Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1118: Lighting plan (9)

Not afraid of being discovered at all, the movement speed of the six eyes was in line with Cassia's footsteps. Even if there are pedestrians in the middle from time to time, the amazing penetrating sense of the eyes can still pass through the pedestrians, and the street lights on the street completely fall on Cassia.

"Who is it?" Cassia's spirit remained highly concentrated for an instant, his sight became a camera, and an object around the six people was selected as a reference in an instant. The corner of the picture taken naturally included the six people. It's like a background object, and even a little fuzzy.

Keen intuition has been admonishing him to never let his eyes fall directly on any one of the six. I don't know why there is such a thought, because Cassia did not feel the slightest danger from the six people. The danger signals that were used in the past also seem to have not sensed anything at this moment, still lurking everywhere in the body, sleeping.

There are only two possibilities for such signs. One is that the six are not dangerous persons themselves, and they are not worthy of danger signs to warn Cassia. The other is that the strength of the six people far exceeds that of Cassia. They have reached a very high level in hiding and restraining themselves, so that Cassia can't perceive anything.

Tendency to fall to the latter without hesitation in an instant, the six will not be simple passers-by, the reason for not perceiving danger is only that their strength is overwhelming to them.

The memory is like a tsunami moving unimpeded in his head. In the photo, the six people who were confused as the background were refined one by one by Cassia, and the six faces began to be compared one by one with the memory.

no impression. This is the final conclusion under the thoughts of extremely fast running. Anyone who knows him in the Kirishi family reward mission? Some middle and high-level people in large families? Or other possibilities? Cassia continued to walk, there was still more than two hundred meters away from the target street, not too far, but in this strange atmosphere, the walking speed of ordinary people made Cassia feel very long.

"Before I came out, I did a simple attire, and my appearance was 70% similar to his original appearance." While examining himself, Cassia considered various possibilities. At this time, he happened to be separated from the six by a street less than ten meters wide, and was on the same horizontal line for less than half a second. After passing by them, the sound waves showed that the six were still standing in place, their eyes still cast without cover.

"If you really know yourself, how will you judge your identity, or rely on what characteristics to determine that you are Cassia who has died in the assessment?" Thinking is like a precision mechanical clock, something that Cassia can think of At this moment, they all became gears one by one, and they began to bite into each other, and were turned by some tendency. Staring at yourself for such a long time, but without any action, can it mean that they are not hostile?

Or, the other party also felt puzzled, and was thinking whether he really was Cassia who died in the empire assessment? I have to say that this is a fluke. It has been a few months since the assessment was over. At that time, I didn't know how many people and forces had been dug up several times. The investigation should also come to an end at a certain time during the period. Does standing still indicate their uncertainty and their general thinking at this moment.

I have to admit that there are a lot of things in a short time, but Cassia knows that he has to think about it. I re-examined my recent actions in my heart, and there are indeed many things that are too arrogant. Just walking on the street casually with this face is not right. Cassia said to herself that she knew that there were knight attendants who came to this small country with the team, so this shouldn't be the case.

It's been a long time since I really feel the danger, so my vigilance has dropped to this point. Cassia recalled that starting from the Tussini area, the people and things encountered were indeed the same. Most of them can be solved by opening the cross pupils. The dragon blood obtained from Cassie Hei's body is still contained in cans and syringes, and there is no chance to use it.

"This is not the time to lament these." Cassia's heart was very contradictory. He decisively interrupted himself, letting all his energy focus on coping and solving, and the necessary analysis. In the sound wave, the other party moved, changed direction, and walked towards him. A few tens of meters ahead is the corner of the target street. Cassia speeds up a bit at this moment, as if hungry, and when he smells the scent of food, he speeds up his steps without consciously. "The worst result is that the opponent is hostile to himself. Relationship, then there is no need to consider the consequences at all, just try your best to escape. I’m sure I can’t escape.”

"Then I now place expectations on other possibilities. First, it is not a hostile relationship, so there is no need to consider the consequences or escape. Second, it is still a hostile relationship, but the other party now only judges me by my appearance to'seem' and' Maybe' it's Cassia, still in doubt and doubt. In this case, there may be some room for escape."

The more sonic detection is used, the more random movements of the six people make Cassia feel that there is no possibility of escape on her own strength. "You can only think of ways from other aspects." No matter how you judge, you can only get this result.

"At present, there is only the second possibility that can be considered for countermeasures. The other party just thinks that I am very similar to Cassia and believes that there is a value to confirm the identity to clarify the doubt." Following the train of thought, Cassia began to prepare for this possibility. The first is the appearance. The attire can be erased by hand. The specific structure of the face must be changed as much as possible. The bones cannot be moved, but the muscles can."

Under control, the facial muscles began to consciously tighten and relax, so that after the attire is erased, it can be more than 90% similar to what it looks like at the moment, and this is enough, and the work is easy enough. Just this doesn't change anything. With so many people in the Post-Phase Continent, the Qi'er Kingdom alone has a population of more than 300 million, not to mention the horrible amount of the empire's hundreds of billions. There are two people who look similar, or almost the same, whether it is explained by probability or scientifically, it works. The other party must know this, so the judgment basis will definitely not be What else can be used to prove it? I never take the initiative to take pictures. Can it be explained that the enemy knows what I look like? It is only from the ID card and some information from the military school. Some visual portraits and secret photos can also be included. But all this cannot be a valid basis.

Is there anything else? Surgery grade? The latter stage of the second stage seems to be one, but it does not have enough credibility. After all, the second stage is the second largest group of surgeons. Scales? power? How many ways can Sukarius and the giant whale gain? Never told to anyone, not counted. Body data? Those old professors won't tell these things.

What is the toxicity and corrosiveness of the remaining blood? I was seen by some people on the airship during the theoretical assessment, but they certainly didn't know the exact extent. At that time, my blood was still red, not light green now, so let's count as one of them. Just how many people know this information? This can be viewed with a fluke. But this cannot be a common-sense, universal basis. Just as the ground is the absolute feature of the ground.

What else can be used to self-certify? Cassia continued to think, when he turned the corner, the aroma of various food came over.

"Suppress the number of tubes!" When these words appeared in his head, Cassia suddenly felt that they were the only things that could be used as a name for his image. Casually fancy a beautifully decorated restaurant, Cassia naturally turned and walked inside. Behind them, the six people also moved forward slowly in the sound waves, following the route they had just walked, impartially, and followed at the same speed.

"Hello, where is the bathroom?" Cassia was polite and asked the waiter in front of him.


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