Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1162: Alternatives and arms dealers (3)

After speaking, Cassia observed the expressions of the two of them, and did not speak any more. After moving his hands, he gestured the watch to the two of them. Cassia then went to the window and opened the window. The breeze brought a faint smell of gunpowder smoke, and some unnoticeable dust began to slowly fall down after a few hours.

   "Ten minutes, give you time to think about it. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. I won't do anything to you." The tone was gentle and calm, and Cassia didn't want the two to treat this as a threat.

   It can't be said to be hesitation, Phinea and Geers seem to be unsure of something. For them, such an opportunity is tantamount to being very emotional, but they know too little information, and it can also be seen that the two of them are not only people who value the immediate interests, but will think about the stakes.

"Mr. Soriatu, can we ask a few simple questions?" Gels didn't know if Cassia was interested in Phinea. The only thing he was sure of was that he would have such opportunities and these During the time, Cassia was willing to help them, mostly because of his sister Phinea. So he touched Phinea with his hand, and Geers motioned to his sister to ask, which might make the atmosphere in the room much better.

   Both of them are under the surveillance of Cassia, of course this little action can't escape.

   "Yes, you can say anything if you have any doubts." Cassia turned his head and said.

"We want to know the true identity of Mr. Soriatu, I don't know if you can." Phinea thought for a while and said, "Before we always thought that Mr. Soriatu you are a powerful mercenary, and We all came here because of Mr. Wimmer’s bounty commission. But now..."

Cassia turned around, looked at the two of them and replied: "It's all lie to you. I think I told you that I was a hired person. The first time I met you and saved you from the rebel forces. "

After getting a nod, Cassia continued: "In terms of specific identities, how should I say, there seem to be many, but the most important thing is... You can regard me as a weapon merchant. Weapon dealers are also okay. The current products and businesses Those arms and ammunition dealers are no different. The only difference is that I have a larger number."

   The two Phineas automatically magnified "that little bit" many, many times in their hearts.

   "Weapon dealers will do. If you join in the future, your main job, or affairs, will mostly be related to the business of these weapons and ammunition."

   "Mr. Soriatu, since you are a weapon merchant, on Mr. Wimmer's side... In other words, do you have a bounty hunter, or a mercenary, Mr. Soriatu?"

Cassia shook his head, thought for a while, and then asked, "You really want to know? Then remind me, although it is not an important reason, but after you know it, please make sure that this matter will only exist in your head forever. ."

Seeing the two of them hesitating, Cassia smiled: "Don't worry, it's not that serious. You can listen to it." It was a comfort to the two, "I don't know if you have grown food yourself, or learned something about Basic agricultural production matters."

   received a negative answer, and Cassia smacked his lips and thought for a few more seconds. He thought of a passage in the book he had read, and felt that the metaphor used at this time was very suitable: "In fact, you don’t know it, you will understand it well, although it is not very suitable, there are some essential differences in nature. Among the empires In some areas of China, there is a vegetable whose scientific name is'leeks'. A plant with strong vitality, as long as it is given enough nutrients, it can be harvested many times in the right season. This characteristic is compared with other edible vegetables. Can provide very good income. Then, shortly after I first started in the arms business, I had this idea. But then it was a buyer who helped us."

"To put it simply, I am not very good at business, but I still know that sometimes, many buyers will not pay in full. If you are lucky, as long as there is enough time, these arrears can be recovered. But that At that time, we encountered many of the same problems-the people who bought weapons and ammunition were definitely not engaged in serious business and things. If they became corpses in certain things, that is, the buyer died, then the arrears can still be taken back. ?"

   "No," Geers replied, seeming to understand something.

"This is the situation. If it is a small business involving only a few boxes of ammunition and 20 or 30 weapons, these losses are still acceptable. Because this kind of thing is not often encountered. But if it is a powerful black market in a certain area. Merchants come to pick up the goods and meet people who are good to talk to. For the first payment, we usually ask for an amount higher than the actual cost price, so as to ensure that we will not at least make a big loss. But some middlemen, or Buyers will not be happy."

"Maybe you think directly, then simply don't do their business. In short, there are definitely more than a few buyers or middlemen, there are many in a region. But there are many issues involved. The most important point is that the arms and ammunition business is not that easy to do. In small countries, let’s not mention it, just use the empire as an example. There are too many low-quality workshops. Want to seize business in a certain area, have your own position, and cultivate It’s not easy to create your own black market intermediary supply network. Whether it’s quantity or quality, it doesn’t seem to play a big role in the early stage. In the end, it has to be attributed to the price. In order to retain the development of intermediaries and Buyers, the purchase price in the transaction is divided into several payments, and each payment is several layers. It is very important. This seems to have become an established rule, and it cannot be changed by individuals alone."

"Thinking about it this way, when it comes to business-this refers to the kind of huge order, after this kind of order appears, in order to ensure that we can get our own benefits, at least the lowest cost price. So sometimes, we will send ourselves To help these middlemen and buyers deal with things that are very dangerous to them and may kill them."

"Finally, after a period of time, the situation will slowly move towards a good cycle. Because of our help, they will not die because of danger ~ ~ which can gradually develop better because of our help. And we can get back the payment, and because of the help they have developed, the demand for our products has increased at the same time, and a deeper trading relationship has been established. Such a circle-like pattern, not to mention it Tie them to yourself, but it may be more appropriate to regard them as regular customers in a restaurant."

   "It looks more like mutual cooperation and help, right?"

"Knowing that you would think so." Cassia nodded, "It sounds like mutual cooperation and help, but in reality, we are raising them more and more. One thing is clear. They are not growing because of themselves. , But we, and our factors still occupy a large part. In summary, if we withdraw the necessary help, the next time, the next time they are in danger, they are likely to end in death completely. So It’s not an exaggeration to regard these buyers and middlemen as their semi-open cultivation of “leeks”, because once they leave the nutrients we injected, it will be difficult for them to survive as usual. So when the set time comes, we can mention a little At the price, we started to slowly reap more benefits from them. Because at that time, the possibility of them leaving us is very small."

   "That..., the king's power..." Phinea was surprised, and she suddenly felt that her magnification for "that little bit" was still low.

   Cassia shook his head immediately, not wanting the two to misunderstand: "I also hope that the actual situation is like this, but it is absolutely impossible to reach this height at present."

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