Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1167: Alternatives and arms dealers (8)

The funds have been prepared for Delya, and another separate account ensures that large amounts of funds can be paid at any time. This time, Cassia was about to take Phinea. Most of the recent trainings are about business and helping oneself negotiate with others.

After that, Phinea and Geers will come out independently and make a special trip to deal with Trevikang and establish a power in appearance. Even if most of the things come to them, even if they are completely finished, the important ones will be transferred to Waters and Delya again.

During this time, Wimmer finally received a communication. Has successfully joined the army, and will stay in the gathering town to rest in the next few days, temporarily not participating in the attack and sweep of this area without air defense forces.

"Evan died while attacking the third air defense weapon launching platform, and I also suffered a lot of injuries." Wimmer returned to the house where Phinea and others were held, and asked if Cassia had let go. They said, "In the end, only five people evacuated smoothly. I think if it weren't for Mr. Soriatu, you helped us and delayed the enemy's support, I can probably guess what the result was."

Upon learning that Cassia was in the city next to the General Air Defense Base, Vermeer said he wanted to come. I was directly rejected by Cassia, knowing that there would be no good things. When the surrounding area is controlled, the king's offensive will also encounter huge obstacles, and then it will be the time when the two sides really rely on their own strength to fight.

The decision has been made, and I will go over and take a look at that moment. But as long as the imperial surgeon in the rebel forces does not take action, he will no longer provide other help to the king's forces. The war of attrition in a short period of time may be what Cassia wants to see. Although he has not yet clear this idea in his heart, it is a real expectation that he hopes that Waters will receive more orders.

At night, leaving Phinea and Geers in the house, Cassia and Hesley went to the street and found a restaurant to sit down at random. In less than two days, most of the strange atmosphere at the beginning dissipated. Although the investigation of the king's power is still in progress, and occasionally the slight gunfire from a distance can be captured, ordinary people in the city seem to have adapted. This situation may have a lot to do with the propaganda of the king's forces. They clearly told them that this war is just a duel between the two in a personal relationship, and no one else will be involved.

Of course, I hope to get their support to make this country peaceful and prosperous as soon as possible.

It was just over 8 o'clock in the evening, and the darkening of the sky didn't take long. There were not many people in the restaurant, and Cassia and Hesley ordered something at random.

"In a few days, the king’s focus will be on the battle with the rebel forces. During this time, I will ask Waters to assist you in preparing. At that time, there is a very important thing that needs to be handed over to you. Do it, and you can go back to the empire exactly once." Cassia went directly into the subject. The two came out separately to discuss these.

Hesley drank half a glass of wine in one sip, his face full of nostalgia: "That is to say, the harvest at the mine base is rich?"

"Unexpectedly, there were a lot of things that were unexpected. The planned things will always become uncontrollable due to various accidents." As if clinking glasses with Hesley, Cassia picked up his own. Juice gestured and took a sip, "I have carried the high-efficiency hotmelt potion, but there is no chance to use it. Because of the imperial surgeons, the rebel forces seem to trust them. After destroying the steam furnace, a series of things happened. The commander chose to let his own person cooperate with the imperial surgeon to transport three super vapor compression devices."

"Then you intercepted their cargo halfway?"

"You can't say that, the interception is hard to say, because they were transported away with me. They were the driver who replaced them halfway. There are other things in the middle that played a little role." Kassia replied with a smile, and then The thing about Patrick is explained in detail once.

"This is also within your plans and calculations?"

Cassia immediately shook his head: "I was prepared to fight, but the intention was to avoid it as much as possible. I need to do this in my current status. So this is unexpected and has played a little role. Although I don’t know what the knight attendant over there will eventually do, if I cling to Patrick’s death, I don’t mind taking risks."

"In short, the rest of the matter doesn't require much energy. You can put it down here. After all, the newly joined Phinea and Geers are also good combatants. They can handle the tedious things. You these few days Then began to prepare, find a suitable and safe route, and let Waters assist you in transporting the super vapor compression device out of the Kingdom of Chil, reloading it in other countries, and retraining it all the way to the station in the Tussin area."

"The Tussini is already a powerful empire manager. After the past, she accepted it smoothly." Hesley connected to Cassia, "I will be responsible for the intermediate transportation. As long as there are no problems, the whole process is almost perfect."

Cassia agreed with this sentence with a smile: "After returning to the Empire, you can stay in Tussini for a month or two, if there is no emergency here. Of course, there are some things you need to deal with personally after returning. Delya manages the factory and connects the business of the dark world. I don't want her to spare her energy. And you may have more and better ways."

Hesley cast an inquiring look.

"The recent situation in the empire, and about Ye Jielin, and several other people's recent information. At best, Delya has only some powerful intelligence merchant resources, but you are definitely not the same."

Hesley's shrug of his shoulders seemed to be saying that he did find the right person: "There is no problem with this. I have been away for so long and go back once. It happens to be able to contact these people."

Waiting for Li Weikang's contact is still two days later. Changed to another meeting point, in another city. Terry Weikang explained that this time it was preparations for meeting with the arms dealers and the black market mechanics research team. It was necessary for Cassia to know some information in advance.

And in Terry Weikang, the day before General Pullman contacted Cassia, he received Li Suman's contact.

"General Pullman!" Li Suman's excitement made Pullman's heart trembled. He knew that there would be no good news under this voice. In other words, this is good news for Li Suman, but from Pullman's normal eyes, it will appear abnormal.


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