind of small country is different, if it is a history book There is nothing wrong with the things written on the above. They are more like the predecessor of the empire-the Kingdom of Mano. They have a strong sense of belonging to a country and a kind of love, hoping that it will become better and stronger Mood.” When Waters said this, it was like biting every word, every word was saying, “It can’t be said to be exclusive, but it’s probably very difficult to get their approval.”

Recalling what Waters said not long ago, Cassie began to think about this issue seriously. Probably the predecessor of the Quartet forces, that is, hundreds of years ago, existed in this mood. The long time eventually eroded many people, including most of the empire.

At least Cassia looked at it from his own point of view, but he did not find that he had a strong sense of belonging to the empire, that is, to the Saint Dorag Empire. Education is one aspect, and the life experience from childhood until entering the military school is another aspect. They do not have the conditions to form these.

By four o'clock in the morning, Cassia had written down all the information on a thick stack of paper. He drank two cups of hot water, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and while resting, he ranked the priority of target processing. Thirty-seven goals need to take a turn in the past, which is expected to be completed in a week or the like, and then proceed to the rebel forces' battle armor. Cassia finally came to a conclusion.

In the Kingdom of Chil, far, far away from the empire, the attire and identity disguise, coupled with the carefulness of doing things, made Cassia no longer have any restrictions. In short, it is already on the eve of the outbreak of the internal Everything can be covered with this curtain, and Cassia doesn't need to think about too many things.


This meeting involving the finances, land resources, and the royal family of the Chil Kingdom lasted three days. In the end, it fell through various compromises and quarrels. Nomoza got in a limo under the arrangement of the protector and returned to his residence.

"Now it is possible to increase orders, especially for Waters. They have to spend a lot of money to get them to transport some heavy firepower and weapons from within the empire. This is the most important point, as for the funds..." A bank card was drawn from the inner pocket of his underwear with the golden bank logo on it. "The insufficient part is deducted from this. Of course, if Waters still accepts land as a mortgage, it must be saved if it can be saved."

The secretary-general next to him took the card and said that he would do it as required.

"This war must be won." I don't know if it's to the Secretary-General beside him or to myself. Nomoza let out a long sigh of relief, "It is the day after tomorrow, the time to meet the leaders of the other three countries."

"I will notify the offices in these countries."

After an hour and a half, Nomosa returned to his residence, and the secretary-general and the driver left afterwards. Soon after, two other limo cars drove into the small parking garage here, and the seven who got off the car went straight to Nomosa's study.

"The organization arranged for us, while serving here and waiting for the Polish affairs to settle down, it can be regarded as helping us." The person introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Nomoza." A man who seemed to be in his thirties offered to say hello, "Charles Dessinori, it's nice to meet you. You must have known the situation of Poland."


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