Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1111: Lighting plan (2)

Another meeting involving many officials of the king's power and the army was launched three days later. Before that, Vermeer had sent back most of the information inside the mine. Although none of the photos involved battle armor, there were individual huge parts in the photos, as well as weapon configurations that were not used by ordinary machines. Can guess something.

The process was of course not very good, and the subsequent exploration to the mine was not smooth. The security is stricter than ever. Of course there is no problem with Cassia’s infiltration alone, but Wimmer is also a mechanized surgeon. The metal detection equipment in the hands of the patrol is inevitably lethal to people like them. .

Begin to choose to sneak in from above the mine, and smoothly photographed the anti-aircraft weapon launch pad there. But there is no way for the steam furnace and the internal storage location.

After that, Vermeer had to ask the king's client to issue an order to let the mercenaries and bounty hunters cooperate with some of his subordinates to explore the old mining area the next night. But the actual purpose is to attract most of the attention so that he and Cassia can sneak into the mine more smoothly.

Cassia notified Hesley in advance to help the mercenaries and bounty hunters as much as possible. The more people they survived, the better they could catch the sight of the group of imperial surgeons and prevent them from becoming excessive. spread. Because they know best at the moment, and they are in the palm of their hands, and they are the only ones and a few Weimer's men.

Hess lined up to create obstacles, and Vermeer changed the communication method and hidden temporary location that afternoon in accordance with Cassia's reminder, and the loss of personnel was within an acceptable range. After all, the opponent has not only a team of rebel surgeons, but also people from the Empire. As Cassia guessed, just a temperature-sensing ability is enough to cause the mercenaries and bounty hunters to encounter huge problems. Fortunately, Hesley reminded him in due course that the situation began to improve after some basic countermeasures were used later.

But at that moment, the attack by the rebel army had already arrived. I haven’t encountered it before, and it was discovered that when the person exceeds a limit, the limited surgeon not only performs assaults and special break-through work for individual important points, but also in this battle with the sound of clear bullets everywhere. , Unable to cooperate effectively, while delaying the speed of the enemy's effective encirclement, while safely evacuating, only death is left for oneself.

Fortunately, the rebel forces did not use heavy artillery or artillery. At most, platinum gunpowder bombs of small yield were thrown. The sound caused by this can be naturally reduced to a small amount after leaving the old mining area. After passing through the **** piles dug outside the old mining area and the absorption of the natural hills, the sound that can be transmitted into the ears of ordinary people around is infinitely close to zero.

The casualties all occurred during the evacuation. According to Hesley, the main members of the surgeons of the Empire and the rebel forces rushed from the gathering town to the mining area at that time. The price was that all three mercenaries who remained in the gathering town died after being interrogated.

Relying on Hesley's strength alone, the people who originally rushed over would only be delayed in a small number. But here, not only Hesley himself, but also Cassia also mispredicted the current situation. Compared with those mercenaries, bounty hunters, and the king's reinforcements of Vermeer, the other party seemed to be more interested in Hesley.

Most of the people were separated to pursue Hesley, but not many people actually rushed to intercept Harrington and they evacuated. It's just that the strength and the ability of surgical development projects have become a huge deviation. Harrington and the others have no experience in dealing with surgeons with surgical development projects. As a result, some judgments in the battle can be directly reflected on their injuries. It should have been a direct death, but the alloy block in the body finally played a role at this time.

Reflected in excellent defensive performance. Many shots at vital parts just open the skin, and the impact will cause organ injuries and bleeding, but it is not enough to be fatal to the physique of the surgeon in a short time. Some people whose skulls were mostly replaced with alloy cavities just went into a coma after receiving the impact of several platinum bullets on their heads. Although these unconscious people all died on the way to escape because of the enemy's replacement gun.

During this period, Cassia took Vermeer to explore the location of two steam furnaces and several storage warehouses outside. On the way, they also found several resting areas of the army stationed in the mine. The route is planned in real time by relying on previous data and the situation detected by sound waves temporarily. Because the enemy cannot be spotted on the road, it consumes time abnormally. Just because Hesley joined the battle, it did attract too much attention to everyone's expectations.

Later, on the second day, Cassia and the others learned that when the fighting broke out in the old mining area that night, the mining area had stopped work for various reasons, and all the staff had been evacuated in less than half an hour. Apart from them and the rebel forces, no one else knew what happened in the old mining area. And at this moment, Cassia suddenly figured it out on the way to rescue Hesley. Among them, in the process of probing, Wimmer used words with other intentions from time to time to test and ask for help.

Vermeer wanted to ask for information about the total team behind Cassia and some information about the opposing Empire surgeon. Cassia was inspired by it, and the king's power seemed to regard him and Hesley as members of a large force in the empire. It seems that there are not many such troops among the small countries.

So thinking about it, Cassia had a general guess about the surgeons of the rebel forces—the team of surgeons led by knight attendants in the empire. Lenovo went to Ye Jielin in the gray area, and it was not unusual for a knight attendant to perform tasks here.

The tentative words were all told by King Nomoza to do Vermeer. After the meeting that night, Charlotte received a contact from the district head of the Chil Kingdom, that is, the communication personnel in charge of each region in the organization.

Only one important piece of news was brought. Two days ago, the doctors who did facial replacement and complete cosmetic surgery for him and several other doctors had definitely lost contact. As for the death, follow-up investigation is still pending. It's just that in this period, they can't be contacted through the organization's secret communications. Except for the emergency that threatens lives, they can't think of anything else that can cause this phenomenon.

The head of the contact area told Charlotte to be careful, because it was only a few days away, even if all the staff of the organization buried their heads and hid themselves in the shadow and darkness, some people still found them.

"Just beside the Kingdom of the neighboring kingdom of Erno, the chief administrator of the organization there has died. Now the organization is still hesitating whether to send someone with a serial number to investigate the actual situation. .Because the general manager is actually a person with a serial number, his strength and brains are very good. There is no discerning place in his identity. So the conclusion..."

"You know, it’s been a long time since there were disagreements among the senior staff,..., in short, be careful. I applied for the maximum protection that you can get in your current status, and the maximum amount of funds. This will all come to you in a few days. Hands."

"In addition, someone asked me to give you a message-say goodbye to the dead Sol for me. She said it was a friend you and Sol had not seen for a long time."

"'Hongmang',,, my lord,,,," In the electronic noise of the disconnection, Charlotte thought for a long time before realizing who "she" was.

Edmila Acaino, a person who was admired by him and Sol.

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